Rabu, 23 Mei 2012


Knowledge of the most learned or gained from research on learning experiences to children or animals. Similarly, knowledge of teaching, mostly derived from the experience of teaching children in situations where children are required to follow a teaching-learning process that takes place in formal educational institutions. Implementation of the teaching-learning process is based on the definition of education as a process of cultural submission.
The definition of education is basically a term derived from the educational pedagogy.The term pedagogy derives from the Greek word "paid" meaning child and "agogos" guiding means. That is why the term pedagogy can be interpreted as "the science and art of teaching children (the art and science of teaching children).
In the development of the use of the term, appears a problem that is the word "child" as an integral part of the sense of the term pedagogy has been lost, so that the human mind is also written in educational books and dictionaries, in which the term pedagogy is defined as the art and science of teaching . Even the books on adult education found the term "Pedagogy of Adult Education". People apparently do not realize that in terms of pedagogy have the word "paid" meaning child, so the term pedagogy is not suitable to explain the art and science of helping adults learn. Another problem that arises concerning the meaning of the term pedagogy is drawn on the concept of educational objectives, namely the delivery of knowledge in children. On the basis of education is then defined as the process of delivering knowledge. Defines education as the process of delivery was less in accordance with the development and human life.
In addition to the problems that arise in terms of pedagogy is a view that suggests that the purpose of education is to transmit knowledge. But on the other hand the changes that occur as innovations in technology, population mobility, changes in the economic system, politics and the like happen so fast. Under these conditions the knowledge acquired one when he was 20 years old will become obsolete when he was 40 years old.If so, then education as a process of knowledge transmission is not in accordance with modern needs. Therefore, education is no longer defined as an attempt to transmit knowledge, but is formulated as a lifelong process of discovery of what is needed to know.
Today among the experts in adult education has grown both in Europe and in America, a theory on how to teach adults. To distinguish the pedagogy, the new theory is known by the name of Andragogy is derived from the Greek "andr" which means the adults and "agogos" meaning to lead or guide. Andragogy thus formulated as an art and science of helping adults learn.

ASSUMPTION Andragogy and pedagogy
There are fundamental differences regarding the assumptions used by Andragogy and Pedagogy, especially from the aspect of self-concept, experience, readiness to learn and orientation to learning. Assuming it can be stated as follows:
• Self-concept.
According to Knowles, the pedagogical approach to the role of students depend on teachers. In this case the teacher is expected by the community holding the responsibility for determining what will be learned by the students, when it's time to learn, how to learn, and whether a material has been completed or has not been studied. While the Andragogy in approach, the process of human maturation is reasonable for an individual to move from dependence towards independence. This shift in stages and with different speeds according to the people and the dimensions of life. The teachers of adults responsible for promoting and maintaining movement. Adults have a deep psychological need to be independent, although in certain situations depending on the other side.
• Experience.
Pengalamn role that brought students into the learning situation is less valuable. It was probably only as a starting point. Experience will be a major source of learning for students is the experience of the teacher, author, creator of the Audio-Visual Aids and other experts. Therefore, the main technique used is the continuation or removal techniques (lectures, assignments, etc.). In Andragogy, as long as people grow and develop they save a lot of experience and because it would be a source of inexhaustible to study, both for them personally and for others. After all people give greater meaning to the knowledge gained from experience rather than passively received. Therefore, the main technique used is the technique of experience (experimental, laboratory, discussion, problem solving, field experience and so on).
• Learning Readiness.
People are ready to learn anything that you want the public, especially schools for their learning, as long as the pressure is severe enough for them. Some people my age are ready to learn the same material. Therefore, lessons should be organized into a curriculum that is really raw, with a hierarchy of uniform for all learners. In Andragogy, people are ready to learn something when they feel the need to study it. in order to complete the task or question their lives more fulfilling. Educators holding a responsibility to create conditions and provide the tools and procedures to help the students find a need or curiosity. Thus the learning program should be formulated according to the application of life and category sorted according to the learning readiness of students.
• Orientation Against Learning.
The students see education as a process for obtaining the material, most of which they consider to be useful only at a later date. Therefore, the curriculum should be organized into units that follow the logical sequence learning subjects concerned. So their orientation centered on the subjects. Conversely in Andragogy, the students see education as a process of developing the ability to achieve the potential life of the plenary. They want to be able to apply knowledge and skills they gain nothing at this time for the next life more effectively. Therefore, learning experiences should be organized according to categories of capacity building. So their orientation toward learning is centered on the work or achievements. Of the basic assumptions of the above can be stated that: 1) adults have a concept of self, an individual who does not depend on anyone else who has the ability to direct himself and the ability to make decisions, 2) adults have a wealth of experience which is an important source of in learning, 3) Readiness to learn the adult-oriented tasks in accordance with the role of social development
4) adults have a perspective of time in learning, in the sense of immediately applying what he learned.
Adult educators have a function, among others:
a. Assess the learning needs of individuals, institutions and communities for adult education in accordance with the environmental organization (diagnostic function).
b. Establish and manage the organizational structure for the development and effective implementation of an adult education program (functions of the organization).
c. Formulate objectives in accordance with a predetermined learning needs, and plan a program of activities to achieve these objectives (the planning).
d. Creating and overseeing the procedures that are intended for implementation of an effective program, including selecting and training the heads of study groups, tutors, manage facilities and administrative processes, selection and acceptance of learners, and financing (administrative functions).
e. Assess the effectiveness of educational programs conducted (evaluation function).

content of adult educators can be described by the links between individual needs and goals.
Mission every adult educator is to help individuals to meet the needs and goals, helping individuals to develop the attitude that learning is an activity that lasts a lifetime, and the education it
available knowledge, attitudes and skills that can be used to work independently as well as to develop the potential we have. In this learning process can be used by adults to develop themselves, either individually or together with other adults.
Adult educators in planning the learning program should be based on the needs of the desired learning by adults, without such adult education will fail.

Elaboration of the draft study to the sequence of learning activities require a decision on the techniques and materials to learn what is most beneficial use to achieve the goal pembelajarn. And further define the learning strategy that engages the learner. Position coach in this process only as a suggestion and as a resource.
There are several techniques or methods that can be used to help adults learn, among other things:
A. Presentation. These techniques include: lectures, debates, dialogues, interviews, panels, demonstrations, films, slides, exhibitions, excursions, and reading.
2. Participation techniques participants. These techniques include, among others: tanyajawab, role playing, the audience reaction panel, nd an expanded panel.
3. Discussion techniques. This technique terdidi the guided discussion, bersumberkan discussion of the book, discussion, problem solving, and case discussions.
4. Simulation techniques. This technique consists of: a game of roles, processes critical incident, the case method, and the game.

Of the assumptions stated above, it can be argued that the opinion of the above three have in common in regard learners, both in teaching pedagogy and Andragogy, especially in self-concept, experience, readiness to learn, and learning orientation.Therefore it can be argued that in adult learning to note the following:
A. Learning climate should be created according to the adult state. Both rooms used as well as equipment (chairs, tables, etc.) shall be in accordance with the tastes of adults in order to provide comfort for them. In addition, the learning climate, the need to create mutual respect, cooperation between the participants with other participants and with the trainers / facilitators. This means that each participant is given the widest opportunity to express his views without any fear of punished and humiliated. Learning climate such as this will greatly depend on the coach / facilitator.
2. Participants included in diagnosing their learning needs. They will feel engaged and motivated to learn what will be learned if it suits your needs to be studied.
3. Participants involved in the planning process of learning. In this plan serves as a facilitator more counselors and human resources.
4. In the process of teaching and learning is a shared responsibility between coach / failitator and participants. Position coach / facilitator role more as a human resource, mentor, and katalist than as a teacher.
5. Evaluation of learning more emphasis on how to evaluate themselves in knowing the progress of study participants.
6. Because adults are learning a richer source than children, then the learning process is concerned with techniques that are tapped into their experience such as: group discussions, case method, simulations, role plays, practical exercises, demonstrations, guidance consulting, seminars, and so on.
7. The emphasis in the learning process for adults is on practical applications and on the basis of their experience.
8. Sequence of the curriculum in the process of adult learning based on tasks rather than on the basis of its development and logical sequence of subjects or institutional needs.For example, an orientation training program for new workers, rather than starting with the history or philosophy of the company, but starting with the real life of concern to new workers, such as: where I have to work, with whom I work, what is expected of me, and so on.
9. The concept of the developmental tasks of adults will give instructions in the study group. For development tasks, the study group is homogeneous group members will be more effective.
10. Adult educators should not act as a teacher who teaches a particular subject, but he acted as aid to those who learn.
11. Curriculum in adult education is not oriented to a particular subject, but oriented to the problem. This is because adults tend to be oriented to the problems in learning orientation.
12. Because adults in learning to problem-oriented, the learning experiences are designed based on a problem or concern that they had in mind.


Amalius Sahide. 1990. Adult Education. Ujungpandang: FIP IKIP
Knowles, Malcolm. Of 1977. The Modern Practice of Adult Education, Pedagogy versus andragogy. New York: Association Press.
Zainuddin Arif. 1984. Andragogy. London: Space.

by: Syamsul Bakhri Gaffar, PLS FIP Department, State University of Makassar

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