Sabtu, 30 April 2011

Math Activities for Kids, Math is Fun

Math activities for children will not teach them calculus. I'm not talking about calculus and all the usual nightmare imaginable about mathematics. Math is everywhere! And math is FUN!

I believe that mathematics is one of the basic things that children need to learn, besides reading. Mathematics is also the things you can teach your child as early as possible.

Teaches mathematics at the little boy could do. Introduction of shapes, colors, counting, stacking goods. All of it is math and all can be taught to young children, even infants.
Infants and young children enjoy learning. So why do not we introduce them to math? You must be careful to not force it on children so they do not hate math.
What parents need to do is work on math activities for kids, not teach math in school (I mean by rote and repetition, this will only make them hate math).

Here's some simple math activities for children:


This could be a book about a mathematician, or a picture book that introduces the concept of mathematics. I recommend reading picture books, especially for small children, because they like a picture book and will not realize they're learning math.

Here are some of 'mathematics books' that I like:

Mathematician are people too

Math Start series of books by Stuart Murphy
I really like this series because it is very simple but fun. My child understand math concepts from this book.

Mathematics books by Mitsumasa Anno
This book is probably more suitable for slightly older children, although a small child who might also like it. Mathematical concept is given slightly more difficult for small children, but the pictures and simple story makes a good picture book.

Math books by Greg Tang
These books are good, although more suitable for slightly older children. His drawings are very interesting.


Many games that involve math so play with your child. Here are some games that can help you teach math in your child:

Family Math
It's actually not a game but a book that contains math activities for kids and the whole family.

Children will recognize the pattern (and numbers too).

Snake ladder
Any game that uses dice to teach children about numbers.


In the kitchen
Let your child help set the table. Ask him how many people would come and how many plates, cups, spoons and forks needed.

Washing clothes
Separate the colored clothes of the white. Let the children separate their own clothes, white and colored, shirt and pants. Or tell them to look for pairs socks after washing.

The kids really like when you let them help cook, especially to cook their favorite cake. Let them weigh the ingredients, how many grams of sugar, how many tablespoons of salt. Calculate eggs. Cut the cake into 6 or 8, or as many people who would eat them. Cut the dry cake into circles, triangles, squares, etc..

When you compare the price in a store, do not do it myself, let your kids hear it. This will introduce them the concept of cheap and expensive, more and less. When are in the queue, show them how to count people who are in the queue and wonder how long before your turn arrives.

On the bus / car
How much farther we are from home? How many bus stops that we have passed, how much more that must be overcome? How many red cars do we see?

source :

Kamis, 28 April 2011

Existence of Non-formal Education in Developed Countries, Comparative Study

"The process of transformation of society or what is called globalization does not just change people's lives, but also changing trends in education and learning (Tilaar, 1997). Will be recognized, fundamental changes in terms of education and learning. Education must serve a twofold purpose, namely fostering humanity (human being) through the development of the whole human person, and pengembanagn human resources to enter a new life. The longer work and study to become an integral frame of lifelong education. because of advanced knowledge and to increase exponentially, so in order to perform the job properly, one must meningaktkan knowledge through continuous education.

The urge to constantly learn more and more stronger, education and learning in essence is life itself. Therefore, learning outside the school and outside the university are increasingly important role. In the past, schools and universities became the primary center or even the only one learning centers. At this time, the workplace has gradually become a new learning centers, the workplace has become an important place of learning.

Non-Formal Education UNESCO defines as "any organized and sustained educational activities do not correspond That exactly to the definition of formal education. May non-formal education therefore take place both Within and outside educational institutions, and Cater to persons of all ages. Depending on country contexts, it May cover educational Programmes to impart adult literacy, basic education FPR out of school children, lifeskills, work skills, general culture. Programmes of Non-formal education do not necessarily follow the 'ladder' system, and May have differing durations, and May or May not confer certification of the learning is achieved "(UNESCO, 1997).

In many countries that have influenced or are facing the task of early development, the formal school system lacks the capacity to handle all children and adolescents, or children can not benefit from the system. Parents and children as well as teachers and education authorities tend to look for quick fixes of formal schooling to avoid missing school days. Therefore, non-formal education activities provide youth and children access to learning outside the school, strengthening self-esteem and help them to find their way in providing contribute to society. In some cases, these activities may also be a bridge to help children and youth in improving academic skills, directly where they can re-enter the formal school system.

Education activities outside of school can take forms such as literacy classes, cultural activities such as music, dance or drama, exercise and team sports, education relating to the rights of children or other specific learning. Depending on the provider and its context, non-formal education also includes the accelerated learning program that aims for children and adolescents who have lost school time to get back into the formal school system.

Non-formal education can also be used as an important supplement for students enrolled in formal schools. Dalah critical situation, the formal school curriculum often includes the core subjects only, or only a few important topics in order to survive in the new environment. School a short time in most of the beginning of the emergency situation makes it difficult to add more subjects in the curriculum. As an alternative that can be achieved by some students to get extra in non-formal learning activities. In conflict situations, or after natural disasters, non fomal educational activities may be needed to better focus on specific subjects, like environmental education, nature awareness, peace education and conflict resolution, reproductive health, hygiene, prevention of disease or epidemic, care and HIV prevention / AIDS, psychological care, and human rights.

Existence of Non-Formal Education in Developed Countries

a. Factor underlying the development of Non-Formal Education in developed countries

One characteristic of society today is that technology is increasingly used in society, routine jobs increasingly scarce, while non-routine work that requires high qualification. Formal education is becoming increasingly easier tergapai by everyone, so that social mobility increases. The greater the equality of learning opportunities, available to anyone who wants to go forward and more and more attention given to the role of the government's talent, the more and more matanglah talent that will be produced to meet the demands of work in sehala levels of society.

Modern society is also marked by changes and greater mobility, and the most prominent is the mobility of population as a result of economic rationalization and high technology. Horizons of individual experience also extends thanks to the mass media, so that he touched and the international languages ​​that causes people to travel more than parents and his ancestors first. Given all that, do not be surprised if people become very complex, something that is caused by the existence of different values ​​and the presence of so many alternative patterns of thinking and acting.

Currently developed countries are facing major challenges, namely the effect of globalization, the emergence of new industrialization and high competition between countries. Nagara has developed a new trend in terms of demographics, with age and increased need for immigrant labor. Finally, labor markets in developed countries to be changed, which again largely influenced by the development in technology.

Last challenge triggered the emergence of knowledge-based economy and society, which makes education and training is more important than ever. In Europe or even in other developed countries need not only to renew their skills, but also to acquire new knowledge. They do it to live and succeed in their modern society, as well as for personal fulfillment.

Changes in demographics in these countries caused a massive migration of labor from outside the country, there are high-skilled labor but also many who do not have the skills and necessary treatment. There's even a skilled yet, but often these skills below the standard or not recognized and can not be used in the job market.

In addition, demographic changes also occur associated with a population in developed countries, where population numbers USI 24-55 years less or only reached 15%, while for ages 60-80 from 10 people ratio is then one of them is age 60-80. What's worse is of three persons, one person is the population aged 55-64 years.

Cultural changes led to older people and the very old, so that non-formal education is needed to help them to be active much longer in his work, and enabling them to live and active in their lives after retirement.

Basic skills and key competencies currently recognized as a very important need in developed countries. In Japan as one of the developed countries in Asia, non-formal education conducted in nearly all the departments that exist in government, ranging from youth clubs, training centers, sports centers, and so forth.

b. Forms of Non-Formal Education in developed countries

Non-formal education in developed countries is very different from education in developing countries, in developed countries non-formal education focused on democracy and active citizen, media and information and communication technology.

New forms of illiteracy in the developed world have differences with illiteracy in developing countries where people called illiterate if he marginalized or have access to much of the information technology (ICT) in their daily life or in professional jobs. So someone who is not computer literate will be spared or lack access to important information which are mainly available only in digital form.

As for other forms of non-formal education in developed countries are directed at different things as follows: 1) basic skills for all (New basic skills for all), 2) investing more in human resources (More investment in human resources), 3) innovation in teaching and learning (Innovation in teaching and learning), 4) the learning value (valuing leraning), 5) rethinking guidance and counseling (Rethinking guidance and counseling), and 6) bring more learning into the home dean (Bringing Learning Closer to home .)

c. Government support to Non Formal Education

In Finland, the community capacity to meet the needs of life is now viewed through a policy program for citizen participation, as a result the role of lifelong education that supports the citizens to become active and democratic society will be strengthened in schools, adult education and political activity.

Financial support is very much that non-formal education programs can be implemented, in addition to diversion of funds because of corruption in government agencies and institutions of non-formal education providers is very little or nothing to say.

The existence of continuity between government departments in implementing non-formal education programs, so there is no overlap between these programs. Besides, the government is also working with industry to provide internship opportunities to students.

d. The challenge faced by developed countries in the implementation of Non Formal Education

In some countries in Europe and North America, where primary education is not a problem for most of the population, there is a statement of good does utuhan to test and examine the needs that can not be found, especially for special groups such as Gypsies, migrants, and asylum seekers. This occurs when there is an attempt settlement through policies for the development of capacity building structure, support mechanisms, and financial cooperation to improve the quantity and quality of adult learning in lifelong education, broad-minded education and deals with life, it is clear raihannya uneven.

There is a substantial relationship to the conceptual level, following the change in pressure of adult education for adult learners in the lifelong learning plan, which is the influence of international agencies such as UNESCO, OECD and EU. At the level of practice in the field, there are many differences in iterpretasinya.

Participation of adult learning in education is still very limited, if compared with the amount of hope in 2010 that reached 12.5%, currently only recorded average only reached 10.8%. The greatest challenge is to increase the volume of participation in adult learning through non-formal education. Next is to ensure the quality of learning non-formal education through improved teaching methodology, improving the quality of staff, improving the delivery of quality and service quality improvement and its implementation.

Recognition and validation of learning output is a non-formal education program which is currently and has been implemented in developed countries. This program begins with a program to improve the quality of non-formal education by improving the quality of learning, educators and peningakatan quality advice and infrastructure.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

9 Principles of Adult Education

"Education" has a lot of sense, but it is generally accepted as a change in behavior. Writing is not intended to analyze existing theories behind Adult Education, but to understand the principles of Adult Education (or commonly abbreviated POD) is acceptable. The principles presented here are essentially similar to that developed in some training using the instructional method, but one thing that sets the principles of POD is more widely known.
These principles are related to training (training) and education, and is usually applied to the formal classroom situation or for the system on the job training (apprenticeship). Each form of training should contain as much as possible that these nine principles below. So it is easy to remember (9 principles), then usually digunakn bridge system mnemonic donkey or foreign terms, namely RAMP 2 FAME.

R = recency
A = Appropriateness
M = Motivation
P = Primacy
2 = 2 - Way Communication
F = Feedback
A = Active Learning
M = Multi - Sense Learning
E = Excercise

These principles are in many ways is very important, because it allows you (coach) to prepare a proper and adequate sessions, presenting sessions effectively and efficiently, also allows you to evaluate for these sessions. Let's look at the ideas underlying the term RAMP 2 FAME. It is important to note that these principles are not presented in a sequence. Same position in a relation between relations.

R - recency

The law of recency shows us that something is learned or received at the last moment is the most remembered by participants / participants. This suggests two separate pengetian in education. First, with regard to the contents (matter) at the end of the session and the second relates to the "fresh" in the minds of participants. In the first application, it is important for coaches to make the summary as often as possible and believe that the key messages / core always emphasized again at the end of the session. In the second application, indicating the coach to make the plan review per section in each presentation.

The factors for consideration of the recency

Try to keep each session given the relatively short term, no more than 20 minutes (if that is possible).
If the session is more than 20 minutes, must often be summarized. More panjangsebaiknya session was divided into sessions, shorter sessions with a few breaks so you can make a summary.
End of each session is vital. Make a summary / recap of the whole session and give emphasis on the messages or key points.
Strive for the participant / participants remain "aware" of where the direction and development of their learning


Law of appropriatenes or fitness tells us that overall, be it training, information, assistive devices used, case studies, case studies, and other materials must be tailored to the needs of the participant / participants. Participants will be easy to lose motivation if the coach fails to strive for material relevant to their needs. In addition, trainers must continually provide opportunities for participants to find out how the relationship between new information with previous knowledge already obtained the participants, so that we can eliminate the concern about something that is vague or unknown.

Factors to consider about appropriatness:

Coaches must clearly identify a need for participants to take part in training. With the needs identified, the trainer must make sure that sehala something related to sessions in accordance with those needs.
Use the description, examples or illustrations that are familiar (familiar) with the participants.
M: Motivation

Law of motivation tells us that pastisipan / participant must have a desire to learn, he should be ready to learn, and must have a reason to learn. Coach found that if participants have a strong motivation to learn or feel the desire to succeed, he will be better than others in learning. First of all because the motivation to create the environment (atmosphere), learning becomes fun. If we fail to use the law of similarity (appropriateness) and neglect to make the material relevant, we will be bound to lose motivation of participants.

Factors to consider about the motivation:

Materials must be meaningful and valuable to the participants, not only for the coach
That should be motivated not only participants but also the coach itself. For if the coach is not motivated, training may be not attractive and did not even achieve the desired goals.
As mentioned in the law of similarity (appropriateness), the coach at one time one needs to identify why participants came to the training. Coaches usually can create motivation by saying that this session can meet the needs of participants.
Move from side to know to not know. Start the session with the things or points which are familiar or familiar to participants. Slowly wake up and connect the points together so that each knows where their direction in the training process.
Q: Primacy (Attract Attention at the beginning of session)

Law of Primacy tells us that the first things that the participants are usually well-studied, also the first impression or a series of information obtained from the coaches really very important. For this reason, there is a good practice is to incorporate all the key points at the beginning of the session. During the current session, key points and also develop other information-related. It is included in the law of Primacy is the fact that when participants are shown how to do things, they must be shown the right way at first. The reason for this is that sometimes very difficult to "teach" the participants at the time they make a mistake at the beginning of the exercise.

Factors to consider about the Primacy:

Once again, try-session session is given in a relatively short period of time. We recommend about 20 minutes as suggested in the law of recency.
The beginning of your session will be very important. As you might know that some many of the participants will listen to, and therefore make it interesting and give the load key information into it.
Try to keep the participant is always "aware" of the direction and progress of learning.
Reassure participants will gain the right things when you first ask them to do something

Law of 2-way-communication 2-way communication or are clearly stressed that the training process involves communication with the participants, not on them. Various forms of presentation should use the principle of 2-way communication or reciprocity. This does not necessarily mean that the entire session must be in the discussion, but which allows the interaction between the trainer / facilitator and participant / participants.

The factors for consideration of a 2-way communication:

Your body language is also associated with 2-way communication: you must feel confident that it does not conflict with what you say.
Plan your sessions should have interaction with whom it was designed, which is none other than the participant.

Law of feedback or feedback shows us both the facilitator and participants need information from each other. The facilitator needs to know that the participants follow and keep paying attention to what is presented, and vice versa participants also need feedback in accordance with the appearance / performance.

Strengthening also need feedback. If we appreciate the participant (positive reinforcement) to do things right, we have a much greater chance for them to change their behavior as we wish. Beware also that too much negative reinforcement will probably keep us obtain our response harapakan.

The factors for consideration regarding feedback:

Participants must be tested periodically for feedback for the facilitator
At the time of the participants tested, they should obtain feedback on their performance as soon as possible.
Tests may also include the questions that are given periodically on the condition of the facilitator group
All feedback should be positive not, as believed by many people. Positive feedback is only half of it and almost no benefit without any negative feedback
When participants do or say is true (eg answering questions), call or announce it (in front of a group / other participants if that is possible).
Prepare your presentation so that there is positive reinforcement that is built in the early sessions.
Notice that the participants really give positive feedback (do well) as well as to those who gave negative feedback (make mistakes).

Law of active learning shows us that the participants learn to be more aggressive if they are actively involved in the training process. Remember the proverb that says "Learn While Working"? This is important in the training of adults. If you wish to instruct the participants to write reports, do not just tell them how it should be made but provide an opportunity for them to do so. Another advantage of this is an adult is generally not used to sitting all day in the classroom, therefore the principle of active learning will help them not saturated.

The factors for consideration of active learning:

Use the exercises or practice for giving instruction
Use lots of questions during instruction
A quick quiz can be used in order to remain an active participant
If possible, allow participants to do what is in the instruction
If the participant is allowed to sit for a long time without participating or given the questions, chances are they will be sleepy / lose attention.


Law of the multi-sense learning to say that learning would be far more effective if participants use more than one of the five senses. If you tell the trainees about a new type of sandwich they might remember. If you let them touch, smell and feel well, there's no way for them to forget it.
The factors for consideration of multiple-sense learning:

If you memberitah / say something to the participants, try to show it properly
Use as many senses of the participants if it is necessary as a means of learning them, but do not forget the target to be achieved
When using a multiple-sense learning, you must make sure that it is not difficult for groups to mendengarnyaa, see and touch whatever you want.
I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand
(Confucius, 450 BC)


Law of the exercise indicates that something is repeated the most memorable. By making the participants do the exercises or repeat the information provided, we can increase the likelihood of them increasingly able to recall information already provided. It is best if the trainer to add exercises or repeat a lesson by repeating information in different ways. Maybe the coach can talk about a new process, and then show a diagram / overhead, show the finished product and finally asked the participants to complete the tasks assigned. Exercise is also about intensity. The law of exercise also refers to the mean repetition or re-learning.

The factors for consideration in the exercise:

The more often trainees to repeat something, the more they remember the information given
By providing a recurring question we improve exercise
Participants had to repeat the exercise itself, but the record does not include
Summarize as often as possible because it is another form of exercise. Make always when concluding session summary
Create a regular participant always remember what has been made so far in the presentation
Often said that without some form of exercise, participants will forget 1 / 4 of what they learn in 6 hours, 1 / 3 in 24 hours, and about 9% in 6 weeks.

The principles of learning related to the training and education. These principles are used in all sectors / areas, both in the classroom or apprenticeship system. These principles can be used to children and adolescents as well as to adults. Effective instruction must use as many of these principles, if not its whole. When you are planning a session, see the entire draft to ensure that these principles have been used and if not, might need a revision (repair).

Selasa, 19 April 2011

8 ways for independent child

Having an independent child, who did not want? Children are independent, meaning he could serve the needs of their own and are responsible for yourself.

To establish the child becomes independent, it is not difficult, provided you are patient dn consistent. Here are tips to form independent subsidiaries:

1. Begin with the skills of taking care of themselves. Starting from eating, brushing teeth, and wearing their own clothes.

2. Give time for free play where they can develop their own ideas, as well as learn and keep myself busy entertaining themselves.

3. Grow large, they can help the household tasks such as watering plants or taking out the trash.

4. When all is going well, they should be allowed to set their own time in school and her social affairs. Parents only intervene if they feel the child melen syrup from its path.

5. Children should be given responsibility and held accountable when they do not fulfill their duties. This will give a feeling important and they will feel that their parents trust them to do the job.

6. Condition is very fit and strong body is an important part of feeling competent and independent. Children should be encouraged to do sports and outdoor activities.

7. Allow children to determine their own goals, unless you feel they chose the easy way while you know their true ability is much higher.

8. Always remember, you will not always be beside them, protect them when to face trial in their lives. The best help them become independent.

Source : Nina Chaerani

Senin, 18 April 2011

Adult Education in Learning Communities

Education in general is as a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have spiritual powers, religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, character and nobility, as well as the necessary skills themselves, society, nation and the state. In essence, education is a conscious process to develop the potential of the individual that has the intelligence of thought, emotional, character and skilled to be ready to live in the midst of society. The basic principle of education is to humanize humans, develop the basic potentials of learners for brave and capable of facing any problem faced by without feeling depressed, able, and pleased to enhance its disposition as a caliph in the earth, thus compelled to maintain themselves as well as its relationship with the Lord

Education or learning is a process to be himself (Process of Becoming) is not a process to be established (process of Beings haped) according to the will of others, then learning activities should involve individual or client in the process of thinking what they want, look for what can be done to fulfill that desire, determine what action needs to be done, and plan and do what needs to be done to make that decision. Can be said is the task of educators in general is to help people learn how to think about themselves, manage the affairs of their own lives and consider the views and interests of others. With a brief to help others to grow and mature. In andragogi, adult involvement in the learning process is much greater, because from the beginning must be made a diagnosis on the needs, formulate goals, and evaluate learning outcomes and implement them together. Based on
This understanding of learning can be viewed as an activity in addition to education and training guidance

In helping the provision of education for the people who for any reason are not served in the formal school channels. The concept of non-formal education should be based on community needs, not the government's desire (Aliasar 2005). This means that before the community education program is developed needs to be understood correctly what and how the needs of real people. It is necessary to study the needs analysis (needs assessment) so that the program presented to the people they really need and supported by the surrounding natural resources to support the competencies they possess. Likewise for management should be left to the society, the dominance of government should be reduced.

Community-based education is basically designed by society to membelajarkan itself through interaction with their environment, and thus the concept of community-based education to be "of society, by society, and to society." According to Young, (1980) says that community-based education emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs of society and community solutions by using the potential that exists in the environment. A very important aspect in education among other community-based lifelong education, community involvement, involvement of community organizations, and use of underutilized resources as a social place.

In addition, Brookfield (1987) comparison between community-based education (community-based education) with school-based education (school-based education). Among others, indicated that community-based educational curriculum is integrated with everyday life, the issues raised should be relevant to the needs of the community, the learning sequence depends on citizen learning, flexible learning time, using the concept of functional skills, using the approach andragogi (adult education), and do not put a diploma.

From the above opinion can be concluded that community-based education is education in the community, education that meet the needs of society, managed by the community, utilizing existing facilities in the community, and requires public participation.

Adult learning methods
Concepts and methods of adult learning is to membelajarkan adults through adult education should be carried out with appropriate methods and strategies are called andragogi method. Adults as students in learning activities can not be treated like regular students children who were sitting in a traditional school. It should be understood that the adults who grew up as a person and has a maturity of self-concept moves from dependency as it does on childhood toward independence or self-direction.

Therefore, it should be understood that, adults who grew up as a person and has a maturity of self-concept moves from dependency as it does on childhood toward independence or self-direction.

One important aspect of education today which require attention is the concept of education for adults. Not always we talk about education and review of school pupils who are relatively young. Reality on the ground, that not a few adults who should get a good education informal and non-formal education, such as education in the form of skills, courses, upgrading and so forth.

The problem that often arises is how to tips, and strategies that in fact membelajarkan adults do not occupy the school. Adult psychological maturation as a person with self-directed this encourages the emergence of a very deep psychological need is the desire of others viewed and treated as a person who directs himself, not directed, forced and manipulated by others. That way when the adults have a situation that did not allow himself to be himself then he will find himself depressed and feel bad. Because an adult not a child, then adult education can not be equated with the education of school children. Need to understand what is driving for adults to learn, what barriers they experienced, what he expects, how he can learn best and so on (Lunandi, 1987).

An understanding of adult development psychology course has important meaning for educators and non-formal education teachers in dealing with adults as students. Growing understanding of the psychology of such adults to grow in a theory known as andragogi. Andragogi as a science that has broad and deep dimension to the theory of learning and teaching. In brief, this theory provides an essential basic support for adult learning activities. Therefore, education or adult learning effort requires a special approach and should have a strong grasp of the concept theory based on assumptions or understanding of adults as students.

Activities either through formal education or outside the region and non-formal have diverse activities. Adult education, especially non-formal community education is most of the students or participants are adults, or at least a youth or teen. Therefore, educational activity requires a separate approach. By using the theory of activity or business andragogi adult learning within the framework of realization of development or achievement of the ideals of lifelong education can be obtained with the support of theoretical concepts or the use of technologies that can be justified.

One of the problems in the sense andragogi is his view that suggests that the education objective is to transmit knowledge. But on the other with a very rapid change such as innovation and technological development, changes in the system, cultural, economic, and political developments. And the knowledge gained someone as a teenager will become obsolete when he was an adult. It is demanding changes to a sustainable (sustainability) for educators.

The principles of adult learning
The principles of adult learning and the constraints that are often experienced in applying these principles;
1. In many practices, lessons for adults do the same with children's learning. The principles and assumptions applicable to the education of children considered to be applied to adult education activities. Almost everything known about the learning drawn from the research study related to the child. So also about teaching, drawn from the experience of teaching young children for example in conditions must be present and all the theories regarding the transaction, teachers and students is based on a definition of education as a process of cultural displacement. However, adults with various cultural backgrounds are as a person who has matured, and have other needs in terms of learning areas set around the problem of his life. They feel ashamed to learn, especially if you are teaching them younger than them.
2. Adult education can be defined as an organized whole educational process, on any form of content, what level of status and methods used in this education process, both formal and non-formal education, both within the framework of continuing education at school or as a substitute for education at school, in the course, job training and in college, which makes adults are able to develop abilities, skills, enrich knowledge, improve the qualifications keteknisannya or professionalism in an effort to realize the dual capability in a side capable personal mengembangankan intact and able to realize its participation in the development of socio-cultural, economic, and technology freely, balanced, and sustainable.
3. Pertumbuan adults start in mid-adolescence (adolescence) to adulthood, in which individuals not only have a tendency to grow towards self drive but actually he wants other people view themselves as an independent person who has self-identity. With so adults do not want people looking at him let alone treat him like a child. He expects the recognition of others will be autonomous themselves, and guaranteed ketentramannya to keep her identity with rejection and disapproval of others would be any attempt to pressure, force, and manipulation of behavior directed toward him. Unlike children who are several levels are still the object of surveillance, control of another person namely surveillance and control of adults who are standing by, against him.
4. Education or learning, adults no longer be the object of socialization that seems to be formed and influenced to adapt themselves to the desire to hold authority over himself, but the purpose of learning or adult education course is more directed to the achievement of stabilization of identity itself to become himself; or, if you borrow the term Rogers in Knowles (1983), aims to deliver learning activities to a private individual or menemuan his true identity. In terms of learning or education is a process of Becoming a Person. Not the process of formation or the process of being shaped to a process of control and manipulation to fit with others, or, if you borrow the term Maslow (1966), learning is a process to achieve aktualiasi self (self-actualization).

The description above is in accordance with the conception of Rogers in Knowlws (1983) about learning more client centered. In this approach Roger basing on the following alternative hypotheses that are recommended in the implementation process of education that contains education:
1.Bahwa every individual living in an ever-changing world in which experience itself is as central, and everyone reacts like he's experiencing and interpreting experience. This means that he emphasized that the meaning that comes from the meaning that is owned. That way, learning is self learning and who knows how far she has mastered something that I learned was himself. With such a hypothesis is then in the learning activities, active involvement of students has very important position and depth.
2.Seseorang learn with full meaning only if he learned something useful in the development of the structure itself. This emphasizes the importance of learning programs that are relevant to their needs, namely to benefit himself. This means not just acquiring knowledge, but more fundamental is to obtain the skills that can support life at that time.
3.Penciptaan pleasant climate, acceptance, and help each other to instill confidence and responsibility.
4.Perbedaan perception of each individual is given protection. This means that in addition to the need to provide a safe learning environment, also need the development of autonomy to the individual.

In this case, contained in it the realization that wanted to develop the educational activity. First to realize the achievement of the development of each individual, and second to realize the increased involvement (participation) in the social activities of every individual. Moreover, that education includes all aspects of the learning experience necessary,

Thus it can positively impact the success of learning that looks at the change of behavior toward fulfilling the achievement of capabilities / skills are adequate. Here, each individual is faced with another individual will be able to learn together with confidence. Changes in behavior in terms of cooperation in various activities, is the result of a change after the introduction of the learning process, namely the process of attitude change was not confident the change in full confidence by increasing knowledge or skills. Changes in behavior due to the change (increase) in knowledge or skills as well as a change in mental attitude is very clear, in terms of education is not enough just to provide additional knowledge, but must be equipped also with a strong confidence in private. Increased knowledge alone without strong self-confidence, surely able to bring about change in a positive direction in the form of both physical and mental renewal in a real, comprehensive and sustainable.

Changes in behavior in the learning occurs through the education process associated with the development of themselves as individuals, and in this case, it's possible participation in social life to improve our own wellbeing, and prosperity for others, because productivity is further improved. For students fulfilling their needs are very basic, so that once those needs are met he can switch to the business needs of other, more still needed as a refinement of his life.

This means that each individual must meet the most basic needs (food and clothing), before he was able to feel the need for a higher improvement of basic needs as before, namely the need keamanaan, respect, self esteem, and actualization itself. When the most basic needs of the physical needs of food, clothing, and the board has not met, then any individual not need or feel what is called as self-esteem. After basic needs were met, then every individual needs to feel safe away from fear, anxiety, and fears for the safety of himself, because insecurity will only give birth prolonged anxiety. Then if the security has been met, then each individual need respect for her rights which are recognized by any individual outside of himself. If all of which are met then the individual is felt to have self-esteem. In this connection, of course, adult education who have self-esteem and identity requires recognition, and it will be very influential in the learning process. Psychologically, knowing the needs of adults as the participants in the education / training, it can be easily and can be determined to learn the conditions that must be created, the content of what material should be provided, strategies, techniques and what is the appropriate method to use.

In education or learning activities, adults no longer be the object of socialization that seems to be formed and influenced to adapt themselves to the desire to hold authority over himself, but the purpose of learning or adult education course is more directed to the attainment of self-stabilization of identity to be himself, or, if you borrow the term Rogers in Knowles (1983), aims to deliver learning activities to a private individual or menemuan his true identity. In terms of learning or education is a process of Becoming a Person. Not the process of formation or the process of being shaped to a process of control and manipulation to fit with others, or, if you borrow the term Maslow (1966), learning is a process to achieve aktualiasi self (self-actualization).

As already mentioned above that in adults as students who are already growing maturity of the concept itself arose deep psychological need for the lust of the eye and treated other people as a whole person who directs his own. However, not only adults but also youth or adolescents also have similar needs. According Peaget theory (1959) on psychological development of approximately 12 years and above individual has to think in the adult form of the term he has reached the development of formal operations thought. In this development stage the individual has to solve all problems logically, to think scientifically, to solve the problems of complex verbal or brief cognitive structure has been reached maturity. In this period, individuals begin to develop an understanding of self (self) or identity (identitiy) that can be conceived separately from the outer world around him. Unlike children, teens here (adolescence) is not only to understand the state of nearby objects but also the possibility of a state that objects in thought. In the case of the values ​​of teenagers began to question and comparing. Expected values ​​are always compared with actual values. In short we can say the life of adolescents is the degree to which such processes occur, and this went on until it reaches maturity.

With so presumably it is clear that everyone (not just adults) have the ability to think of himself, and realizes that there is a conflicting situation between the values ​​adopted and the behavior of others. Therefore, it can be said since pertengaham adolescence individuals develop what is said "understanding ourselves" (sense of identity).

Furthermore, Rogers (1983) developed the concept andragogi on four main assumptions that are different from pedagogy. The four main assumptions are as follows.

Assumptions First, a person grow and mature concept for him to move from total dependence towards self-direction. Or simply to say to the children the concept itself is still dependent, while in adults the concept itself is independent. Since independence this is an adult concept itself requires appreciation of others as human beings who can drive themselves. If he faced a situation where he did not allow himself to be self-directing it will be a reaction not happy or reject.

The second assumption, as individuals grow mature will collect a large amount of experience where it caused him to be a rich learning resource, and at the same time giving him a broad base for learning something new. Therefore, in a decline in the use of technology andragogi transmital technique as that used in traditional education and the more developed the technique of experience (experimental-technique). So the use of discussion techniques, laboratory work, simulations, field experiences, and other more widely used.

The third assumption, that education is directly or indirectly, implicitly or explicitly, definitely played a major role in preparing children and adults to fight for existence in the middle of the community. Therefore, schools and education becomes a powerful means to make the process of integration and social disintegration in the society (Kartini Kartono, 1992). Accordingly, we assume that each individual becomes mature, the readiness to learn is less determined by the academic and development of biological compulsion, but rather is determined by the demands of the task to perform the role of social development. In other words, adults learn something because they require levels of development that must confront its role whether as workers, parents, the head of an organization, and others. Readiness to learn they were not solely academic under compulsion, but because of the necessities of life and to carry out social roles.

The fourth assumption, that children are conditioned to have a learning orientation, based on the subjects (subject centered orientation) because of learning for children as if it is a necessity imposed from outside. Medium adults tend to have a learning orientation, based on the life problem solving (problem-centered-orientation). This is because learning to adults as if it is a necessity to face the problem of his life.

Lessons are given to adults can be effective (faster and attached to his memory), when mentors (tutors, teachers, officials, instructors, and the like) do not dominate the class, reducing a lot of talk, but efforts for individual adults were able to find alternatives to develop their personality. A good coach should strive to many listen and accept one's ideas, then evaluate and answer their questions. Adults are intrinsically creative creatures where a person is able to move / explore the potential that exists within them. In this effort, required skills and special tips that can be used in the learning. In addition, adults can dibelajarkan active when they feel more involved now in a learning activity, especially when they are engaged to contribute thoughts and ideas that make them feel valued and have pride in front of fellow friends. That is, adults will learn better if his personal opinion is respected, and will be more happy if he can brainstorm ideas and put forward the idea of ​​mind, rather than merely cramming supervising theory and his own ideas to them.

Because of the nature of learning for adults is subjective and unique, then regardless of right or wrong, all the opinions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, theories, value systems need to be appreciated. No respect (underestimate and exclude) their self-esteem, will only turn off the passion of adult learning. However, adult learning is also important to gain the trust of his mentor, and in the end they must have confidence in himself. Without confidence, the atmosphere was conducive to learning will never materialize.
System value

Adults have different value systems, have a different opinion and stance. With the creation of good atmosphere, they will be able to express your heart and fill his mind without fear and anxiety, although they disagree with each other. Adults should have the feeling that the atmosphere / learning situations however, they may differ in opinion and may make mistakes without being threatened by something sanctions (humiliation, dismissal, ridicule, etc.). In this context it should be understood and their cultural background and economic conditions.

Disclosure of a mentor is very helpful for the progress of adults in developing their personal potential in the classroom, or in training. The nature of openness to express themselves, and open to hearing ideas, will contribute to psychological health, and their psychic. In addition, to avoid any kind of consequences that make adults receive ridicule, insults, or humiliation. The best way is the creation of an atmosphere of openness in everything, so that various alternatives freedom of ideas / ideas to be created.

In other cases, we could not deny that adult learning is distinctive and unique. Factor levels of intelligence, confidence, and feelings of control should be recognized as a typical personal rights so that the decision taken is not necessarily the same as other people's private. Togetherness in the group not always be the same in the person, because it would be very boring if only an atmosphere that seemed to only recognize one truth without any criticism that shows the difference. Therefore, educational background, cultural background, and past experience of each individual can give different colors on every decision taken.

For adults, the creation of a conducive learning atmosphere is a facility that encourages them willing to try new behaviors, dared to be different, can apply with a new attitude and willing to try the new knowledge they acquired. Although something new contain the risk of mistakes, but mistakes, and mistakes themselves are a reasonable part of learning.

In the end, adults want to know what it himself in study groups. For adults there is a tendency to know the strengths and weaknesses of themselves. Thus, it is necessary to joint evaluation by all members of the group felt valuable material for reflection, where reflection was to evaluate themselves from others who may have different perceptions.

For it is necessary to develop the concept of Community Learning (learning community). The concept of learning community suggested that the learning outcomes gained from cooperation with others. When a child just learning to play the game on an electronic instrument, he asked his friend "How do I? Please bantuin, me! "Then his friend who was always, shows how to operate the device. So, two people were already forming community learning (learning community). Things like this are important as a basic concept in learning in formal education.

The result of learning gained from 'sharing' between friends, between groups, and between the idea to the uninitiated. In this space, in this class, around here, also there are people out there, all are members of learning communities. In groups whose members should have the child hetorogen skilled / rich ideas that are not able to help, who are good at teaching the weak and so on. This process will provide a change of behavior (entering behaviors).

In interactions like this in the "learning society" needs to be two-way communication. "An educator who taught his students" are not examples of learned societies because communication only occurs in one direction, that information can only come from educators to the students, there is no flow of information to be learned educators who come from the direction of students. In learning communities, two groups (or more) is involved in learning communication learning from each other.

Relationship to the learning society is;
1.For help people deal with things objectively
2.Untuk equip adults with skills to solve problems
3.Untuk assist people in changing their social conditions
4.Untuk help communities obtain the information necessary to complete their lives.

Activity learn from each other (cooperation) can occur when there is no dominant party in the communication, no party who feel free to ask, no party who think most know, all parties must listen to each other. If every person willing to learn from others, then everyone else can even become a source of learning, and this means that everyone will be very rich with knowledge and experience.

This means that in shaping the learning society, the concept of learning pillar of UNESCO (1996:71) should be developed such as: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to life together, and learning to believe in God, which is the accumulation of various knowledge skills acquired since childhood Humans who have been provided with a pillar Learning to know will have a certain amount of knowledge and thinking skills. The combination of knowledge and thinking skills can be developed for the ability to do, improve the quality of self, ability to cooperate with others, and improved quality of life as being religious. 2) Learning to do, in human life is the urge to be creative, solve problems and make innovations. It departs from the basic knowledge which he uses to his identity and well-being of people on the basis of trust held. 3) Learning to be, made man to live independently without dependence on other parties. Based on this, humans have the freedom to get something or act. On this basis people are free to choose what you want to obtaining knowledge, is free to determine in collaboration with others that are based on norms or teaching religion. 4) Learning to live together, that man has the harmony of life in the midst of society. Together able to get some knowledge, able to act together with due respect for individual differences and the potential of each within the framework of working together. The whole task can dipertangjawabkan to God the Almighty. 5) learning to believe in God, that humans have a universal handle in dealing with the environment and is associated with the creator. In this sense that the knowledge you are looking for someone should be able to give benefit to the contents of nature itself, and how to manage them sustainably for the common good (sustainable), who are religious can account thereof to the Almighty.

All the pillars on top of a basic framework that can be developed in adult learning in order to promote the establishment of the structure and culture of lifelong learning society, so that each person will have quality of life. This is in line with the mandate of the law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Article 3, that; National Education functions to develop skills and form the character and civilization of the nations of dignity in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing students' potentials to become a man of faith and pious to God the Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable.

Aliasar (2005). Discrimination in Education Services in Inclusive Schools. Paper presented at the Analysis Seminar with participants from the Department / Agencies involved in the development of the National pPendidikan., Padang.
Aliasar and Jamaris Jamna (2005). Notes from the Continuing Education course material. Padang: Doctoral Graduate Program-UNP.
Maslow, Abraham H.1966, Motivation And Personality, New York: Harper And Row Publishers.
Piaget, J. (1970). Genetic Epistemology. New York: Columbia University Press
Rogers, Everett M.1983. Diffusion of Innovation, London: MacMillan Pub.
International Commission on Education for the XXI century, 1996, Learning: Treasure in depth, Report To UNESCO, Jakarta, Indonesia's National Commission for UNESCO Komisis

UU.Nomor 20 Year 2003 on National Education Systems, Jakarta, BP. Cipta Jaya

Young, Kimbal. 1980 Social Psychology, Apleton Century
Various Internet sources.

(Drs. Harizal, M. Pd)

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Peace Script

Literacy is a language writing system using symbol signs, not just as a series of letters or alphabets. Literacy is a tool that brought the horizon of knowledge and civilization of a nation because the script membntuk discourse that can be recognized, understood, applied and passed on from one generation next kegenerasi. Therefore, to develop sensitivity, especially towards non-violence, security, economic crises and natural disasters in the world today needs the ability of multiple characters, including letters of peace. Literacy peace to build a peaceful and prosperous civilization that is our common dream.
Literacy includes the discourse of peace, speaking, and Wisesa. The discourse of peace includes Traditional distinctions in peace education are couched in terms of negative and positive peace. Understanding and strategies to build peace by preventing violence, racism, conflict and environmental degradation. Speech or speech contains words that conveyed Peace education operates differently in the global Various contexts. Responsibility and social solidarity (social cohesion) in the context of the interests of local, national and global. Wisesa is the power that gave birth to virtue and policies required to Peace education is about empowering people with the skills, Attitudes, and Knowledge: In order to realize peace.
In the discourse of peace required an understanding of nonviolence, including anti-terror, counter-terror and not racist as an ability to live peacefully in social intimacy which is based on the attitude of compassion, tolerance, responsibility, mutual trust and fair. Next we need a strategy such as speech competence or ability and communicate based on various skills, such as precision listen, understand a different perspective, and intelligence to create solutions to resolve conflicts. Talk of peace is contextual, for example wiacara peace to the people who are not fighting a different context with the warring communities. Talk of peace for the people who experience domestic violence, terror, crime, and ethnic conflict requires insight and contextual concepts based on the interpretation of an objective and wise.
For peace Wisesa paragon of virtue is reflected in behavioral measures, moral understanding. While the policy framework in the form of empowering individuals and groups to work together to build, maintain, resolve conflicts and restore, kekaraban, social, to create the save environments, both phsycally and Emotionally, that nurture EACH individual, and the environment is safe and free from exploitation.
Education plays a role in delivering peace of this script. As we know there are some young people who look like and perpetrators of terrorism, even ready to become suicide bombers. Education needs to act to avert the emergence of a new generation of terrorists in the future, by making the child a designer or creator of peace in the future.
All children wherever they are, sharing joy, curiosity, and potential social intimacy live peacefully in a friendly, peaceful and prosperous. Education who will then determine and establish their maturity so that they can communicate and realize the script to understand the discourse of peace, including anti-terrorist and counter terrorist.
As part of the script to realize peace, yan momentum right now to encourage the empowerment of communities in helping themselves terrorism prevention through awareness and understanding of anti-terrorist, the two terms are often used interchangeably to be defined separately but with a blurred distinction.
Anti-terrorist movement is defined as passive measures fengan nearest community awareness that is intended to reduce the vulnerability of a person or group of people against terrorist acts. The point through anti-terrorist movement, the community together to create sebuag "environmental observation vigilant" to send a signal that "There is no terrorism in our society." While the movement of counter-terrorism refers to efforts to gather information on suspicious in the community, analyze it and report it immediately to the police.
The essence of the second movement is to empower the community in the early prevention of terrorism as part of the character of peace. Give up his affairs entirely counter-terrorism only to government officials as long as this occurs, tends to produce the availability of places for terrorists, even without intent or without being detected by the community. This is proof that society is less a role and be empowered in the prevention of terrorism or in peace.
Terrorist prevention movement can be made to the terrorist vulnerable communities through public education that is non-formal and informal. In this case, Community Activity Center (PKBM), workshops and learning activities (SKB), study groups, and units of similar non-formal education units can be used to deliver the peace script dan module preventive education through anti-terrorism and counter terrorism. The modules will assist communities in creating an awareness, protect the public from terror threats and identify any terrorist groups in the region. In fact, even this modules can be distributed in the visual packaging through local TV community.
Peace education is based on philosophy That Teaches non violence, love, compassion, trust, fairness, cooperation and reverence for the humanfamily and all life on our planet.

By: Ella Yulaelawati. R, Ph.D