Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Homeschooling: Model Development of Education System

Homeschooling, according to Director of Public Education Ministry of National Education Yulaelawati Ella, is the process of educational services that are conscious, organized and directed by parents or family and also the learning process takes place in a conducive atmosphere.

The goal, for each child's unique potential to develop optimally. The same formulation was also held by other educational institutions which began to activate the means of homeschooling program.

There are several reasons why parents in Indonesia prefer home school. Kecendrungannya among others, could emphasize the moral or religious education, expand the social environment and of course a better learning atmosphere, in addition to providing direct instruction that konstekstual, thematic, nonskolastik are not insulated by the limits of science-bulkhead.

According to Ela Yuliawati, this view provides the broadest sense to everyone to better express the desire and ability to gain knowledge, not only in an environment called school. Even the opportunity to gain more knowledge also has a huge opportunity in line with the development of education.

This then makes homeschooling was chosen as one of alternative teaching and learning processes in the development of education in Indonesia. Until then model homeschooling (School Houses) included in the revision of Law No. 20 of 2003 education.

IMPLEMENTATION home schooling

According to Seto Mulyadi, Chairman of the National Commission on Children, the emergence of home schooling as an alternative was necessary to prove his success as a competition draw process through non-formal systems.

Etymologically, home-schooled (HS) is held at the home school. Although called a home schoooling, does not mean the child will continue learning at home, but children can learn anywhere and anytime from the situation and conditions are really comfortable and fun just like being at home. Individual excellence is what gives meaning to the integration of subjects to students.

Seto said, the need for full support from their parents to learn, to create a creative learning and fun, and maintain interest and enthusiasm to learn the child. Because behind the convenience, home school parents also requires patience, cooperation among members of the family, and consistency in investment habits.

Seto dismiss a number of myths about homeschooling are judged wrong for this. For example, a child less socially, parents can not be a teacher, parents need to know everything, parents should spend 8 hours a day, not as much study time study time-formal schools, children are not accustomed to discipline and his own wishes, can not get a diploma and move the path to a formal school, unable to compete, and homeschooling expensive. "That's wrong," he said.

There are several classifications homeschooling formats, namely:

1. Single homeschooling
Implemented by parents in a family without joining with others for a particular case or as far-flung locations.

2. Homeschooling compound
Performed by two or more families for certain activities while still held by the principal activities of each parent. The reason: there are needs that can be compromised by some families to do activities together. For example the curriculum of the Consortium, sporting activities (eg tennis athlete of the family), the skill of music / arts, social activities and religious activities

3. Homeschooling community
Combined several homeschooling compound to prepare and determine the syllabus, teaching materials, the principal activities (sports, music / art and language), facilities / infrastructure and teaching schedule. Commitment to the implementation of learning between parents and the community about 50:50.

The reason for choosing homeschooling community, among others:
- Structured and more complete for academic education, the development of noble character and achievement of learning outcomes
- There are better learning facilities such as: workshops, nature lab, library, science laboratory / Language, auditoriums, sports facilities and art
- Space motion wider dissemination of learners but can be controlled
- Support higher because each is responsible for teaching each other according to their expertise
- Suitable for children aged above 10 years
- Combining families live far apart over the Internet and other information tools to reject the appeal (benchmarking), including for standardization

CHALLENGES home schooling

In its development, homeschooling is also facing several challenges, namely:

1. Single homeschooling
- Difficult to get support / place to ask, share and proportionate success
- Lack of place of socialization for self-expression as a condition of maturation
- Parents should assess the results of education and seek penyetaraannya

2. Homeschooling compound
- Need to compromise and flexibility of schedule, ambience, facilities and certain activities
- Need an expert in certain areas despite the presence of the parents must remain in place
- Children with expertise / special events must adjust / accept other environments with and accept differences in others as a process of identity formation
- Parents homeschool their respective organizers must organize itself penyetaraannya

3. Homeschooling community
- The need for compromise and flexibility of schedule, ambience, facilities and certain activities that can be implemented together
- The need for professional supervision so that the necessary expertise in certain areas despite the presence of the parents must remain in place
- Children with expertise or special events should also be able to adapt to other environments and accept differences in others as a process of identity formation.

STRENGTH home schooling

As an alternative education, homeschooling also has some strengths and weaknesses. Strengths / advantages homeschooling are:
- It gives independence and individual creativity rather than learning classical
- Provide opportunities for achieving individual competence as much as possible so it does not always have to be limited to compare with the highest ability, average or even lower
- Protected from the brawl, delinquency, drug, socially deviant, consumerism, and snack foods that malnutrition
- More hanging out with adults as role models
- More prepared for real life
- More are encouraged to conduct religious activities, recreation / sports family
- Helping children become more sophisticated, to understand himself and his role in the real world with the freedom of speech, reject or agree on the value-specific nlai without fear to get reproach from friend or a value less
- Membelajarkan children with a variety of situations, conditions and social environment
- Always provide an opportunity to interact with peers outside of hours learning

While the weakness of homeschooling are:

- Children who learn in homeschooling less interact with peers from different social status who can provide valuable experience to learn to live in society
- School is the place to learn the typical child who can train to compete and achieve maximum success
- Homeschooling can isolate students from the realities that are less enjoyable that can affect the development of the individual
- If children only learn in homeschooling, it is likely he will be isolated from the less favorable social environment so that he will be less prepared to deal with a variety of error or uncertainty


For homeschooling can be performed well and the child can feel comfortable in learning, then there are several prerequisites of success in carrying out homeschooling, namely:

- Willingness and determined to
- Discipline and learning lessons that were held
- Availability of sufficient time
- Flexibility in approach to learning
- The ability of parents to manage activities
- Availability of learning resources
- Compliance with specified standards
- Enforcement of legal provisions
- Convening of a socialization program for children are not alienated from society and peers
- Were established in cooperation with institutions of local and non-formal education in accordance with the principles of openness and multimakna
- Good communication is established between the organizers of homeschooling
- Availability of innovative learning assessment tools (eg in the form of portfolio and colloquia)


Then, what is to be considered by parents in organizing home school? Seto said, parents should make the child as a friend to learn and put myself as a facilitator. "" Parents need to understand that children are not miniature adults, "he said.

"Son," Seto said, "Keep playing. That's what needs to be understood by parents. Because of that, parents should not be arrogant to position himself as a teacher, but learning together. If it was not ready with it, according to Seto, better not organize home school. "

"Old man, still need to continue to increase knowledge. There must master all kinds of science, which is important, having an understanding of the child. If parents do not understand biology or mathematics lesson, for example, parents can bring in teachers for these lessons and learn with the children. Thus, the child will feel inferior, but as companions in learning, "said Kak Seto added.

What about parents who work so felt he had no time to give lessons to children in carrying out homeschooling? Seto said, "it should not be a reason."

"Whatever busy parents, still have to have time for children. If you do not have time, do not have kids," says psychologist who also holds for her eldest son's homeschooling.

Home school learning should conform with the competency standards set by the Ministry of National Education. This is so in line with growth and the ability of children, in addition to included in the evaluation and examination organized nationally.

Competency standards to guide must have a child in a particular class. Children grade VI or equivalent elementary school, for example, at least already have mastered mathematics lesson to a certain extent as well. "The standard of competency," said Seto, "It can be obtained from the Department of Education in their respective regions."

Evaluation for children who follow homeschooling can be done to include the examination which is equivalent to Package A Package B SD or junior high. "Basically," said Seto, "The evaluation can also be done with the formal school have its main office to exist." According to him, this should be done because the home school is not school wild. Presumably the parents themselves have to look in the mirror before the school held a house for the baby.

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