Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Non-Formal Education in gaining

Education as a powerful weapon to advance a nation in the world. this is based on the higher civilization of a nation due to the contribution of education itself, the strength of a nation lies in the quality of education quality and intelligent mermiliki noble character.

In the above persolan we realize that the very difficulty of achieving third-grade tersebur components, intelligent and has a noble character is a subjective three components that can not be separated between the other one. Kecerdasaran not give a hope that can bring kemodaratan if not coupled with the inherent character of religious teachings and this is true sebaliknya.Refine logo Non-Formal Education in gaining v1

Constitution of 1945 (the Constitution) Article 31 Paragraph 1 (a) amendement to the IV (four) menyataklan "Every citizen has the right to get the teaching" of the editorial is clearly bahwasannya every person wherever he is, without exception have the same right to education both formal and non-formal.yang starting from the most basic level of school education kindergarten through private and state universities. Uu in the number 23 of 2003 on the law of the National education system is clearly stated non-formal education is the path of education outside the formal education that can be implemented in a structured and tiered Article 1 "General provisions" in the fifth section, a special set of non-formal education, article 26 paragraph 1, to 7.

Formal education is an educational alternative that skew its existence as an object of Sahaja education, which is why the existence of non-formal schools can not be equated with other formal education. The emergence of Taste "stereotype" is in the midst of the community is a setback that led to the world of education is not education is meaningless

Flashback a few months ago, on a test nasiunal (UN) Based on data from the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) 1,522,162 students took the national exams are held simultaneously in Indonesia with 89.88 percent graduation with a decline in terms of graduation from the year 2009-2010 , so there are 154 079 students who will follow-up exams

From the figures above the rest as much as 154 079 which will menegikuti supplementary exams with higher levels of trauma than ever And most of them tentunnya will follow graduation exam to earn their equality and the question of how the quality of the institution now ...?

Floating non-formal education is not present in Constance fix the problems of education to restore the function of non-formal education can be compared with other formla education.

Authors hope this paper can help through non-formal education in the future through a few things to make fundamental changes to the non-formal educational institutions through an education plan that emphasizes the quality of education of the places to look for mere sustenance, therefore the actions to be taken to changes to form an institution similar to other formal schools so that future non-formal education is not managed by individuals with a sense of equality of education is the education manager that does not have regeneration, giving rise to lack of transparency in the management of lead management agency pedidikan equality is seen as an exclusive institution.

by Ronggo Tunjung Anggoro
source: http://imadiklus.com

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