Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Evaluation of learning outcomes with a literacy patrol model

Literacy learning success is greatly influenced by the form of evaluation used in measuring achievement citizens learn literacy skills. Learning outcomes in literacy education has been seen in a legal form of literacy, which is given Certificate of Literacy Literacy (SUKMA) to the citizens to learn. Knowingly or not, the form of evaluations conducted fairly give effect to the successful attainment of literacy education programs. The fact that there is that the evaluation tool which has been used to measure learning outcomes in literacy education is the dominant means of evaluation with the test format approach, whereas the evaluation form with a non-test approach is often not viewed. Non-test assessment technique means carrying out the assessment by not using the test format. These valuation techniques commonly used to assess a person's personality (people learning / learners) thoroughly covers attitudes, behaviors, traits, social attitudes, speech, life history and others. But the non-test approach can also be used in the evaluation of an educational program, whether it tehadap evaluation of learning and evaluation of learning outcomes.
Patrol script is a form of evaluation tools in literacy learning outcomes by promoting non-test approach in its implementation. Learning measurement results achieved by the citizens in the process of learning script patrol model evaluation is done through a process of observation and free interviews with residents to learn. With this kind of evaluation model, it is possible to see the capabilities of literacy achieved by a citizen of the learning process as a whole up to the level of its application in daily life people learn.
Patrol script is a model of evaluation that can be applied as a model evaluation tool to get SUKMA on literacy education. Model evaluation patrol script focuses on the evaluation process of the observations made by the tutor as evaluator of the residents learned. In the process of direct observation, interviews were conducted with variations in question lightly or demand for citizens to learn that can be used to determine the ability of citizens of literacy learning that is the achievement of learning outcomes that have been done.
The evaluation model is a form of evaluation patrol literacy learning outcomes in which the tutor as evaluator to supervise the progress of learning achieved by the citizens. Supervision is done not only in the classroom or learning place during the learning process, but also carried out outside the place and time of learning. In this evaluation process, tutors are expected to interact more with citizens studying outside the atmosphere of learning. Tutors make home visits or to usual activities where people learn to conduct assessments of literacy skills people learn. Form of a visit by a tutor is an informal visit which appears as an ordinary meeting with a variety of reasons (DI, stop, play etc.)
Models patrol literacy learning outcomes in the evaluation of literacy education is a form of assessment of the achievements of the citizens of literacy learning literacy education using the non-test approach. This model emphasizes the method of observation and interviewing in the implementation.
In the patrol model script, tutor as evaluator conduct a form of participant observation to assess the ability of citizens to learn. In addition tutors also builds an interview that is free interviews with residents to learn. In the interview wherever possible to build an atmosphere of free and familiar interview that it seems that the interview conducted just a regular conversation, not as an evaluation exercise carried out a tutor to assess the ability of citizens to learn. It is important to keep the atmosphere of mysticism residents learn. When they are faced with an evaluation tool learning outcomes of conventional models such as the shape tool in the evaluation of early elementary school and even kindergarten level, then it likely will arise a sense of shame, doubt, anxiety and so on, even so residents will learn to feel demeaned by the application of tools evaluation like this. This could be something that gives them considerable influence on the expression of the ability of citizens to learn literacy. Not to mention the influence of age, the emotional level as well as the existence of citizens studied in the order of society.
The steps in the implementation of the evaluation model patrol script is:
1. Making the assessment format
Although the evaluation model script patrol impression as a form of subjective evaluation in which the tutor as an evaluator in full control and evaluation process emphasizes the measurement of the ability of citizens to learn from observations and interviews, but as in the model evaluation study results using a test format, in the evaluation model of patrol reference letters are also used in the form of performance measurement instruments residents of literacy learning as guidelines in conducting the evaluation process.
2. Conduct the evaluation process
In the implementation of the evaluation model patrol eradication program, the tutors make observations of the ability possessed by the citizens of literacy learning. Observations are made every interaction between tutors and residents learning during the process of program implementation, whether it's interaction during the learning process as well as outside of it, like a tutor to visit home or to where residents learned about their activities. Even when tutors interact via the telephone conversation was the evaluation process can be performed character patrols.
During the interaction process is the tutor can perform measurements by observing the residents learned. Here are examples of the implementation process of the evaluation model of a citizen patrol literacy learning with the identity as follows:

Name of the residents learned: Anto
Age: 36 Years
Gender: male
Occupation: Junior Pedicab
Tutors can conduct a process evaluation of the Anto by observing the ability to read, write and count Anto inside and outside the learning process. In the teaching-learning process, tutor can measure the extent to which the ability to read Anto when learning to read. Is anto has been able to read one sentence or less smoothly smoothly, or new Anto can read fluently one word that consists of a maximum of two to three syllables. Similarly, the measurement of the ability to write and count Anto.
Outside the learning process, tutor can make an assessment of literacy skills with a visit to the house of Anto Anto Anto or to the place where passengers usually wait. At the meeting with Anto, the tutor can evaluate through a simple interview process in the form of visible light conversation, not as an interview, so it does not seem there is a process of observation therein. To assess the ability to read Anto, a tutor can be pretended to ask for something in which to answer that question Anto must do the reading first. Example, the tutor gives a piece of paper that reads an address and ask Anto, whether he knows the address. To assess the ability of numeracy, the tutor can ask about the average income per day from the results obtained Anto pull rickshaws. Then the tutor will ask you again how much the average income per week or per month Anto obtained from the results of such work. Similarly, to assess writing skills.
From the variations proposed demand questions or tutor in a conversation with the citizens to learn, the tutor can measure the achievements of citizens learning of literacy skills. It's just that in an interaction with the citizens learning, tutors do not have to take measurements of all the skills of literacy (reading, writing and arithmetic) residents learn. In one interaction, the tutor may only be able to assess the reading ability of a citizen to learn, the main interactions that occur outside outside class hours. But keep in mind that this script patrol model evaluation is a process of comprehensive evaluation of the residents learned during the process of learning literacy education. So that becomes a benchmark not only on the assessment of learning outcomes, but also achievements of literacy skills at each stage of the learning process. The evaluation model is also a patrol script evaluation exercise which saw the results of literacy learning of literacy skills people learn at the level of literacy ability of citizens learn applications in everyday life.

3. Recording the results of the evaluation process
During the process of learning intraksi with citizens in order to evaluate the learning outcomes with a model patrol script, recording the assessment of literacy skills people learn not to do. Recording is done after the interaction process. Tutors can make notes or complete a form for citizens of literacy skills learning outcomes which have been made / prepared on the terms of the observations (observation) and interview (conversation light) with the residents learned.

Author; Suyuti Zakir, S.S
PLS overseers Palopo City Department of Education

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