Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

My mother is my Master (Methods Home Schooling Group, Alternative Models of Early Childhood Education)

Samara family. The results of neurological research and study early childhood education, providing sufficient evidence of the importance of stimulation from an early age in order to optimize the full potential of children in order to realize the next generation of qualified and able to compete in a globalized world arena in this third millennium. In addition, Muhammad SAW said uthlubul'ilma minalmahdi ilal lakhdi which means "Seek knowledge from cradle to grave".

Hadith emphasizes how important a person to learn as early as possible. Certainly awareness of the need to learn from an early age does not appear from the baby who 'can not nothing', but starts from the awareness of parents to provide learning-learning to their children early on. Because basically, when a man has been born into this world, he has completed a variety of devices such as the five senses and the mind to absorb the various sciences.

This is the foundation stone of the importance of early childhood education. Since the early child should be given a variety of science (in the form of various stimulus / stimuli). Educating children at this age is like engraving in stone form which will not be easily lost, it will even imprint forever. That is, education in early childhood will greatly imprint up to adult children. Education at this age was the foundation stone for the next children's education. The success of early childhood education is highly instrumental to the success of children in the later period.

Efforts made by governments and communities in improving access to early childhood education services continue to be done, but the data prove than 28 million children aged 0-6 years, as many as 73 percent, or about 20.4 million children do not get the education service, both formally and non-formal. Special pre-school age children, access to early childhood education services is still low (around 20.0%). This means that as many as 80.0% are unserved in the centers of early childhood education. The gap between rural and urban areas also occur (Jalal 2002). Similar results were also found in studies conducted by Juliana et al. in late 2004 and early 2005 in Java, that most (86.3% in rural areas and 73.2% in urban areas) have access to preschool education programs that exist in both the formal and non formal education.

The cause is because it is still a lack of facilities and infrastructure for early childhood special education. Besides the high cost of education, the more difficult for children to get an opportunity to learn, especially for young children. Society in general is not able to reach them. For example there are schools in Jakarta to withdraw money for the level of preschool enrollment Rp 15 million out of a monthly allowance of Rp 1 million. With the high cost of course only the children of certain circles who had the opportunity to obtain education that "quality".

Whereas continuity of education for early childhood, should not be done by inserting them into educational institutions. Mother, is a human resources has the potential to become a teacher for children of early age. Mom has a strong interaction with the child, because he was the one who first established the interaction; understand and always follow all aspects of child development without being missed. Mother was the first to be a role model for children, as is the person closest to children. Mother who is able to apply learning principles to be applied, because he has the most time with children. Mother is the most ambitious set of pious children, because for him it has become the biggest investment for the hereafter. Finally, it is only mothers who have the greatest opportunity to educate children with full sincerity, compassion and perfect sacrifice.

Opportunities mom became a teacher for children of early age is very huge. Masih many moms in this country do not work and the care of her children directly. If the mother is a teacher so education costs incurred are not great, because my mother in their role as educators do in the house with the time adjusted to the conditions of children and mother. In contrast to incorporate children into school, they are bound by a specific study plan. Mom had to spend the cost of expensive. Making the mother as a teacher and implement the educational process by the method of study groups together at home, that's what my mother run the program with the Teachers We are home schooling group method.

Why do early childhood education at home?

Home is the child's immediate environment and learn the best places for children. At home children can learn to tune with his own. He did not have to sit and wait until the bell rings, do not necessarily have to compete with other children, does not necessarily have to fear the wrong answer in front of the class, and can immediately get an award or if the rectification made a mistake. This is where the mother's role becomes very important, because the main task of the mother is actually a domestic regulators and educators. Inside the house a lot of tools that can be used for children's learning. Children can learn many concepts about objects, colors, shapes and so on while mom cooks in the kitchen.

Children also get to know God's creation through a variety of living things around the house, listen to mom read the prayers, chanting verses of the Qur'an and the stories of the Prophets and friends in a comfortable and enjoyable. Therefore the house is the right environment to provide education in early childhood as it did during the reign of Islam, that education for children under seven years tutored by his parents.

Al-Abdary in the book Madkhalusi syar'i ash-ash-Sharif criticized the parents and guardians who send their children to school at the age of less than seven years. He said: "In the past our ancestors who learned to send sons to Kuttab / school when they reach the age of seven. Since age is required of parents to educate their children to know the prayers and noble spirit. But in this very regrettable that today's children studying at the age that is still prone (4-5) years. Teachers should be careful to teach children this vulnerable age, because it can weaken the body and mind his mind ".

Methods home schooling group can be accessed by all layers of society because of its implementation is dynamic, can vary according to socio-economic situation of parents. The involvement of parents (mothers) in the home schooling group is dominant and mileage of children to groups of home schooled children can be reached on foot (maximum 1 km). It thus makes the advantages of home schooling (cheap, close to the child's mother, and dynamic). Why be in the form of group or groups? It aims to instill the concept of socialization in children, build ukhuwwah Islamiyah in the mother in addition to ease the burden of mothers and community efforts to improve the environment

Curriculum shcooling group home is expected to reflect the personality of activities to build skills and abilities of children of Islamic sciences / tsaqofah (includes materials Aqeedah, Arabic, Quran, Sunnah, fiqh, prophet siroh and history of the Muslims) and building skills capacity sainteks (cognitive, language, gross motor, fine motor, art, social and emotional independence). The activity was carried out by the method of teaching by example while learning to play, hear, say, telling stories and habituation. Learning approach in home schooling group must be oriented to the principles of child development, children's needs, using a thematic approach, creative and innovative, and conducive environment to develop life skills.

The role of mother as educator first and foremost, not only in order to educate their children alone. This is due, the children interact with other people's children in her neighborhood. Our children need friends to learn to socialize and train to be leaders. Our consciousness as a Muslim who care about the condition of its people will foster a sense of responsibility to contribute to educate other children as the next generation race. So Mom is not enough to educate their own children, but also need to educate other children with their mothers in their environment.

Common vision and mission of educating children among parents is needed for continuity of learning activities effective and efficient. Often parents have been fully devolved implementation of children's education (including early childhood) to schools and teachers. Parents should realize that the obligation to educate children is not lost by educating them. Parents also need to relate the learning process in schools with education in the home so that the target can be achieved.

Being a teacher for children of early age, she educates her child does not mean an individual basis, but can be done in groups with the involvement of parents (mother) who is around their environment to be team teaching (teacher). System in the form of group learning groups, in addition to foster togetherness and train the children in foster brotherhood and socialize well as the closeness between the parents making it easier to provide a solution to the problems that arise from these children. Thus an early age children get lessons in the form of the group and will continue their learning at home with their mother. (

By: Dr. Ir. Yuliana, M.Sc.
Chairman of the Group of Care for Mothers and Generation (el-Diina Center) and Member of Board of Experts ICMI Muda Field Center for Women's Empowerment

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