Selasa, 17 April 2012

Early Childhood Potentialy

At birth, the baby God has equipped with the complete structure of the brain, but once outside the womb before the baby's brain reaches maturity. Newborns has more than 100 billion neurons and about one trillion glial cells which function as adhesive and synap (branches of the neuron) that will form the connections between neurons.
After birth, the brain activity is influenced and dependent on the activity of neurons and its offshoots in the form bertrilyun-trillion connections between neurons. Through natural competition, the connections that do not or rarely used or given a stimulus would have stagnated and even atrophy or die. Strengthening the connection occurs when neurons get information or stimulation can produce bursts of power-pop. The burst of stimulating increased production of myelin is produced by glial adhesive substance. Increasing number of substances produced myelin, the more dendrites that grow, so will the more synap which means more neurons that together form a unit. The quality of the brain and the ability to absorb and process information depending on the number of neurons that form units (Nash: 1997)
Synap this will work quickly to children ages five to six years. A large number of connections that affect the quality of the ability of the brain throughout life. Growth in the number of brain tissue affected by the experience gained in the child's early years of his life. More and more children get the educational stimulation of children getting optimal brainpower.
First Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is known as the only tool to measure the intelligence of children, but history proves that high IQ is no guarantee of success in life. Children who have a high IQ and are considered intelligent life will be successful when in fact many children are a high IQ, but his life was not successful.
Concepts and new thinking about evolving intelligence. The presence of the theory of Multiple Inttelligences (multiple intelligences) which was introduced by Howard Gardner has sparked a growing awareness of the new intelligences other than intellectual intelligence. The theory of multiple intelligences provides a solid foundation to identify and develop broad spectrum of skills within the child.
Plural intelligence consists of 9 (nine) kinds of intelligence are:
A. Verbal-linguistic intelligence is the ability or competence to use words effectively both orally and in writing, including the ability to manipulate the syntax or language structure, fornologi or sounds in the language, semantics or meaning of language, and pragmatic dimensions or practical use of language.
2. Logical-mathematical intelligence is the intelligence to process the numbers and / or skill to use logic or common sense. In this intelligence includes sensitivity to logical patterns and relationships, statements, and propositions.
3. Visual-spatial intelligence is the intelligence picture and visualization involves the ability to visualize images inside a person's head, or create it in the form of two or three dimensions. This intelligence involves sensitivity to color, line, shape, size, area, and the relationships that exist between these elements.
4. Musical-rhythmic intelligence is the ability to perceive, discriminate, and express musical forms. This intelligence involves sensitivity to rhythm, melody, music and other sounds of something musical creation.
5. Kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to use the whole potential of the body to express ideas and feelings, including the ability to use hands to produce or transform things or objects.
6. Interpersonal intelligence is the intelligence to perceive and distinguish the mode, purpose, motivation and feelings of others, including the ability to empathize with others.
7. Intrapersonal intelligence is the intelligence to know and understand yourself, know the strengths and weaknesses of intelligence itself. Awareness of the feelings within ourselves, intentions, motivations, temperament and desires, and the ability to discipline yourself, understanding yourself and confident.
8. Natural intelligence is the intelligence in terms of cooperation and harmonize with nature. Involves the ability to recognize the forms of nature around: flora and fauna, the composition of clouds and geological features of the earth.
9. Spiritual intelligence is the intelligence to deal with and solve problems of meaning and value, the intelligence to put the behavior and life in the broader context of meaning and rich, the intelligence to assess that person's actions or way of life more meaningful than others

There is so much potential in every child. When the components of intelligence that does not get a chance to explore the potential will not be able to develop optimally even going to be a latent potential to be buried forever. This has implications for the ability / competence of the people around the child: parents, communities, governments, particularly educators, to improve and develop the various components of intelligence.With adequate competence of their potential for the development of all children will be able to take place with a more optimal.

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