Jumat, 18 Maret 2011


Learning math is hard ... creepy ... "That's assuming some people. Although not all people think so, but many of whom have complained about the difficulty of studying mathematics. Moreover, for children, especially elementary school age students in the study group (Catch) Package A. Moreover if they obtain a value below the average. Passion for learning tends to decline. This will continue until the next education level. So all-time education, they consider mathematics to be the most horrific lesson. Dispelling the negative impression it needs to be an understanding that learning mathematics is fun and can be done through the game.

Learning Math is Fun

According Djamarah (2002), learning is an activity undertaken with the involvement of two elements, namely body and soul. Body motion are shown to be in line with the spirit to get change. Of course it's not the change that obtained the physical changes, but changes in life due to the entry of new impressions, so bring a change of behavior. Thus learning is a series of body and soul to obtain a change of behavior as a result of individual experience in interaction with their environment-related cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. While Hudojo (1988:3) says that the math regarding ide-ide/konsep-konsep hierarchically structured abstract and deductive reasoning. This impact on the process of learning mathematics.

Learning math is fun is one aspect of which is to be achieved through the method PAIKEM (Active, Innovative, Creative, effective, and fun). For learning math fun can take place, there is some thought to reduce fear or negative perceptions of mathematics, namely:

1. Learning math is packed with neighborhood-oriented. One approach that can be done is RME (Realistic Mathematic Education) is to associate and involve the surrounding environment, the real experiences of students in daily life, and make the mathematics as the activity of learners. Learners are invited to think how to solve the problem ever experienced, for example about the allowance, the schedule of train departures, and others.

2. Learning in the outdoors.

Learning outside the room is a variation of learning strategies related to life and the environment directly, as well as use it as a learning resource. Choose the appropriate topic, such as measuring tree height, tree diameter, leaf length, counting the number of vehicles passing by and so forth.

3. Finish material.

There is a belief some philosophers and scholars of education that "students learn a little better than the material thoroughly learn a lot but shallow." Thus, educators should seek to complete the learners in the study before the matter further in order to avoid misconceptions that would handcuff the students in learning mathematics.

4. Learning while playing.

For most students, learning mathematics is a heavy burden and boring, so they are less motivated, quickly bored, and tired. To overcome these educators can perform a variety of innovative learning, for example, give a quiz or a puzzle that must be guessed either in groups or individually, create a poem recited math and students in front of the class in turn, make a song lyric about mathematics items, giving the game on class, and so forth depending on the creativity of educators.

1. Synergize the relationship educators, learners and parents.

Recognized or not, many parents lack of attention to child development and learning difficulties in study groups. Parents do not want to know the development of children's learning, the important value is good. Therefore synergy relationship between educator-learner, parent-child and child, and parent-educator in a variety of opportunities needs to be improved. Parents monitor their children with learning difficulties how to consult with educators on a regular basis. Instead educators inform students that actual progress to parents.

Math Games

One of the learners karakateristik Pursue Package A is fond of forming a peer group to play together. Looking at these characteristics it is very appropriate if the delivery of course material using a method educators games. Game with a team better than games that do individually, they provide an opportunity to a team of friends to help each other. If the team consists of students who have different abilities and mixed, then everything has a chance to succeed. Mayke in Sudono (2000: 3) argued that learning to play to give the opportunity for children to manipulate, to repeat, find themselves, explore, practice, and get a variety of concepts and terms that do not count. This is where the learning process going on, through the games provide learning experiences to learners.

In a learning process there are two very important elements of teaching methods and instructional media. Selection of a particular teaching method will affect the appropriate type of instructional media. For teaching and learning process can work well, learners can take advantage of all the equipment senses. Educators attempt to generate stimulus / stimuli that can be processed with various senses. The more sensory organs that can be used to receive and process information the more likely the information is understandable and can be maintained in memory (long term memory), allowing you to easily accept and absorb the messages being given.

Many games that can be used as a medium of learning, including:

Hunting / search something with books. This game teaches the calculations and sequence number (first, second, third, ...). The idea is that the children read the answer in the form of a sentence or two sentences to questions submitted in accordance with the instructions given. Sample question "Find the thirty pages that lack of seventy-four and find the words to-8 in the third paragraph from the end of the page"

Looking for directions. The game is done outside the room and use a mat and each child pairs. One child from each group using a blindfold, while others will give directions to their partners such as how many foot steps forward, backward, right, or left.

Game board.

There are many math games in the form of board games such as Snakes and ladders, monopoly, and so forth.

Through folk games such as game or dakon congklak. An elementary school teacher from Bangli became champions in the Indonesian Science Festival in the competition by using dakon Mathematics teachers to inculcate the concept of the Biggest Factor Guild.

Buy-sell game to learn the material eg summation, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Games count using the fingers.

Games that use the card, for example to introduce the concept and understanding of learners Pursue Package A particularly towards the subject of fractions. The concept is to be understood that recognize various forms of fractions (usually fractions and decimal fractions), fractions worth, adding fractions, and compare the value of fractions (more than and less than). Game tools is a domino cards namely fractions and fraction cards. Domino fraction played like regular dominoes is compiling fractional numbers that rank. While fractional Cards played as joker card. To facilitate learners understanding of the game is also a list of materials prepared fractional fractional numbers (fractions common and decimal fractions.)

After educators explain subject matter, students are directed to implement the game. Then the students conduct the game according to the instructions on the game. At the end of the game is giving the punishment / reward in accordance with the collective agreement.

Furthermore, educators can provide practice questions or tasks independently and learning outcomes assessment test to determine the absorption capacity of students to material that has been submitted.

Games other people to guess the date of birth. The trick: ask him to multiply his birth date by 5; results are then added to 6, then the result multiplied by 4; results are then added to 9; then multiplied by 5 and the results add to the month of birth (January = 1, February = 2, etc.); then subtracting the result by 165 to obtain the results.

Online computer games. Researchers in London, England, believes games like World of Warcraft and Second Life can be used as a means of education.

Learning mathematics through the game to increase interest and motivation of learners and dismissed the notion that mathematics is difficult and scary even on the contrary, learning math is easy and fun. To that end, the creativity required of educators in presenting / delivering the material. No less important for parents to contribute to help their children learn in a fun way.

By: Dewi Gustini, S.Si. (Pamong Belajar BPPNFI Regional 1 Medan)

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