Minggu, 18 Maret 2012



The atmosphere is more focused on the development of the economy coupled with today's era of globalization has had an impact that could no longer be dammed, the unlimited pumping. The offer to enjoy a global lifestyle has spurred people to work countless hours. Under these conditions it has changed the lives of families including women bring a different appearance in the role and function as providers of household and child educators.
The appearance of women in activities outside the home (work, social and cultural activities) that characterizes the lives of families in urban areas, raising questions about the results can be obtained from the child's education. This question becomes even more meaningful because the father was also to be receding from its activities outside the home, and even tended to increase with the demands of life, whereas the presence of both is required of children, no matter what age.
Relation to it, who should be appointed and entrusted with responsibilities as a 'surrogate family' (implies not take over or eliminate family responsibilities and functions fully, but only change for a while as long as the parents unable to provide education so that children avoid stagnation growth process), seems to be a phenomenon that will color the face of urban families in the future. This phenomenon certainly needs to be addressed seriously from now on, because it is not easy to get a 'surrogate family' in the family who can help and contribute to generation, from generation to generation, such as having experienced a previous era.
In this perspective, our understanding of the developmental needs of children and the importance of basic needs is to improve the quality of child development, including an understanding of the institutions that can be used as alternative compliance with the basic needs of the child's development, be one way to understand the issues related to the tendency reduction in carrying out the functions of family upbringing and education, which in turn could seek a solution by selecting the 'surrogate family' that can improve the quality of child development.

Growth and development of children physically, mentally, emotionally influenced social nutrition, health, and education (child care programs that can create influence and intellectual stimulation and interaction of humanity in a positive and able to provide activities that enhance the learning process for children). It explains that the fulfillment of nutrition, health, and education in the process of child development is essential.
Importance of compliance with nutrition, health, and education in the process of child development has been widely demonstrated in numerous studies, including longitudinal studies by Bloom of intelligence indicating that the first period of 4 years of age, cognitive development reaches about 50 percent, reaching a period of 8 years 80 percent, and reached 100 percent after a 18-year-old child. (Saidah, 2003).
Other studies of intelligence pointed to the fact that the brain in order to maximize a child's intelligence, stimulation should be given from the first three years of his life since at that age the brain cells that belongs to two times more than cells of the adult brain.(Oberlander, 2000)
In the study of neurology, stated that during the first years of life, the brain produces trillions of connections between neurons. Furthermore, destroying brain connections (synapses) that are rarely or never used. Excessive connections experiencing drastic cuts that began at age 10 or earlier. Therefore, this connection must be reinforced through a variety of intellectual stimulation that coincided with the provision of adequate nutrition and health because the connection is not reinforced shrinkage (antrofi) and finally stopped functioning. (Nash, 1997)
Other neurological studies explain that brain growth is not caused by the increasing number of nerve cells, but by the growth of branching panhandle. When the brain is programmed (used for learning) branches and twigs overhung growing nerve cells, a relationship is more lush. When not in use then this branch shrinks and disappears.Furthermore, this growth also requires the panhandle of good nutrition. Therefore, the programming of the brain that means education and good nutrition affect the growth of branching shape and define the relevant brain panhandle. (Markam et al., 2003)
Regarding the provision of good nutrition for children, especially in the first period of 4 years is very important because of poor nutritional very risky in a variety of health conditions, learning disorders, impaired mental development, and development of intellectual capacity is very limited. (Malla, 2002)
The results of foreign and domestic research also shows the real relationship between nutritional status and intelligence, even the latest research on Canning showed that malnutrition rates are already causing mild deterioration of intelligence, especially in moderate and severe. (Husaini, 2003)
Nutrition, health, and education is needed in all phases of life, but the phase of a child must take precedence due to the phase of the child experiencing tremendous growth, including brain, especially in the first three years of life. (Falsafi, 2002)
Studies and research results above show that the age of the children in the process of child development is the most critical period for development that occur within the first 4 years as great as the developments in the next 14 years. Therefore, to support the development of intellectual stimulation happens very fundamental in nature. Similarly, if there is not adequate nutrients and a high degree of health is the capacity of the brain that is formed is not the maximum. (Jalal, 2002)
Accordingly, it can be said that in the process of child development, education does not provide meaning if not accompanied by the provision of adequate nutrition and health.Vice versa, this means that the third requirement is one unit (compounding) in shaping the quality of child development, as the opinion of Myers (Patmonodewo, 2002) that "the needs of children to health, nutrition, and education can not be separated from each other (synergistic) ". In other words, child development depends not only on meeting the nutrition and health, but also influenced by how big a role in affecting the family, especially parental psychiatric aspects of the child.
It seems indisputable that the people closest to the child is the family, especially parents. However, it is mostly found in family life are not so ideal in the sense of family functioning, especially in the care, treatment, education and other basic needs of children, such as nutrition, immunization, and health care.
Trend away from family functions suggests that there are children who have not fully obtain the full needs of the family. Yet, for children, the fulfillment of those needs is an absolute and can not be put off because of that opportunity comes only once.Opportunities are not exploited in this period go away and can not be achieved again.
The importance of meeting the needs of nutrition, health, and education for children in the growth process on the one hand and a continuing lack of family functioning on the other hand, provide opportunities for the development of institutions that organize day care or child care services during a specified period as a "surrogate family" in order to provide reasonably meet the needs of the child.
Role as a "surrogate family" implies not take over or eliminate entirely the responsibility and family functions, but only change for a while as long as parents are unable to provide care, treatment, protection, and education so that children avoid stagnation of the growth process which in turn can affect the child's overall personality development.
In general, the form of institutions that act as "surrogate family" can be divided into two agencies TPA and TPA is not a part of the activities are child-care services. Many examples of institutions that are not TPA but is now thriving full day school, a school and preschool educational institutions held nearly a full day. The institute has kept the school hours, like other educational institutions, only after school hours the children are given extra-curricular activities including breaks and lunch. Another example is the daycare in shopping centers that provide care services within hours for parents of children shopping.
TPA as a "surrogate family" is expected to provide welfare and guidance services for early childhood education to achieve optimal growth and development. (MONE, 2003).Therefore, the TPA to operate in carrying out activities other than care for a certain time also need to implement educational activities that refer to a reference menu ECE learning. (Wahyuti, 2003). This suggests that TPA not only to increase the welfare of children but also to develop the potential of children early in a certain time as a preparation for life and can adjust to the environment.
In its implementation, conduct TPA services for the provision of eating / drinking, health maintenance, periodic medical examination, weighing, providing vitamins, spiritual guidance, counseling and moral behavior of children, children's cognitive development, socialization and development of children. This assertion indicates that the TPA provides a holistic form of health care services, nutrition, and education in an integrated manner, so that the basic needs of children under five in the process tumbuhkembangnya can be met. (MOSA, 2002)
TPA (TPA) is known as the Day Care Center, in its development using a variety of terms that is a Child Care, Child Care Sasana, Sasana Toddler Development and Child Care Homes. In Indonesia the presence of TPA was not really new now but has been around since the Dutch era, although at that time specifically for plantation workers. That's why to this day child care in many plantations. While the new government began to pioneer the TPA in 1964 with a name TPA Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta, then followed by the establishment of Mother TPA is also located in Jakarta.
TPA can now be grouped into three types. First, type the full custody (Full Day Care) is carried out with child care activities in the form of counseling, care, and education with psychomotor and psychosocial stimulation in full. Second, the type of half-parenting (Semi Day Care) is carried out with child care activities in the form of counseling or just alone, or educational services with psychomotor and psychosocial stimulation alone.
Third, the type of care at any time (Incidental Day Care) is carried out with child care activities in the form of counseling, care, and education with psychomotor and psychosocial stimulation at any time when necessary according to the needs of parents.(Wahyuti, 2003)
Another grouping or a grouping based environment that is conveniently located child care located in the office environment and housing estates and in the neighborhood.Other grouping based organizer or manager of the institution, among others, by government agencies, community organizations, foundations, nongovernmental organizations, and individuals. (Setiawan, 2002)
On Government Regulation No. 27 of 1990 on Preschool child care is emphasized that early childhood development facilities that provide education and child welfare services.In terms of education, child care is the responsibility of the Minister of National Education, while in terms of child welfare is the responsibility of the Minister of Social Affairs.
In this connection, the Ministry of Social Affairs (2002) asserts that the reference TPA is a temporary replacement service agencies that take a broader responsibility as parents to work, which includes the services of socialization of children, development of child behavior, child education, child health, play activities, activities leisure time and social services to parents / family as a child and family consultation services when a child needs additional services.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Education (2003) interpret the TPA as a form of early childhood education in the path of organizing non-formal education programs for early childhood education from age 3 months to 6 years and children who need care and protection, when his parents absent.
Based on the above, it can be said that TPA is a vehicle for education and training services or child welfare agency that complements the role of families in caring for and raising children during the parents are not in place or absent.
TPA objectives as confirmed Affairs (2002) is to:
1) ensured the care of child development, care, and guidance through the process of socialization and education of children as possible;
2) Providing opportunities for children to obtain the completeness of care, care, guidance and good education so as to guarantee the survival, growth and development, protection and participation for children;
3) avoiding the possibility of having children from acts of violence or other acts that will disturb or affect the survival and development of the child and the child's personality formation;
4) Terbantunya parents / families in establishing a family function, especially in carrying out child welfare development within and outside the family. Thus, these service agencies are preventive in the face of fears of abandonment by the care, treatment, education, and guidance for children under five.
Referring to the assertion above, it can be said that the TPA aims to provide education and training for early childhood well-being to achieve optimal growth and development.
TPA function as confirmed Affairs (2002) are as:
1) Substitute the function of the time parents. The presence of TPA is to answer the family's inability (due to his work) in running some of the functions that should be done.These functions including socialization, pre-school education (preschool learning), care, treatment, and social care of children;
2) Information, communications, and consulting in the areas of well-being of preschoolers. In such case, the presence of TPA is a source of information, communication, and consultation on preschool children and their families to those in need;
3) Reference, the TPA can be used as a recipient of referrals from other agencies (other parties) in the acquisition of services for preschool children and also carry out referrals to other agencies;
4) Education and research, the TPA can be used as a place of education and research as well as a means to an internship for those interested about the children under five.
Based on the above, it can be said that the TPA function is primarily as a substitute family for a period of time for parents unable or do not have enough time in caring for her child because of work or other reasons.

Nutrition, health, and education for children in the process tumbuhkembangnya is the fundamental basic need to be met in improving the quality of child development. In that regard, TPA as one of the institutions that hold a holistic form of health care services, nutrition, and education are integrated over a certain time can be used as an alternative 'surrogate family' in providing basic needs in the process of development of the child.
Thus, in addressing the phenomenon of reduced function in the family child care and education as the tendency of families in urban communities in the future, TPA can be used as a solution. However, this does not mean that the only effort to do. That is, the selection of TPA as a "surrogate family" must be supported by other aspects as well foster parents keep their interactions with children, the rights of the child to love and care it is given.

Ministry of Education. , 2003. Pioneering Program Guidelines TPA. Jakarta: Directorate General of Ministry of Education PLSP RI.
Ministry of Social Affairs. Of 2002. Guidelines for Implementation of Social Services Child TPA (TPA). Jakarta: Directorate General of Social Welfare Ministry of Social Affairs.
Falsafi, M. T. Of 2002. Children, between Gen Power and Education. Bogor: Light.
Feisal, J. A. Of 2002. "The National Education Policy Challenges Facing the Global" in Syarief, I (Ed), Education for a New Society Indonesia: 70 Year Prof. Dr. H. A. R. Tilaar, M. Sc. Ed. (Pp. 124-133). New York: Grasindo.
Husaini, M. A. , 2003. "Improving Children's Intelligence Requires Balanced Nutrition".Scientific Journal of early childhood. Vol. 2 stars. 03 p. 51-58.
Jalal, F. Of 2002. "Early Childhood Education, the Basic Education". Scientific Journal of early childhood. Prime Edition, p. 4-8.
Malla, A. Of 2002. "Nutrition for Early Childhood Development Intelligence". Scientific Journal of early childhood. No. 02. , p. 19-27.
Markam, S., M. Ade, Herry P. , 2003. "Early Childhood Education Seen View of Neurology". ECE Journal. Special edition, p. 47-52.
Nash, J. M. Of 1997. Infant brain. Translation of Time magazine edition February 3, 1997. Jakarta: PT. Three Mercury Satria.
Oberlander, J. R. Of 2000. Slow And Steady, Get Me Ready. Translation by Harini Soesanti Hartono. , 2003. Jakarta: PT. Scholastic.
Patmonodewo, S. Of 2002. "Early Childhood Development, Various Models are there".ECE Journal. Prime Edition, p. 36-39.
Saidah, E. S. , 2003. "The Importance of Early Mental Stimulation". Imiah Journal of Early Childhood Education. No. 01. , p. 50-55.
Setiawan, B. B. Of 2002. "The Role of Child Care and Child Care". ECE Journal. Prime Edition, p. 42-45.
Wahyuti, T. , 2003. "Strategic Positioning TPA". ECE Journal. No. 02. Vol. 2 p. 28-37.

Author: Suardi (PLS Faculty Affairs University of Makassar FIP)

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