Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

The role of Mother Language Eradicate Illiteracy

Model of mutual learning between residents pick up literacy education can be done to foster the spirit of learning among the members, for security reasons also the basis for teaching and learning activities are generally conducted at night after the household routine is finished but it is also because most citizens are belajra mothers home the stairs. When the morning they take care of the house and helped work on the farm so that learning time is only available after the sunset prayers.
Learning system is done by discussion, reading, writing, arithmetic provided by the tutors to use the mother tongue the language of instruction. Learning to use the mother tongue, it is helping people learn to adjust to when starting the learning, because people learn the new classes are usually not confident because assessing literacy learning is difficult and scary. Discussions and learning processes are also expected to rely on the local context in the usage of the language of instruction, examples of problems that occur in everyday life all citizens to learn, such as difficulty in obtaining water issues, high price of kerosene and so on, so much, easier and faster to understand than the language not so familiar to the participants learn.
Understanding of agency managers and tutors about the characteristics of the residents learned a great help to accelerate the learning kekasaraan because most rural people only know their mother tongue and not be able to use the Indonesian language properly and correctly
Therefore, eradication of illiteracy becomes effective when the initial learning Indonesian language. The use of mother tongue can be a bridge before the residents learn to understand the reading, writing and arithmetic in the Indonesian language, he said.
Furthermore, to stimulate enthusiasm for learning, given additional skills, such as handicrafts, art by utilizing local potentials that can provide income for residents to learn among other things, serving hoods rattan, baskets, tissue box, to furniture, toys involving the partition of bamboo

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