Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Relevance of Entrepreneurship Education

REALLY interesting
see the will of the government which will provide funds amounting to Rp 110
billion in 2009 to develop entrepreneurship education at
college. With entrepreneurship education, it is expected
college graduates are not only looking for work, but can
as a creator of jobs.

It's ironic watching the world of employment in Indonesia. Many
graduates of higher education diplomas and there carrying hither apply
work, but having trouble finding a job. Otherwise
can be witnessed by someone with formal education was minimal, but
can be extraordinarily successful in his work.

Take for example Andre Wongso, who claimed SDTT (primary school not
graduated), now successfully as a reliable expert and renowned motivational
in Indonesia. So did Bob Sadino the formal education
limited, but success in business agrobisnisnya.

Then, why are so many unemployed in countries rich in resources
natural resources and climate friendliness of this? Is there anything wrong with the education
our formal? Or even, as stated Ivan Illich in his book
Deschooling Society (1972), formal education too much to absorb
cost, the results are less than optimal, and even worse many
produce skilled manpower that is not lazy and only lead
to formal employment, without wanting to know the real situation on the ground.

Should have declared education as Paulo Freire in his book
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1972) is an event liberation consciousness
or dialogika who lure them to dialogue, to let them
own per-kataannya say, encourage them to name and
thus to change the world.

The concept of education that exist in our current tends to form
''Banking institution''according to the concept of Freire, in which the educator is
the direction of providing knowledge to students so they can
collected a wad of science.

Reflecting the fact that, of course there is something wrong with the education
we are now. Formal education provided in schools
and higher education is only fixated on the acquisition of hard skills.
In fact it is less by connecting the reality that occurred in
world of reality.
Research shows that success is not determined by a person
that belongs to your intelligence, but by other factors that are highly

Level of intelligence only accounts for about 20-30 percent success,
the rest is determined soft skills. National Association of Research
Colleges and Employers (NACE) in 2005 showed that, in
Where users require expertise to work on labor in the form of 82 percent
18 percent soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills, according to Berthall (in Education, 2008), is the behavior
personal and interpersonal skills to develop and maximize
performance of the human person (eg training, development cooperation
team, initiative, decision making, etc.). Thus,
ability of soft skills is reflected in the behavior of someone who has
personality, attitudes, and behavior is acceptable in the life

Consistent with the ability of soft skills, the learners need
equipped with entrepreneurial skills education (entrepreneurship)
reliable. With adequate given the knowledge of entrepreneurship,
accompanied aspects of praxis, the graduates have the willingness and
sufficient ability, so do not feel confused when it comes to
entering the job market.

Joseph Schumpeter as institutional economists argue,
entrepreneurship is very important in determining economic progress
a country. The idea seems to rest on long-term economic
seen in his analysis, both on the invention and
innovation of new discoveries that may determine the growth
High economic.

Maximum Support
Freire stresses, in education need to use the principle konsientisasi
which refers to the mastery problem myself and a situation where
learners living and growing awareness in determining the position,
values ​​and life expectancy of their relationships with learners
and with the world. The aim is for the application of the principle konsientisasi
human learners do not become alienated and excluded from
themselves as well as environment.

Based on Freire's thinking, it can be attached to education
with people and their environment, to prepare a person
toward the work world that increasingly difficult, hard, and requires various
expertise that supports, should be given educational entrepreneurship.
Subjects or subjects of entrepreneurship needs to be given to
all the students from kindergarten through college. Lesson
entrepreneurship should be presented in a systematic and structured, and
adjusted for education level and age of learners.

Packaging lessons must be able to attract students, and not
mere memorization needed to determine the increase in class or
graduation. Invite entrepreneurs to explain and
told his business success tips, which would require
struggle and great sacrifice. Morale and perseverance
the success, of course, is an example to spur job
mengiliminasi hard and relaxed culture that is still attached to descend
majority community.

Activities internship at a venture is very important to understand
real world entrepreneurs. The students can see first hand
how the praxis of the theories that have been obtained (ranging aspects
production, accounting, marketing, to human resources) can
applied in real activity.
Deviation between theory and praxis of course, a wealth
invaluable, in relation to intellectual development and maturity
entering the workforce. It would be interesting if entrepreneurship education
followed up with praxis in the study.

Various outlets have set up such as food vendors, savings and loans,
transportation ticketing services, banking, foreign language courses and so forth.
The students in turn get a job there berpraksis,
with targets that have been determined. Not to mention, in the presence of
entrepreneurship clinic, the learners can see the problems
appears and the appropriate solutions solutions.

Konsientiasi entrepreneurship education model that moves from
theoretical and practical level, of course, requires funds relative
large, also requires the participation of the stakeholders. Certainly, it is
time for the government, private and banking world participated
advancing education in Indonesia, for the more intelligent people.
More importantly, can prepare students to enter the world
working with excellent quality.

by: Dr Purbayu Budi Santosa, Diponegoro University Faculty of Economics.

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Physical Impairment Trigger blow kids' IQ

At the child as a medium of awareness was not only adversely affected the psychological but also the level of intelligence. Research by the University of New Hampshire, U.S. reports, the majority of children who often hit the elderly have a level of intelligence (IQ) is low.

Moreover, the study also noted another surprising result that children who experience harsh treatment will have difficulties to follow a higher education level.

"All parents would want their kids smarter. This study shows how the negative effects of harsh treatment of the elderly and error correction treatment on the other hand in order to prevent that from happening," said one researcher. Murrat Strauss of the University of New Hampsphire, as quoted Yahoonews U.S., last week.

The study uses a methodology that links between harsh treatment and intelligence. This methodology is to link a number of other relationships such as economic status.

"You might say prove it, but I think this method will give you how laternatif. I believe that the harsh treatment of older people will make the mental development and its ability to decrease slowly," he said.

The study sampled 1510 children, divided into two age range groups. The first group with a population of 806 children aged 2-4 years and the second group with a population of 704 children aged 5-9 years. The researchers then gave an IQ test at the beginning and 4 years later.

The two groups each consisting of children who receive harsh treatment and not from each child's parent. The result, said Strauss, recorded a significant thing. Some of the children who experienced harsh treatment delayed the development of IQ from initial tests and further testing 4 years later. Increased IQ actually occur in children who do not experience harsh treatment.

According to observers of Children and Families from Duke University, Jennifer Lansford assessing the results of research so interesting. He also berpendat, research conducted has a strong basic foundation. "Referring to the development of children, it is possible that children with low IQ related to the problem of excessive physical discipline," he said.

Psychological Factors

The research then find a way why the IQ of children has decreased significantly after treatment to get hard. Conclusions based on psychological factors during the child get tough treatment.

"Everyone must believe, was beaten by his parents was to give the former a deep trauma in children," said Strauss. He further explained, the trauma effect of stress on children when facing difficult situations and conditions make children difficult issue capabilities.

"With the strike, parents can only get attention and submissive attitude of the child when beaten only. It prevents the children to think freely," commented Elizabeth Gershoof, Child Specialists from the University of Texas. So, he said, children only behave correctly when it was beaten only or children only do something because it reminded of the punch, not the initiative.

Therefore, Gershoff advised parents to immediately stop the habit of hitting when children make mistakes or when his children do not deserve.

By Republika Newsroom

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

What, Impact of Children on Home Computer / TV No More than Two Hours?

For more than two hours a day watching television or playing "video games" on a computer can give a greater risk for children on psychiatric problems whatever their level of activity, according to a study in the UK on Tuesday.

The researchers from Bristol University surveyed more than 1,000 young children aged ten to 11 years. For more than seven days, they fill out a questionnaire that asks the intensity of the time they spent daily in front of the television or computer and answer questions that explain the state of their souls, including emotional, behavioral, and other relevant issues as a measure of behavior ( accelerometer) to monitor their physical activity.

The number of psychiatric complications is significantly difference of about 60 percent higher for small children who spent more than two hours during one day in front of one screen, compared with those who watch at less time, said the researchers report in the journal Pediatrics.

Figures for the excess is to be doubled for small children who spent more than two hours in front of both types of screens for a day.

The researchers found these results regardless of gender, age, stage of puberty, or level of education and economic ability and does not monitor the activity of the child for the rest of the day.

"We understand that physical activity is good for the health of soul and body in the child and there is some evidence that watching the screen that lead to negative behavior," said Dr. Angie Page told Reuters Health. "But it remains unclear whether physical activity levels will be" offset "spectacle on the screen height for small children."

The researchers found psychiatric problems is much increased if the child had daily training ranging from moderate to rigorous levels for less than an hour for the increasing spectacle on the screen.

However, physical activity was not present to compensate for the psychological consequences at the time that the screen spectacle.

The researchers say a fixed time is also not associated with good mental behavior. "It's much more to what you're doing at that time that remains to be important," said Page, explaining the lack of negative impact was found in activities such as reading and doing homework.

Page and his research team acknowledge some limitations in the research, including the potential inaccuracies of a child when filling the schedule of activities on the questionnaire.

Oleh: Tri Puji B Siwi

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011


Initially it from top business ideas Ciputra serious to spread the spirit of entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship. His belief, this nation will go if a lot of people spirited and passionate entrepreneur.
Entrepreneur does not mean traders. However, those who have a passion for creative, innovative, risk-taking and be able to change the "trash" into "gold".
Tanan Anthony, who works at Ciputra Group since 1987, is believed Ciputra to prepare syllabi and develop entrepreneur or entrepreneurship in education in Indonesia.
He successfully translated the entrepreneurship education in schools under the auspices of Ciputra Group, ranging from kindergarten to university. Anthony who was then appointed as President of the University of Ciputra Entrepreneurship Center (UCEC) accompany Ciputra a roadshow to a number of cities and campuses throughout Indonesia to spread the spirit of entrepreneurship. He also met with top government officials and community leaders to convince them the importance of entrepreneurship to the future of the nation.
Anthony with Team Busyness UCEC continue expanding cooperation with various institutions in order to disseminate entrepreneurship education. Starting from the Campus Entrepreneur Program at the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada (UGM), September 2007, then proceed to Surabaya and other cities in the country.
Training of Trainers also held for teachers of entrepreneurship. Then, Training of Trainers Entrepreneurship Educator for three months for those who will become entrepreneurs as well as trainers or educators entrepreneurship.
In the family environment, Anthony Tanan also foster the entrepreneurial spirit. For example, elementary school children who are still asked to give a birthday present something that was not in the shop. Finally, with his own creativity, his son put together a complete song with the musical arrangements of his own.
Why entrepreneurship education needs to be done in Indonesia?
I am very anxious to imagine the kids now if future generations in 20 years are not able to create jobs for themselves. Is everyone going to be an entrepreneur? Of course not. Even if they become employees, will be a good employee. Due to teach entrepreneurship education initiative, creative, holistic nature.
Not everyone wants to be a businessman. What still needs to introduce entrepreneurship education through school?
I look at people who have mistaken views about entrepreneurship education. First, there is a saying that incorporate entrepreneurship education means creating a new curriculum. Actually no need. Entrepreneurship education that enrich and enhance the existing curriculum.
Second, there is also the assumption that teaches entrepreneurship to teach a trade. That's too narrow. Entrepreneurship education is wider than that. Third, we consider learning to think that when you grow entrepreneurship. That's wrong. The seeds should be started since his inspiration from childhood. It can be started from developing creativity.
I imagined and longed for Indonesia to create great products commensurate Google, Microsoft, and so forth. Not now perhaps, but why baseball seeds we prepare now. Educational entrepreneurship requires creativity. Learning not to memory, but be creative!

How to make entrepreneurship education in Indonesia?

When asked to implement entrepreneurship education in universities by establishing Ciputra University in 2006, I made sense. Many colleges of business, but does not teach the specific problem of entrepreneurship.
When I was asked to teach entrepreneurship since the kindergarten, I was giddy and shocked. Is it possible? I tried looking for information on the Internet.
In 2006 I went to the United States. I was shocked, there was a conference on entrepreneurship education for teachers in Arizona. The conference was that the 24th. No wonder the young entrepreneur is born from the United States because they have very long to develop entrepreneurship. They now live reap the results.

Actually what can be gained from education entreprenership?

Behind educational entrepreneurship is creativity. We know, when their children are very creative. But when their school to finish, they disappear into the spirit of creativity of workers. Where's the loss? Of course there is less in the education system, environment, and family life.

How to run entrepreneurship education at every level of education?

Actually could be made structures. If in kindergarten should begin thinking about creativity. Creativity is an extraordinary gift. Life is much easier if we are creative. Creativity should be maintained. In elementary school, children were explor with a variety of uniqueness and giftedness.
In junior high they are expected to already know keberbakatannya. At this time, entrepreneurship education can enter into life skill. In high school talent that has been tried in the market. If we can combine the talent and entreprenuership, it is powerful.

How is the development of entrepreneurship education in the future?

Through entrepreneurship education is Mr. Ciputra want birth four million new entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are scattered from coast to mountains, from villages to big cities, children of all walks of life. If the entrepreneur has become a passion together, I assure you this nation would have developed.

By Esther Lince Napitupulu

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011


1. Preliminary
One important aspect of education today which require attention is the concept of education for adults. Not always we talk about education and review of school pupils who are relatively young. Reality on the ground, that not a few adults who should get a good education informal and non-formal education, such as education in the form of skills, courses, upgrading and so forth. The problem that often arises is how to tips, and strategies that in fact membelajarkan adults do not occupy the school. In this case, adults as students in helajar activity can not be treated like regular students children who were sitting in a traditional school. Therefore, it should be understood that, adults who grew up as a person and has a maturity of self-concept moves from dependency as it does on childhood toward independence or self-direction. Adult psychological maturation as a person with self-directed this encourages the emergence of a very deep psychological need is the desire of others viewed and treated as a person who directs himself, not directed, forced and manipulated by others. That way when the adults have a situation that did not allow himself to be himself then he will find himself depressed and feel bad. Because an adult not a child, then adult education can not be equated with the education of school children. Need to understand what the driving Hagi adults learn, what obstacles dialaininya, what he expects, how he can learn best and so on (Lunandi, 1987).
An understanding of adult development psychology course has important meaning for educators or facilitators in mnenghadapi adults as students. Growing understanding of the psychology of such adults to grow in a theory known as andragogi. Andragogi as a science that has broad and deep dimension to the theory of learning and teaching. In brief, this theory provides an essential basic support for adult learning activities. Therefore, education or adult learning effort requires a special approach and should have a strong grasp of the concept theory based on assumptions or understanding of adults as students.
Educational activities in schools or outside schools have local and diverse activities. Adult education, especially non-formal community education most of the students or participants are adults, or at least a youth or teen. Therefore, educational activity requires a separate approach. By using the theory of activity or business andragogi adult learning within the framework of realization of development or achievement of the ideals of lifelong education can be obtained with the support of theoretical concepts or the use of technologies that can be justified.
One of the problems in the sense andragogi is a view which suggests that the education objective is to transmit knowledge. But on the other hand the changes that occur such as innovations in technology, mobilization of the population, changes in economic systems, and the like so quickly happens. In these circumstances, the knowledge obtained by a person when he was 21 years will become obsolete when he was 40 years old. If so, then education as a process of knowledge transmission is not in accordance with the needs of the modem (Arif, 1994).
Therefore, the purpose and the study / paper is to examine the various aspects that may be performed in an attempt membelajarkan adults (andragogi) as one alternative to solving the problem of education, because education is no longer defined merely as an effort to transmit knowledge, but formulated as a process of lifelong education (long life education).

2. Theory Study
2. 1. Understanding Andragogi
Andragogi derived and Andros Greek meaning adults, and agogus means to lead. Other The term is often used as a comparison is drawn and the word pedagogy means the child and paid agogus means to lead. So literally means the art and knowledge of pedagogy to teach children. Therefore, the pedagogy means the art or knowledge to teach children, then when using the term pedagogy for adults is clearly not appropriate, as it contains contradictory meanings. Meanwhile, according to (Kartini Kartono, 1997), that pedagogy (better known as androgogi, the science to guide / educate people; Aner, Andros = man; agogus = lead, educate) is the science of the human form, ie, forming a personality completely, for he is able to self in the midst of their social environment.
In a lot of practice, teaching adults do the same with teaching children. The principles and assumptions applicable to the education of children considered to be applied to adult education activities. Almost everything known about the learning drawn from the research study related to the child. So also about teaching, drawn from the experience of teaching young children for example in conditions must be present and all the theories regarding the transaction, teachers and students is based on a definition of education as a process of cultural displacement. However, adults who have matured as a person has needs in terms of learning areas set around the problem of his life.
If drawn from an understanding of pedagogy, then andragogi literally can be defined as art and knowledge of teaching adults. However, for adults as individuals who can drive yourself, then in andragogi more important is the learning activities of learners rather than teachers' teaching activities. Therefore, in giving a definition andragogi more likely to be interpreted as an art and knowledge membelajarkan adults.

2. 2. Adult Learning Needs.
Adult education can be. defined as an organized whole educational process, on any form of content, what level of status and methods used in this education process, both formal and non-formal education, both within the framework of continuing education at school or in lieu of education in schools, in the course, job training and in college, which makes adults are able to develop abilities, skills, enrich knowledge, improve the qualifications keteknisannya or professionalism in an effort to realize the dual capability in a side that is able to develop personal bangankan intact and able to realize its participation in the socio-cultural development , ekonoini, and technology in a free, balanced and sustainable.
In this case, there appears to duplicate the pressure to the realization that want dikembangankan in activity in the field, the first to realize the achievement of perkemhangan each individual, and second to realize the increased involvement (participation) in social activity and every individual. Similarly, also, that adult education encompasses all aspects of the learning experience required by adults both men and wania, in accordance with areas of expertise and capabilities of each.
Thus it can positively impact the success of adult learning that looks at the change of behavior toward fulfilling the achievement of capabilities / skills are adequate. Here, each individual is faced with another individual will be able to learn hersama with confidence. Changes in behavior in terms of cooperation in various activities, is the result and the change after the introduction of the learning process, namely the process of attitude change was not confident a full peruhahan confidence by increasing knowledge or skills. Penilaku changes due to the change (increase) in knowledge or skill and presence of perubalian mental attitude is very clear, in terms of adult education is not enough just to provide additional knowledge, but must dihekali also with a strong confidence in prihadiriya. Increased knowledge alone without strong self-confidence, surely able to bring about positive change towards a renewal herupa both physically and mentally in a real, comprehensive and berkesinambungam
Changes in behavior for adults take place through the education process associated with the development of themselves as individuals, and in this case, it's possible participation in social life to improve our own wellbeing, and prosperity for others, disehabkan productivity is further improved. For adults meet very basic needs, so that once those needs are met he can move the business towards the fulfillment of other needs that more needed as the perfecting of his life.
Each individual must meet the most basic needs (food and clothing), before he was able to feel kehutuhan higher as perfecting the basic needs before, namely kehutuhan security, respect, self esteem, and actualization itself. When the most basic needs of the physical needs of food, clothing, and the board has not met, then any individual not need or feel what is called as self-esteem. After basic needs were met, then every individual needs to feel safe distance and a sense of fear, anxiety, and concern for her safety, because insecurity will only give birth herkepanjangan anxiety. Then if the security has been met, then each individual need respect for her rights which are recognized by any individual outside of himself. If all of which are met then the individual is felt to have self-esteem.
In this connection, of course, adult education who have self-esteem and her need of recognition, and it will be very influential in the process belajamya. Psychologically, knowing the needs of adults as the participants in the education / training, it can be easily and can be determined to learn the conditions that must be provided, the contents of what material should be provided, strategies, techniques and what is the appropriate method to use. According Lunandi (1987) are important in adult education are: What dipetajari student, not what teachers taught. That is, the end result being assessed is what is obtained by adults and meeting education / training, not what dilalukukan teacher, trainer or speaker in the meeting.

2.3. Principles of Adult Education
Pertumbuan adults start in mid-adolescence (adolescence) to adulthood, in which individuals not only have a tendency to grow towards self drive but actually he wants other people view themselves as independent Prihadi who have self-identity. With so adults do not want people looking at him let alone treat him like a child. He expects the recognition of others will be autonomous themselves, and guaranteed kelentramannya to keep her identity with rejection and disapproval of others will attempt to pressure, force, and manipulation of behavior directed toward him. Unlike children who are several levels are still the object of surveillance, control of another person namely surveillance and control of adults who are standing by, against him.
In education or learning activities, adults no longer be the object of socialization that seems to be formed and influenced to adapt themselves to the desire to hold authority over himself, but the purpose of learning activities alau lehih adult education course leading to the achievement of self-stabilization of identity to be himself, --- a term Rogers in Knowles (1979), aims to deliver learning activities to a private individual or menemuan his true identity. In terms of education is learning atan prosess of becoining a person. Not the process of formation or the process of being shaped to a process of control and manipulation to fit with others, or if you borrow the term Maslow (1966), learning is a process to achieve aktualiasi self (self-uchuslizatiun).
As already noted above hahwa in adults as students who are already growing maturity of the concept itself arose deep psychological need for the lust of the eye and treated other people as a whole person who directs his own. But not only adults but also youth or adolescents also have such kebuluhan. According Peaget theory (1959) regarding the development of psychology and more than 12 years and above individual has to think in the adult form of the term he has reached the development of formal operations thought. In this development stage the individual has to solve all problems logically, scientifically berlikir, can solve the problems of complex verbal or brief cognitive structure has been reached maturity. In this period, individuals begin to develop an understanding of self (self) or identity (identitiy) that can be conceived separately from the outer world around him. Unlike children, teens here (adolescence) is not only to understand the state of nearby objects but also the possibility of a state that objects in thought. In the case of the values ​​of teenagers began to question and compare the expected values ​​are always compared with actual values. In short we can say the life of adolescents is the degree to which such processes occur, and this went on until it reaches maturity.
With so presumably it is clear that the youth (not only adults) have the ability to think of himself, and realizes that there is a contradictory situation between the values ​​adopted and the behavior of others. Therefore, it can be said since mid-adolescence individuals develop what is said "understanding ourselves" (sense of identity).
Furthermore, Knowles (1970) developed the concept andragogi of four different basic assumptions with pedagogy. The four main assumptions are as follows. Assumptions First, a person grow and mature self concept of movement and total dependence towards self-direction. Or simply to say to the children the concept itself is still dependent, while in adults the concept itself is independent. Since independence this is an adult concept itself requires appreciation of others as human beings who can drive themselves. If he faced a situation where he did not allow himself to be self-directing it will be a reaction not happy or reject.
The second assumption, as individuals grow mature will collect a large amount of experience where it caused him to be a rich learning resource, and at the same time giving him a broad base for learning something new. Therefore, in a decline in the use of technology andragogi transmital technique as that used in traditional education and the more developed the technique of experience (experimental-technique). So the use of discussion techniques, laboratory work, simulations, field experiences, and other more widely used.
The third assumption, that education is directly or indirectly, implicitly or explicitly, definitely played a major role in preparing children dain adults to fight for existence in the middle of the community. Therefore, schools and education becomes a powerful means to make the process of integration and social disintegration in the society (Kartini Kartono, 1992). Accordingly, we assume that each individual becomes mature, the readiness to learn less academic dilentukan by coercion and biological development, but lehih determined by the demands of the task to perform the role of social development. In other words, adults learn something because they require levels of development that must confront its role whether as workers, parents, the head of an organization, and others. Readiness to learn they were not solely academic under compulsion, but because of the necessities of life and to carry out tasks sosialnya.Hal role is due to learning for adults as if it is a necessity to face the problem of his life.

2.4. Condition of Adult Learning
Lessons are given to adults can be effective (faster and attached to his memory), when the supervisor (trainer, pcngajar, penatar, instructors, and the like) not too mendoininasi class groups, reduce a lot of talk, but efforts for individual adults were able to find alternative-an alternative to develop their personality. A good coach should strive to many listen and accept one's ideas, then evaluate and answer their questions. Adults in hakekalnya is being creative when someone is able to move / explore the potential that exists within them. In this effort, required skills and special tips that can be used in the learning. In addition, adults can dibelajarkan active when they feel more involved now in a learning activity, especially when they are engaged to contribute thoughts and ideas that make them feel valued and have pride in front of fellow friends. That is, adults will learn better if pribadiriya opinion is respected, and will be more happy if he can brainstorm ideas and put forward the idea of ​​mind, rather than merely cramming supervising theory and his own ideas to them.
Because of the nature of adult learning Hagi is hersifat subjective and unique, then the matter and correct atari wrong, all the opinion of feelings, thoughts, ideas, theories, value systems need to be appreciated. No respect (underestimate and exclude) their self-esteem, will only turn off the passion of adult learning. However, adult learning is also important to gain the trust darts mentor, and in the end they must have confidence in himself. Without such confidence, the atmosphere was conducive to learning would never materialize.
Adults have different value systems, have opinions and convictions that berheda. With the creation of good atmosphere, they will be able to express your heart and fill his mind without fear and anxiety, although they were herbeda opinion. Adults should have the feeling that the atmosphere / hagaimanapun learning situations, they may differ in opinion and may make mistakes without being threatened by something sanctions (humiliation, dismissal, ridicule, etc.).
Disclosure of a mentor is very helpful for the progress of adults in developing pribadiriya potential in the classroom, or in training. The nature of openness to express themselves, and open to hearing ideas, will contribute to psychological health, and their pisis. In addition, to avoid any kind of consequences that make adults receive ridicule, insult, or diperma1ukan. The best way is the creation of an atmosphere of openness in everything, so that various alternatives freedom of ideas / ideas to be created.
In other cases, can not be dinafikkan that adults learn sccara distinctive and unique. Factor levels of intelligence, confidence, and feelings of control should be recognized as a typical personal rights so that the decision taken is not necessarily the same as other people's private i. Togetherness in the group not always be the same in Prihadi, because would be very boring if only an atmosphere that seemed to only recognize one truth without any criticism that shows the difference tersehut. Therefore, educational background, cultural background helakang, and past experience of each individual can give a different color on every decision taken.
For adults, the creation of a conducive learning atmosphere is a facility that encourages them willing to try new behaviors, herani different, can apply with a new attitude and willing to try the new knowledge they acquired. Although something new contain the risk of mistakes, but mistakes, and mistakes themselves are part of the fair and learn.
Eventually, adults want to know what it himself in study groups. For adults there is a tendency to know the strengths and weaknesses of themselves. Thus, it is necessary to joint evaluation by all members of the group felt herharga for reflection material, where the reflections that can evaluate him and others who may have different perceptions

2.5. Influence Factors of Physical Impairment in the Adult Learning
Human learning process lasts until the end of life (long life education). However, there is a negative correlation between changes in age with the ability of adult learning. That is, each individual adults, growing old, will be increasingly difficult for him to learn (as all aspects of their physical abilities decline.) For example, memory, physical strength, ability to reason, ability to concentrate, and more all showed decline according to age added as well. According Lunandi (1987), the rapid growth and development means not looking forward to the experience gained by living through it. Balanced progress with the times should be sought through education. According to the Lunandi Vemer and Davidson (1987) there are six factors which can psychologically inhibiting participation in an adult education program:

1. With increasing age, a point near penglilhatan or the nearest point that can be seen clearly from hergerak increasingly distant. At the age of twenty years one can see clearly an object at a distance of 10 cm from his eyes. Around age forty fahun point near vision had been away up to 23 cm.
2. With increasing age, distant point of vision or the farthest point that can be seen clearly began to decrease, which is shorter. Both these factors need to be considered in the procurement and use of materials and educational tools.
3. Growing age, the greater the amount of illumination required in a learning situation. If someone at the age of 20 years requires a 100 Watt cahaya1 then at the age of 40 years required 145 watts, and at age 70 as bright as a new 300 Watt enough to be able to see clearly.
4. Growing age, color contrast perception tends towards red than the spectrum. This is caused by komea or yellowing of the eye lens, so that light entering somewhat alienated. The result is that less can dibedakannya lenmbut colors. For details need to use bright colors that contrast for teaching aids.
5. Hearing or the ability to receive voice abate with age. In general, a person suffered a setback in its ability to distinguish the sharp tones in each decade of his life. Men tend to be more rapid retreat in this regard than women. Only 11 per cent and people aged 20 years who experience hearing loss. Up to 51 percent and 70-year-old man found to be experiencing hearing loss.
6. The difference sounds or the ability to distinguish sounds more reducing with increasing age. Thus, other people talk too fast more difficult to arrest, and hunyi side and sound in the background like the one with the talking person. Also increasingly difficult to distinguish the sound of consonants such as t, g, b, c and d.

There are some things that need to be considered adults in the learning situation has a certain attitude, then purlu note these below:

1. The creation of the learning process is a procedure experience to be established by each individual adult. The process of adult learning is obliged to motivate / encourage to seek higher knowledge.
2. Each individual adults can learn effectively when every individual is able to find personal meaning for him and look good meaning it is related to personal needs.
3. Sometimes the process is less conducive to adult learning, this is because learning is oriented only towards peruhahan behavior, behavior change alone is not enough, if the change was not able to appreciate the sublime Hudaya nation that must be maintained, in addition to traditional methods of thinking are difficult to change.
4. The process of adult learning is a unique and special and individual. Each adult individual has his own tips and strategies and find solutions to study the problems encountered in the learning. With the opportunity to observe the tips and strategies of other individuals in the study, expected it to improve and refine its own way of learning, as an effort to more efeklif correction.
5. Past experience factor is very influential in any actions to be taken, so a good experience needs to be extracted and grown into a more useful direction.
6. One's intellectual development through a process in bertahab experience can be expanded. Maximize the learning outcome can be achieved when every individual can expand the reach of the pattern herpikimya

On the one hand, learning can be defined as a process of evolution. This means that acceptance of science can not be enforced at once granted, but can be done gradually through a sequence of specific processes. In educational activities, general educators determine much about the content knowledge and skills that will be presented. They manage the content (material) into the units, then selects the most efficient tool for menyanipaikan units and materials, such as lectures, reading, laboratory work, film, heard the tapes and others. Next develop a plan to deliver this content units in a sequence hentuk.
In andragogi, educators or facilitators to prepare a long one device procedure to involve students, to further the process involves the following elements: (a) create a climate that supports learning, (b) creating a mechanism for joint planning, (c) diagnosis kehutuhan -learning needs, (d) formulating program objectives that meet the learning needs, (e) plan the pattern helajar experience, (f) perform this helajar experience with the techniques and materials are adequate, and (g) evaluate learning outcomes and diagnose back kebutuhankebutuhan learning.

2.6. Methods of Adult Education
In many adult learning methods applied. For this kind of learning memberhasilkan, any method that is applied should consider the factors of available facilities and infrastructure to achieve the ultimate goal of learning, namely that participants can have a quality learning experience. It is a big mistake if, in this case, the tutor is less reasonable to set the utilization factor method only because its sole discretion, it deems that is using the easiest method, or simply due to his desire admired by the participants in the class or there may be a tendency to only master one particular method .
Determination of the selection methods teachers should consider the objectives, which in this case refers to the outline of the teaching program is divided into two types:

1. The design process to encourage adults able to arrange and complete new experience with past memmedomani ever experienced, for example with training skills, through questioning, interviewing, counseling, sensitivity training, etc., so as to give new insights on their respective individuals to be able to take advantage of what she already knew.
2. The learning process is designed for the purpose of improving the transfer of new knowledge, new experiences, new skills, to encourage each individual's adult can reach as much as possible knowledge he wants, what the needs, skills needed, such as learning to use computer programs needed where he worked.

Accordingly, adults learn more effectively if he can listen and speak. Better yet, if in addition he could see well, and the more effective again if it can also work.
Function talk just a little place on the question and answer period. To talk and listen to the discussion method is balanced. In education by way of demonstration, participants as well as hearing, seeing and speaking. During practical exercises the participants can hear, speak, melihal and do well, so it can expected to be most effective,
2.7. Implications Against Adult Learning
Efforts towards the implementation of andragogi theory in adult education activities, has been employed by some experts, based on four basic assumptions of adults as described above, namely: self-concept, accumulated experience, learning readiness, and learning orientation. The basic assumption is elaborated in the process of planning educational activities with sehagai following steps:

1. Creating a structure for joint planning. Ideally, this kind of structure seharusrwa involve all parties who will be affected educational activities are planned, which include participants learning activities or student, teacher or facilitator, representatives of institutions and society.
2. Creating a learning climate that supports adult learning. It is very important to create a climate that values ​​cooperation between teachers and students. A climate of adult learning can be developed by setting the physical environment that provides comfort and easy interaction, such as chairs or tables set in a circle, not a marching-marching into helakang. The teacher is more helpful rather than judgmental.
3. Diagnosis belajamya own needs. Diagnosis kebutuhari must involve all parties, and the result is kehutuhan together.
4. Formulation of destination. Operationally feasible for the formulation of objectives that should be done together in the description of behavior that will be produced to meet the above requirements.
5. Develop a general model. This is an aspect of art and design courses, which must be arranged in harmony kegiaan learning by making study groups both large groups and small groups.
6. Planning evaluation. Are like the case in the diagnosis of needs, the evaluation should be in line with the principles of adults, namely as a person and can be self-directed. So the evaluation is more hersama own evaluation or evaluation.

Applications that diuaraikan above actually more of the principles or guidelines as a control action membelajarkan adults. Therefore, its success will be more benyak depend on each execution and of course also depends on the conditions faced. However, the implications of technological development or andragogi approach can be attributed to the preparation of the curriculum or how to teach the students. However, because of attachment to the institutions that usually take place, the preparation of program or curriculum by using andragogi be much more developed by using this andragogi approach.

3. Conclusions and Suggestions
3.1. Conclusion
Education or learning is a process to be himself (Process of Becoming) is not formed untik process (proces of Beings Imped) nunurut will of others, then learning should melihatkan individual or client in the process of thinking what they want, look for what can be done to fulfill that desire, determine what action needs to be done, and plan and do what needs to be done to make that decision. Can be said is the task of educators in general is to help people learn how to think about themselves, manage their own affairs and mempertimhangkan life views and interests of others. With a brief to help others to berkemhang and mature. In andragogi, adult involvement in the process lehih helajar far greater, because from the beginning must be made a diagnosis on the needs, formulate goals, and evaluate learning outcomes and implement them jointly

3.2. Suggestion
Andragogi technology development can only be made where it is believed that the mature adult as a person who is able to drive themselves, understand themselves, to make a decision for something that concerns him. Without such confidence would not be growing andragogi approach. In other words andragogi would not be likely to grow if left ideal base as a private adult self-directed. For policy makers in terms of adult learning are expected to provide a holistic consideration to the development of skills and resources pemngkatan qualified adult.

Ahmuddiputra, Enuh, & Atma, BISAR, Suyatna. (1986). Adult Education. London: Karunika.
Arif, Zainuddin. (1994). Andragogi. Bandung: Angkasa.
Lunandi, A, G. (1987). Adult education. New York: Scholastic.
Kartono, Kartini. (1992). Theoretical Introduction to Science Teaching: Does Education Still Diperlukun?. Bandung: Mandar Maju.di
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Knowles, Malcolm S. (1970). "The modetn practiesof aduce adult education, andragogy versus pedagogy", New York: Association Press ..
Piaget, J. (1959) "The growth of logical thinking Jmm ehildood fo adolescence." New York: Basic Books.
Graduated, Tisnowati. (1984) From Pedagogy to Andragogik, Jakarta: Pustaka Dian.
Drost, SJ, (1998), School of Teaching or Educate?, Canisius, Yogyakarta
-------, (2005), From the CBC (Competency-Based Curriculum) Up MBS (School-Based Management), Book Publisher Kompas, Jakarta
Durkheim, Emile, (1990), Moral Education (A Study of Theory and Applications of Sociology of Education), Erland, Jakarta.
Gie, The Liang (2004), Introduction to Philosophy of Science, Liberty, Yogyakarta
Jadman, Darmanto (1986), Some Problems of Culture, Alumni, Bandung

By: Drs. Agus Marsidi, M. Si
Lecturer at the Department of PLS, Makassar State University
Source: Journal Andragogi of Regional V Makassar BPPNFI

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

BPPNFI Educate Children of North Mamuju Bunggu Tribe

Pasangkayu - Institute for Development of Non-Formal and Informal (BPPNFI) Regional V Sulawesi develop model early childhood education in remote indigenous communities Bunggu Tribe, Pasangkayu District, North Mamuju, West Sulawesi (Sulbar).

To strengthen the implementation of early childhood education model in this Bunggu Ethnic communities, conducted orientation meetings between the technical team and from BPPNFI and the tutors who will handle learners children, in the Village Saluira, Bambaira District, Wood County Place, North Mamuju, Sunday , who attended Head BPPNFI, Muhammad Hasbi.

The model is applied to the child's education rates is made after the team Bunggu BPPNFI conduct a field survey which, among others found that children aged Tribe Bunggu 0-6 years of education untouched. In fact, their parents had not had an adequate education.

Based on that data, BPPNFI Regional V, Makassar designing models for their education by involving all stakeholders. To maximize the learning process for children Bunggu Tribe, the parties BPPNFI recruit local residents as tutors.

To support the learning process for children whose parents Bunggu Tribe already down the mountain and settle around the foot of the mountain, BPPNFI prepare a means of learning and play facilities.

Meanwhile, to reach out to children who still live on the mountain, BPPNFI build a nursing study on the slopes of the mountain located some 200 meters above sea level, according to Hasbi.

Panti learn that while in the stage of completion was named Sou Madamba Pura which means a happy home together. In this place also prepared also means playing the kids like that prepared for the children at the foot of the mountain.

Ethnic Communities in North Mamuju Bunggu is spread in three districts each district Pasangkayu, Bambaira, and Sub Bambalamoto, and in some areas that are in the Middle Suawesi.

Ethnic Communities Bunggu uses the Kaili language as a means of communication. They resided in the vicinity of the foot and peak of Mount Matapangi. Those who live at the foot of the mountain was built and inhabited houses as like other citizens, but who lived on a mountain top still build houses and dwell in trees.

Indigenous Tribe Chief Bunggu, Lisu, expressed his joy over the attention and assistance provided BPPNFI.

"This is the first assistance we received after decades of silence here," said Lisu interfering in the Indonesian language Bahasa Kaili.

Indigenous Communities Ethnic Bunggu who descended the mountain and have a permanent residence is relatively large. According to the Head of Dusun Saluira, Ronald, the number reached 300 people.

While they are still living on the mountain and settle down in the tree is still quite large in number because of its spread is also relatively large. There's even an entry in the region of Central Sulawesi.

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Homeschooling: Model Development of Education System

"Homeschool (home school), according to Director of Public Education Ministry of National Education Ella Yulaelawati, is the process of educational services that are conscious, organized and directed by parents or family and also the learning process takes place in a conducive atmosphere.

The goal, for each child's unique potential to develop optimally. The same formulation was also held by other educational institutions which began to activate the means of homeschooling program.

There are several reasons why parents in Indonesia prefer home school. The tendency among others, could emphasize the moral or religious education, expand the social environment and of course a better learning atmosphere, in addition to providing direct instruction that konstekstual, thematic, nonskolastik are not insulated by the limits of science-bulkhead.

According to Ela Yuliawati, this view provides the broadest sense to everyone to better express the desire and ability to gain knowledge, not only in an environment called school. Even the opportunity to gain more knowledge also has a huge opportunity in line with the development of education.

This then makes homeschooling was chosen as one of alternative teaching and learning processes in the development of education in Indonesia. Until then model homeschooling included in the revision of education Law No. 20 of 2003.

IMPLEMENTATION home schooling

According to Seto Mulyadi, Chairman of the National Commission on Children, the emergence of home schooling as an alternative was necessary to prove his success as a competition draw process through non-formal systems.

Etymologically, home-schooled is held at the home school. Although called a home schoooling, does not mean the child will continue learning at home, but children can learn anywhere and anytime from the situation and conditions are really comfortable and fun just like being at home. Individual excellence is what gives meaning to the integration of subjects to students.

Seto said, the need for full support from their parents to learn, to create a creative learning and fun, and maintain interest and enthusiasm to learn the child. Because behind the convenience, home school parents also requires patience, cooperation among members of the family, and consistent in investment habits.

Seto dismiss a number of myths about homeschooling are judged wrong for this. For example, a child less socially, parents can not be a teacher, parents need to know everything, parents should spend 8 hours a day, not as much study time study time-formal schools, children are not accustomed to discipline and his own wishes, can not get a diploma and move the path to a formal school, unable to compete, and homeschooling expensive. "That's wrong," he said.

There are several classifications homeschooling formats, namely:

1. Single homeschooling
Implemented by parents in a family without joining with others for a particular case or as far-flung locations.

2. Homeschooling compound
Performed by two or more families for certain activities while still held by the principal activities of each parent. The reason: there are needs that can be compromised by some families to do activities together. For example the curriculum of the Consortium, sporting activities (eg tennis athlete of the family), the skill of music / arts, social activities and religious activities

3. Homeschooling community
Combined several homeschooling compound to prepare and determine the syllabus, teaching materials, the principal activities (sports, music / art and language), facilities / infrastructure and teaching schedule. Commitment to the implementation of learning between parents and the community about 50:50.

The reason for choosing homeschooling community, among others:
- Structured and more complete for academic education, the development of noble character and achievement of learning outcomes
- There are better learning facilities such as: workshops, nature lab, library, science laboratory / Language, auditoriums, sports facilities and art
- Space motion wider dissemination of learners but can be controlled
- Support higher because each is responsible for teaching each other according to their expertise
- Suitable for children aged above 10 years
- Combining families live far apart over the Internet and other information tools to reject the appeal (benchmarking), including for standardization

CHALLENGES home schooling

In its development, homeschooling is also facing several challenges, namely:

1. Single homeschooling
- Difficult to get support / place to ask, share and proportionate success
- Lack of place of socialization for self-expression as a condition of maturation
- Parents should assess the results of education and work adjustment
2. Homeschooling compound
- Need to compromise and flexibility of schedule, ambience, facilities and certain activities
- Need an expert in certain areas despite the presence of the parents must remain in place
- Children with expertise / special events must adjust / accept other environments with and accept differences in others as a process of identity formation
- Parents homeschool their respective organizers must organize their own adjustment

3. Homeschooling community
- The need for compromise and flexibility of schedule, ambience, facilities and certain activities that can be implemented together
- The need for professional supervision so that the necessary expertise in certain areas despite the presence of the parents must remain in place
- Children with expertise or special events should also be able to adapt to other environments and accept differences in others as a process of identity formation.

STRENGTH home schooling

As an alternative education, homeschooling also has some strengths and weaknesses. Strengths / advantages homeschooling are:
- It gives independence and individual creativity rather than learning classical
- Provide opportunities for achieving individual competence as much as possible so it does not always have to be limited to compare with the highest ability, average or even lower
- Protected from the brawl, delinquency, drug, socially deviant, consumerism, and snack foods that malnutrition
- More hanging out with adults as role models
- More prepared for real life
- More are encouraged to conduct religious activities, recreation / sports family
- Helping children become more sophisticated, to understand himself and his role in the real world with the freedom of speech, reject or agree on the value-specific nlai without fear to get reproach from friend or a value less
- To learn children with a variety of situations, conditions and social environment
- Always provide an opportunity to interact with peers outside of hours learning

While the weakness of homeschooling are:

- Children who learn in homeschooling very minimum interact with peers from different social status who can provide valuable experience to learn to live in society
- School is the place to learn the typical child who can train to compete and achieve maximum success
- Homeschooling can isolate students from the realities that are less enjoyable that can affect the development of the individual
- If children only learn in homeschooling, it is likely he will be isolated from the less favorable social environment so that he will be less prepared to deal with a variety of error or uncertainty


For homeschooling can be performed well and the child can feel comfortable in learning, then there are several prerequisites of success in carrying out homeschooling, namely:

- Willingness and determined to
- Discipline and learning lessons that were held
- Availability of sufficient time
- Flexibility in approach to learning
- The ability of parents to manage activities
- Availability of learning resources
- Compliance with specified standards
- Enforcement of legal provisions
- Convening of a socialization program for children are not alienated from society and peers
- Were established in cooperation with institutions of local and non-formal education in accordance with the principles of openness and multimakna
- Good communication is established between the organizers of homeschooling
- Availability of innovative learning assessment tools (eg in the form of portfolio and colloquia)


Then, what is to be considered by parents in organizing home school? Seto said, parents should make the child as a friend to learn and put myself as a facilitator. "Parents need to understand that children are not miniature adults, "he said.

"Son," Seto said, "Keep playing. That's what needs to be understood by parents. Because of that, parents should not be arrogant to position himself as a teacher, but learning together. If it was not ready with it, according to Seto, better not organize home school. "

"Old man, still need to continue to increase knowledge. There must master all kinds of science, which is important, having an understanding of the child. If parents do not understand biology or mathematics lesson, for example, parents can bring in teachers for these lessons and learn with the children. Thus, the child will feel inferior, but as companions in learning, "said Kak Seto added.

What about parents who work so felt he had no time to give lessons to children in carrying out homeschooling? Seto said, "it should not be a reason."

"Whatever busy parents, still have to have time for children. If you do not have time, do not have kids," says psychologist who also holds for her eldest son's homeschooling.

Home school learning should conform with the competency standards set by the Ministry of National Education. This is so in line with growth and the ability of children, in addition to included in the evaluation and examination organized nationally.

Competency standards to guide must have a child in a particular class. Children grade VI or equivalent elementary school, for example, at least already have mastered mathematics lesson to a certain extent as well. "The standard of competency," said Seto, "It can be obtained from the Department of Education in their respective regions."

Evaluation for children who follow homeschooling can be done to include the examination which is equivalent to Paket A, Paket B, elementary school or junior high. "Basically," said Seto, "The evaluation can also be done with the formal school have its main office to exist." According to him, this should be done because the home school is not school wild. Presumably the parents themselves have to look in the mirror before the school held a house for the baby.

source :

Children Teach Balanced Living

Advances in technology often had an impact on human social life throughout the world, not to mention the children. Now, not infrequently, it appears the children are only watching television or playing video games all day inside the house.
And activities that do not vary like that could trigger an imbalance of social relationships of children with the surrounding environment, can even lead to being overweight due to lack of physical activity.
The balance is an important thing that should be taught to children since early. According counselor Parenting column on, Abdul-Lateef Abdullah, parents need to use various combinations of restrictions and rules, especially those relating to things like television and computers.
It is necessary to remember, the need to provide the children means that they get ideas, motivation and examples of how to do more healthy activities. Children will learn from example and if they are interested, it is quite mungkim they also will do the same. Especially if the parents support them to do so.
"God willing the children will feel the same if the parents are interested in introducing them to activities while supporting a healthier," said Abdullah.
By the time children are attracted to certain things or be in a certain pattern is difficult to change. Usually happens to parents who never apply rules and boundaries that is when the kids are comfortable with activities such as watching television or playing video games as they please. When it was the parents usually realized, his son has a problem.
At that level, it is rather difficult to solve because children already have a pattern that did every day. Not surprisingly, then parents and children when parents try to separate fighting children from these activities.
According to Abdullah, the first thing parents need to be done in such conditions that make children interested in outdoor activities. Assure that activities can be just as fun with the activities he had done previously. Children aged seven and above requires discipline for such things.
"I believe it is important to set limits on the child and hold on to such limitations. For example, parents can give two hours per day limit for children to play video games. Do not ever give leeway," said Abdullah. If the child is not discipline, it is feared could lead to behavior that can no longer be repaired later.

He said the current trend is that parents are too indulgent of children by providing a virtual entertainment without discipline. Many parents do not realize, it can lead to serious problems.
Without the discipline of behavior it will be difficult for children to learn about self-discipline later. And who taught Islamic way of life is to apply self disipin.
"How can we expect children to manage themselves and their behavior if parents are not taught from an early age restriction? Children need to learn the proper limits and why it is very important to them. Parents also need to teach, balance is important in life , "he explained.
Abdullah also added that parents should not underestimate children's ability to understand such problems. Children can understand well enough when parents explain it according to his age.
The challenge for parents is trying to teach the children about what they can or can not do with their limits. For example, some play video games and more playing in the outdoors.
"If we respect children as human being and the responsibility to teach discipline to their reasonable and educate them in the process, God willing, they will grow as individuals who behave well and balanced in life," he explained.
For parents who want to direct their children towards a particular activity of interest, then set aside time with all family members to do so. Provides a good example is the most effective part of the educational.
source :

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011


Learning math is hard ... creepy ... "That's assuming some people. Although not all people think so, but many of whom have complained about the difficulty of studying mathematics. Moreover, for children, especially elementary school age students in the study group (Catch) Package A. Moreover if they obtain a value below the average. Passion for learning tends to decline. This will continue until the next education level. So all-time education, they consider mathematics to be the most horrific lesson. Dispelling the negative impression it needs to be an understanding that learning mathematics is fun and can be done through the game.

Learning Math is Fun

According Djamarah (2002), learning is an activity undertaken with the involvement of two elements, namely body and soul. Body motion are shown to be in line with the spirit to get change. Of course it's not the change that obtained the physical changes, but changes in life due to the entry of new impressions, so bring a change of behavior. Thus learning is a series of body and soul to obtain a change of behavior as a result of individual experience in interaction with their environment-related cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. While Hudojo (1988:3) says that the math regarding ide-ide/konsep-konsep hierarchically structured abstract and deductive reasoning. This impact on the process of learning mathematics.

Learning math is fun is one aspect of which is to be achieved through the method PAIKEM (Active, Innovative, Creative, effective, and fun). For learning math fun can take place, there is some thought to reduce fear or negative perceptions of mathematics, namely:

1. Learning math is packed with neighborhood-oriented. One approach that can be done is RME (Realistic Mathematic Education) is to associate and involve the surrounding environment, the real experiences of students in daily life, and make the mathematics as the activity of learners. Learners are invited to think how to solve the problem ever experienced, for example about the allowance, the schedule of train departures, and others.

2. Learning in the outdoors.

Learning outside the room is a variation of learning strategies related to life and the environment directly, as well as use it as a learning resource. Choose the appropriate topic, such as measuring tree height, tree diameter, leaf length, counting the number of vehicles passing by and so forth.

3. Finish material.

There is a belief some philosophers and scholars of education that "students learn a little better than the material thoroughly learn a lot but shallow." Thus, educators should seek to complete the learners in the study before the matter further in order to avoid misconceptions that would handcuff the students in learning mathematics.

4. Learning while playing.

For most students, learning mathematics is a heavy burden and boring, so they are less motivated, quickly bored, and tired. To overcome these educators can perform a variety of innovative learning, for example, give a quiz or a puzzle that must be guessed either in groups or individually, create a poem recited math and students in front of the class in turn, make a song lyric about mathematics items, giving the game on class, and so forth depending on the creativity of educators.

1. Synergize the relationship educators, learners and parents.

Recognized or not, many parents lack of attention to child development and learning difficulties in study groups. Parents do not want to know the development of children's learning, the important value is good. Therefore synergy relationship between educator-learner, parent-child and child, and parent-educator in a variety of opportunities needs to be improved. Parents monitor their children with learning difficulties how to consult with educators on a regular basis. Instead educators inform students that actual progress to parents.

Math Games

One of the learners karakateristik Pursue Package A is fond of forming a peer group to play together. Looking at these characteristics it is very appropriate if the delivery of course material using a method educators games. Game with a team better than games that do individually, they provide an opportunity to a team of friends to help each other. If the team consists of students who have different abilities and mixed, then everything has a chance to succeed. Mayke in Sudono (2000: 3) argued that learning to play to give the opportunity for children to manipulate, to repeat, find themselves, explore, practice, and get a variety of concepts and terms that do not count. This is where the learning process going on, through the games provide learning experiences to learners.

In a learning process there are two very important elements of teaching methods and instructional media. Selection of a particular teaching method will affect the appropriate type of instructional media. For teaching and learning process can work well, learners can take advantage of all the equipment senses. Educators attempt to generate stimulus / stimuli that can be processed with various senses. The more sensory organs that can be used to receive and process information the more likely the information is understandable and can be maintained in memory (long term memory), allowing you to easily accept and absorb the messages being given.

Many games that can be used as a medium of learning, including:

Hunting / search something with books. This game teaches the calculations and sequence number (first, second, third, ...). The idea is that the children read the answer in the form of a sentence or two sentences to questions submitted in accordance with the instructions given. Sample question "Find the thirty pages that lack of seventy-four and find the words to-8 in the third paragraph from the end of the page"

Looking for directions. The game is done outside the room and use a mat and each child pairs. One child from each group using a blindfold, while others will give directions to their partners such as how many foot steps forward, backward, right, or left.

Game board.

There are many math games in the form of board games such as Snakes and ladders, monopoly, and so forth.

Through folk games such as game or dakon congklak. An elementary school teacher from Bangli became champions in the Indonesian Science Festival in the competition by using dakon Mathematics teachers to inculcate the concept of the Biggest Factor Guild.

Buy-sell game to learn the material eg summation, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Games count using the fingers.

Games that use the card, for example to introduce the concept and understanding of learners Pursue Package A particularly towards the subject of fractions. The concept is to be understood that recognize various forms of fractions (usually fractions and decimal fractions), fractions worth, adding fractions, and compare the value of fractions (more than and less than). Game tools is a domino cards namely fractions and fraction cards. Domino fraction played like regular dominoes is compiling fractional numbers that rank. While fractional Cards played as joker card. To facilitate learners understanding of the game is also a list of materials prepared fractional fractional numbers (fractions common and decimal fractions.)

After educators explain subject matter, students are directed to implement the game. Then the students conduct the game according to the instructions on the game. At the end of the game is giving the punishment / reward in accordance with the collective agreement.

Furthermore, educators can provide practice questions or tasks independently and learning outcomes assessment test to determine the absorption capacity of students to material that has been submitted.

Games other people to guess the date of birth. The trick: ask him to multiply his birth date by 5; results are then added to 6, then the result multiplied by 4; results are then added to 9; then multiplied by 5 and the results add to the month of birth (January = 1, February = 2, etc.); then subtracting the result by 165 to obtain the results.

Online computer games. Researchers in London, England, believes games like World of Warcraft and Second Life can be used as a means of education.

Learning mathematics through the game to increase interest and motivation of learners and dismissed the notion that mathematics is difficult and scary even on the contrary, learning math is easy and fun. To that end, the creativity required of educators in presenting / delivering the material. No less important for parents to contribute to help their children learn in a fun way.

By: Dewi Gustini, S.Si. (Pamong Belajar BPPNFI Regional 1 Medan)

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Methods of Education in Three Views of Islamic Scientists

Education is an important factor that determines human life. Through education, people can improve their quality of life. Progress achieved in the time of the Caliphate of Islamic civilization could not be separated from the success of education. In those days, the cities of Islam has been transformed into an educational center and a highly advanced civilization.
In the medieval Muslim scientists and scholars have developed methods of education or learning is excellent. The method was developed for the students could understand and absorb knowledge that is taught in the madrassas with ease.
Here are three methods of education that was sparked three terpadang Muslim intellectuals in the age of the Caliphate. They are the Ibn Sina, Ibn Khaldun and Al-Ghazali. Then how ideas and their thinking about a good education and ideal for the Islamic world?

Ibn Sina (980 -1037)

Abu 'Ali al-Husayn ibn' Abdullah ibn Sina is not only known as a legendary doctor. Ibn Sina also devoted his ideas about education. According to Ibn Sina, education or learning that involves all aspects of human beings, ranging from the physical, metal and morally.
Education''must not ignore the physical development and anything that has an influence on physical development such as sports, food, drink, sleep, and cleanliness,''said Ibn Sina,
In the view of Ibn Sina, education not only pay attention to the moral aspect, but also form a complete individual, including, soul, mind and character. According to him, education is very important given to children to prepare themselves for adulthood.
Ibn Sina said, one must have a certain profession and should be able to contribute to society. Ibn Sina said that education should be provided in stages based on age.
- The new birth through age two years
In the view of Ibn Sina, education should be done early, since the person was born into the earth. Education for newborn babies, he said, could be given through various phases of activity such as caring for a baby to sleep, bathing, feeding, and provide mild exercises for the baby.
According to him, the baby should be put to sleep in the room where the temperature cool, not too cold and too hot. Baby sleeping space must also be a dim, not too bright. According to him, the mother must bathe the baby more than once a day, she also had breast-feeding her own child, and determine the dose required nursing infant.
When the baby already has teeth, then start by eating foods introduced new, more powerful than mother's milk. Babies can eat bread dipped in water, milk, and honey. Then the food is given to the baby in small amounts and gradually weaned him. Because cessation of breastfeeding can not be done drastically.

- Childhood
According to Ibn Sina's, childhood is a time of formation of physical, mental, and moral. Therefore there are three things to note: First, children should be kept away from the influence of violence that could affect the mental and moral. Second, for the development of the body and movement, children must be awakened from sleep.
Third, children are not allowed to drink immediately after eating, because it will go without food to digest first. Fourth, the development of taste and behavior of children need to be addressed.
Ibn Sina think the kids have to listen to music, so when you are asleep in their swings with the sound of music. This will prepare children to learn music, then he would be interested to learn the simple poetry and eventually made him appreciate the values ​​of truth.

- The Education
At this time, the children are aged between 6 to 14 years. At this time, children must learn the principles of Islamic culture from the Koran, Arabic poetry, calligraphy, as well as Islamic leaders.
According to Ibn Sina, education in this period must be done in groups, not individuals. So that students do not feel bored. In addition, they can learn about the meaning of friendship.

- The age of 14 years and over
In adolescence, they are prepared to learn certain types of lessons that have special expertise. In addition, they must learn the lessons that match their talents. They also should not be forced to learn and work in the field that they want and they do not understand. But the basic lesson to be given to them.

Ibn Sina considers education to children and adolescents should be granted because education has a close relationship between economic and social needs. Most importantly, every student must become an expert in a particular field who will support his work in the future.

* Ibn Khaldun (1332/732H, - 1406/808H)

Ibn Khaldun is known as a leading historian. Through the book he wrote Almuqadimmah, Ibn Khaldun was one of the legendary Muslim intellectuals of all time. In addition to contributing to the field of history, politics and economics, Ibn Khaldun was to devote his mind in the field of education.

His thinking in education stems from a presentation science encyclopedia. This is a way to open up a theory of knowledge and general presentation of social history and epitomologi based on the development of science.

According to Ibn Khaldun, classifying science knowledge into two kinds, namely, rational knowledge and traditional knowledge. Rational knowledge is knowledge gained from the good that comes from thinking that natural.

While traditional knowledge is the knowledge that the subject, methods, and results, as well as historical developments built by the authority or person in charge.

According to him, when a child is born, then the baby does not have knowledge. Baby''is like a raw material which must be of good content in order to become useful adults later in life,''said Ibn Khaldun.

Ibn Khaldun said, everyone gets the science through the organs of the body given by God. ''We are learning to use eyes, ears, mouth, feet and hands. All the organs that sustain us in the learning process in order to get knowledge,''he said.

Ibn Khaldun also share knowledge based on the level of thought, namely: the practical knowledge which is the result of understanding intelligence. So that makes us able to do anything in the world in an order.

Knowledge of what we should do and what not to do. This relates to what is good and what is bad. The values ​​of goodness and badness can be obtained from empirical intelligence and can be applied to guide us when dealing with others.

According to him, taught that science is very important, because science will be more easily obtained by humans with the help of teachers and teaching.

Education Method Ala Al-Ghazali

Al Ghazali gives a great attention to place Islamic thought in education. According to him, the whole method of education must hold fast to the Islamic Shari'a.
According to him, the goal is to achieve happiness with a man closer to God. In other words, various kinds of human beings to gain wealth, social power, science, merely an illusion if it only related and aimed at the achievement of the mortal world.
According to him, the baby was born in a state of clear, then grow into children who need a personality, character, and behavior while living and interacting with the environment. Families teach children about language, customs, religious traditions, and all the influence of these teachings may not disappear until they mature.
Therefore, the most responsible for bad or good education a child is their parents. Parents are partners in educating their children and the teachers have to share them with such children.
Al-Ghazali stresses the importance of character formation. By giving the characters a good education so parents have helped her children to live according to the straight path. However, poor education will make children's character to be not good and narrow-minded so it is difficult to bring them towards the right path again.
Therefore, children should learn in elementary school so that knowledge gained from a young age will be attached to strong like carving in stone. In addition, children also must be convinced that they must always develop knowledge gained.
The children continue to grow, in their teens they will feel attracted to the opposite sex, then at the age of 20 years, they yearn to be a leader, and at the age of 40 years people need closeness and pleasure to the knowledge of his Lord.
In childhood, parents must teach them the Koran and Hadith sciences. In addition, they must be kept from the love poems. For these things, he said, could be a bad seed for the soul of a boy.
They also must be taught to obey the advice of parents, desert, and people who are older. In addition they also must be taught to people who are honest, modest, generous, and civilized. In addition, children should have a moral good friends, good character, intelligent, and honest.