Kamis, 24 November 2011


A graduate school education (formal education), ranging from elementary schools to universities, certainly will not want to be unemployed, but wants to plunge into the world of work. World of work quite different to the world of learning at school. Of learning environments in schools with fewer problems, leading the hunt field work with a number of issues and at all other.
Anxiety and the anxiety that is felt to be factors internal school graduates; greeted with the promotion of a number of educational institutions that offer convenience and expertise to be ready to work as an external factor, then complete the pusher never mind the factors to develop themselves before plunging into the world of work. In such a context, determining the choice of educational institutions for the provision of work is a difficult thing.

Setting up a fund for self-development capability to be ready to work is the right attitude, but where we are going to be developed and what needs to be developed is a question to be answered, before receiving a helping hand no educational institutions for free just like that.
There are six elements that can make someone able to hunt for jobs and succeed. The sixth element is the value, feelings, skills, creativity, risk, and purpose. The six elements that have been mentioned will be discussed as follows
First, the value of which is defined as all the elements that show how a person has a decision to use her life. Value is determined by two main things, namely past experience and future expectations of riel, will promise the increasingly competitive person.
Secondly, a feeling which is defined as an emotional reaction to a given person at a particular event.
Third, a skill that is defined as any possibility of the most extensive range of attributes that represent the strengths, abilities and characteristics that provide the greatest potential, as the path to successfully face the problems, tasks, and other experiences.
Fourth, creativity, all were thought to be directed to generate more ideas than solve the problem. Always there are more than one solution of a problem, by doing modification, simplification, emphasis, or strengthening, merging with another, rearrangement, inversion, etc..
Fifth, risk-taking that is making one of the many alternatives to realize the responsibilities and risks of options that have been determined. The risk is taken into account after the failure of the minimum, maximum results are achieved, and the likelihood of success.
Sixth, the purpose of determining which is the target to be achieved. In this case there are two types of targets, namely between the target and final target. Between the target while the target is to be dilewai reach the final target.

Know the types of jobs exist, is useful for a person to determine what type of work will be selected and engaged. By type of work is divided into three, namely:
First, the field work. In accordance with its kind, this work is mostly done in the field (outdoors), both on land, sea, or air, even under the ground. Due to the location of the open course air temperature also varies according to its natural state. Therefore, the requirements of field work requires physical stamina and must have sufficient interest in the outside chores. In addition to the different locations will also be in touch with people different also. Therefore, field work should have a good adjustment. Examples of this work: sales reps / salesmen, construction workers, and farm machinery operators.
Second, the production work. This work is mostly done indoors. Environmental conditions for this work is relatively noisy (engine noise). For certain jobs, tempratur space rather hot and noisy because of the influence of the machine. This work is monotonous, so it takes perseverance and skills for workers. Examples of this work: a saw machine operators, carpenters raft hours, and rice milling machine operator.
Third, the administrative work. The working conditions for this work mostly indoors, so the influence of weather is relatively small. Noise factor and the danger of accidents is almost nonexistent. More job sitting behind a desk. The work of this kind requires adequate administrative capacity. For certain positions required power analysis, initiative, and ability to make decisions constantly. Due to the nature of work tends to be repeated and routine it takes perseverance. Examples of this work: the reception, sorting mail interpreters, secretaries, accountants and personnel managers.

Nonformal education have a curriculum that is designed to meet the urgent needs of the community, learning programs simpler, and has a short learning time / short, and the results of studies can be used immediately. Additionally PNF program a variety of shapes and types of educational units, such as group learning Package A, Package B, Package C, Chase Enterprises, Apprenticeships, skills courses, and various specialty programs; there are government-run, private, and individuals.
Looking at the characteristics, type and unit of PNF, seems to be an alternative option to develop the ability to be ready to work. All types and units of PNF as already mentioned, there and everywhere there, just choose according to your needs and interests.

At least there are five things that need attention in choosing courses PNF, ie review the syllabus (course and time), teachers / instructors, learning tools, and accreditation costs. For details discussed as follows
First, review the syllabus. Starting to learn a brochure that offered PNF institutions. Should be visited and studied more than one place PNF program, consider the pluses and minuses, Do not be easily eaten crap institution PNF program providers. Wear ratio is logical, do not involve emotions, such as a brochure that says 'free', could bear English only three weeks. Is there a business can be free, what could possibly English in just three weeks.
Consider carefully what PNF program objectives, syllabus (learning program), a long time to learn, when to begin and end when the learning program, while learning (morning, afternoon, evening or night). Compare, use the slogan 'customer is king'. If it is not clear ask the organizers of the program PNF.
Second, teachers / instructors. Whatever the name of the PNF program, so detailed silabinya, to note who the teacher / educator, educational background, teaching experience, attitude and acts of its horns when teaching, the award was obtained lattice that need to be observed and examined.
Third, a learning tool. What is the state class for teaching and learning activities, equipment and laboratory or workshop conditions, management (administration). Although the air-conditioned room is cooler, but is it imperative that the equipment required by the study.
For the manifold skills PNF program, need to be observed how the number of tools or machines, how many participants in one class, already tertibkah iterative program. It should also be observed that there was no trained skills without practice (learning by doing).
Fourth, cost considerations. What is the total cost of the program? installment number of times. Consider carefully, because the PNF program that cheap is not necessarily good, but expensive also not a guarantee of quality. PNF programs are cheap and free gift usually in bulk, the ratio of students to teachers or facilities owned by large enough. As a result the learning process is also inefficient. PNF is an expensive program sometimes caused the program facilities sought. Then the service of any kind, which must also be scraped from the pockets of students. Even no less expensive for prestige purposes. More easily, look for programs that cost PNF with a reasonable calculation.
Fifth, accreditation, or approval status of the institution / program PNF. Already diakreditasikah selected educational institutions? Who is issuing accreditation? Institutions that issue such accreditation bonafidkah enough? However the level of accreditation will determine how far kredential (diploma, certificate or letter) from the institution / program PNF valued by society or by the institution and the owner of the work (users graduates)

Person's readiness for work is not limited when graduating from a formal educational institutions (schools). Precisely how far a person's readiness to work determined to have the ability themselves to be ready to work. Elements that can strengthen the ability of self such as: a positive value in making decisions, feeling positive, productive skills of functional, purposeful creativity, the courage to take risks and determination of objectives / targets in the move.
Develop the ability to be ready to work, can be done by identifying the types of jobs that exist, and choosing the relevant PNF program to hone themselves, after considering the conditions of the learning program of choice.


Brembeck, Cole S., et.all; 1973, New Strategies For Educational Development: The Cross-Cultral Search For Formal Alternatives, Institute For International Studies College of Education, University of Michigan.

RI Department of Manpower, 1992, Classification of Occupation of Indonesia, Jakarta: Directorate General PPTK Project Development and Employment.

By: Ali Latif Amri (PLS majors Lecturer State University of Makassar)

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Education Literacy Tutor Approach BalibolaE

The term "BalibolaE" lifted from the roots of local culture Bugis, taking into account the characteristics of a religious society, upholding the value of mutual cooperation, kinship, loyalty, and respect for the ancestral culture.
Morphologically, the word "BalibolaE" comes from the language of the Bugis "Bali bola". The word "bali" usually means "face", "coupled" and "bola" home or place of residence. In writing written separately, and when added the letter "E" on the back, then continued writing. The function of the word "E" on the word in bugis pointed adjectives. "Bali bola" is commonly translated into Indonesian with the meaning of neighbor. In the teachings of the Prophet of Islam teaches that the limits are 40 houses of the neighbors left and right side, front and rear. In fact there is a limit as far as the eye could see neighbors are.
From some of the above definition, the word "balibolaE" all refer to family relationships, kinship and familiarity. Tutor approach "BalibolaE" was appointed as one approach to teaching literacy education, because one characteristic of learning in literacy education is removed from the context and local design.
The implementation of literacy education through tutors approach "balibolaE" is a model of educational services for the citizens who have not been capable of writing, reading, and arithmetic by utilizing local potentials (tutors, cultural, social and resource potential) in the neighborhood residents learned. In its application the concept of tutors' balibolaE "not only the person (tutor) but everything that supports the learning process within / around the house and in an environment where residents are learning it. The hallmark of literacy education through tutors approach "balibolaE" are:
(1) tutors were recruited from neighboring residents to learn,
(2) learning target by each tutor is not pegged to the system group (10 persons), depending on how many people are illiterate neighbor and tutor's own ability,
(3) incentives valued tutor / paid in accordance with the number of residents served learning, and
(4) learning themes and designs lifted from the context in which local residents learned about it was, starting from the smallest neighborhood, home and contents , and around the house and neighbors.