Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Homeschooling Role in Nation Character Building

Why Homeschooling?

The Indonesian nation has enjoyed independence for more than half a century, but until today there are many people who experience oppression and occupation of the victim's own brother resulting in powerlessness both intellectually and economically, poverty and ignorance become a normal phenomenon in this country, corruption and collusion a culture of nepotism that has been entrenched and institutionalized in society. Institutionalization of these fraudulent practices have led to this eternal activity in the community, making it very difficult to eradicate, including fraud that is now rife in educational institutions during the implementation of the National Final Examination. Really disappointing considering it should serve as an educational institution as an institution disseminating the values ​​of excellence for their students. Law enforcement is not in favor of a weak society adds to bleak future of justice in this country. The low social and environmental sensitivity, marked the rise of party activities and rah-rah youth and exploitation of natural resources excessively without considering the negative effects, the phenomenon is a symptom and what lies before us are of course not in accordance with the ideals of the fighters and founders this nation.

Very real in our eyes, that education does not seem to give a positive effect on improving the behavior of this nation, west oriented on education make this nation has lost its identity as a nation that is rich repertoire and the lofty values ​​of humanity. Religious education, Pancasila education, appreciation and practice of education even Pancasila which in the new order is seen as a powerful weapon capable of making this nation better virtuous character and bring this nation toward a better, especially in the formation of character.

Some of the above phenomena can be answered by the reconstruction of education starting from pre-school education to higher formal education and strengthening the capacity of non-formal and informal education in the community. From the literature mentioned that a lot of people's behavior is largely determined by the level of education, but behind the phenomenon of events that allegedly is the design of an actor's political elite backed by sufficient funds, community behavioral theory of linkages with the education level is not completely valid. Which can be used as instruments to explain the role of education in building the nation's character.

Nowadays many people start to look especially alternative schools for their children in education, one of which is Homeschooling. As already explained above that the current education does not seem able to provide a positive effect on improving the nation's behavior, but in fact the problem does not stop there, there are many other issues regarding the implementation of formal education that makes parents feel the need to provide educational facilities to their children through homeschooling path.

Today many kids are forced to sit on the bench formal schooling in a particular time only because of the demands, besides saturation also experienced by many children when the school because of the demands of school hours are relatively abundant. UNESCO requires 800-900 hours of lessons per year for elementary school, in Indonesia does not impose a 1400-hour lessons per year, these conditions of course make the school is no longer fun and just be a just punishment.

The presence of homeschooling in the developed countries have started to grow old, even in 2003, in America there are approximately 1.1 million children who learn at home, and in 1999 about 850 thousand children who attend school at home (data from NHES (National Houshold Education Surveys Program) quoted from the National Center for Education Statistics). NHES itself conducted a survey to parents who claimed 31% of them worried about the school environment, 30% said the main reason is to provide religious and moral lessons, while another 16% expressed dissatisfaction with the academic system at the school.

Not unlike the case with Indonesia, the reasons why parents prefer homeschooling is that parents are not satisfied with the education in schools. The curriculum is always changing, resulting in textbooks that are always changing and subject burden is quite heavy, and the other is social in the school who gave a bad effect on the children's behavior that makes the parents more nervous. Besides, because of distrust of institutions of formal education, more parents see homeschooling has several advantages over formal education, among others: It provides independence and individual creativity rather than in the classical style of learning, provide opportunities for achieving individual competence as much as possible so it does not necessarily confined to compare with the highest ability, average or even low, Protected from the "brawl", delinquency, drug, social deviant, consumerism, and snack foods that are malnourished, more hanging out with adults as role models, more prepared for real life, the more encouraged to do religious activities, recreation / sports family, Helping children grow, to understand himself and his role in the real world with the freedom of speech, reject or agree on certain of values ​​without having to fear to get reproach from friend or less value, membelajarkan children with various situation, social and environmental conditions, still provides an opportunity to interact with peers outside the hours of study.

Character Development

Self-discipline is essential in any effort to build and shape the character of a person, an organization, and a nation's society. For in relation to one-character implies (1) a positive quality that one has, so make it interesting and attractive, (2) a person's reputation, and (3) a person who has a personality of unusual or eccentric.

The root of the word "character" can be traced from the Latin word "kharakter", "kharassein", and "kharax", which means "tools for marking," "to Engrave", and "pointed stake". This word began to widely used (again) in French "caractere" in the 14th century and later entered in English into "character", before eventually becoming Indonesian "character". In Poerwadarminta Dictionary, character is defined as a disposition; character; psychological traits, morals or manners that distinguish one person than another.

By understanding the above can be said that building a character (character building) is the process of carving or chiseling the soul in such a way that "shaped" unique, interesting, and different or distinguishable with others. Like a letter in the alphabet that was never the same from each other, so the people of character can be distinguished from one another (including those who did not / have not been characterized or "character" reprehensible).

About the process of formation of this character may be mentioned a big name: Helen Keller (1880-1968). This remarkable woman, she became blind and deaf at the age of 19 months, but thanks to the help of his family and guidance Annie Sullivan (who is also blind, and after passing a series of operations can finally see a limited basis) and then became the first deaf-blind man who graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College in 1904 - once said, "Character can not be develop in ease and quite. Only through experience of trial and Suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision Cleared, Ambition inspired, and success achieved. "

The sentence may summarize the history of his life is very inspirational. Through a long struggle and perseverance are hard to beat, he then became one of the great heroes in American history who received numerous awards both nationally and internationally for his accomplishments and dedication (see homepage Helen Keller is a model of human character (commendable). And his history demonstrates how the process of building a character that requires great discipline because it is never easy and immediate or instant. In-depth reflection is needed to make a series of moral choice (moral judgments) and followed up with concrete action so that it becomes praxis, reflection, and practice. Required amount of time to make those custom (habit) and formed character or a person's character (Andrias, 2006).

Can Character Nations Formed Through Homeschooling?

One reason parents prefer home schooling parents are able to provide religious and moral lessons more intensive than in formal schools. Conditions such as providing opportunities bekembangnya learning model in the character development of the nation. As is known along with the current religious education in formal schools only 2 hours of lessons a week, as well as character education or Pancasila education that today's increasingly retarded by other subjects and even demanded to be removed from the curriculum. What a sight in contrast to the national educational goal in itself. Formal schooling and non-formal school even when faced with questions about their capacity to equip students with religious and moral education has a similar answer: "the religious and moral education is a parental responsibility", really a painful answer we as who deals in the field of education.

Reverse phenomenon is also often found in Indonesia, when developed countries like the Amerikan States today many develop models of character development, in Indonesia the contrary, the actual characters contained in Pancasila many even demanded to be removed in the curriculum from primary to university high, even now many colleges that do not incorporate education in kurkulumnya Pancasila. The question is what's going on with Pancasila so many parties do not want it, is purely because of Pancasila has no moral significance in Indonesia? Or is there some external and internal parties who do not want younger generations to know Pancasila Indonesia which is the essence of the noble nation-nialai Indonesia? Questions to be answered by us as citizens of Indonesia especially its students with critical views.

If seen, what's the difference between characters that are developed abroad with Pancasila which already exist in Indonesia? The answer does not make any difference, because the substance of the same character in the character development with the values ​​contained in Pancasila. If it is Pancasila is not able to contribute positively to the changes in Indonesia is actually a moral fault does not lie on the Pancasila itself, but lies in the way and its implementation in the field. Character building in the developed countries are applied with a fun and applicable methods, while in Indonesia the implementation of Pancasila learning more on knowledge than the implementation, students are always faced with questions and memorizing the outer skin of the Pancasila, while the substance disappeared along with the accumulation of knowledge cognitive subjects at school.

Homeschooling opportunities for learning more applicable in the Pancasila as the nation's character-building efforts can be more open and more intensive as well as religious learning which also underlies a person's character education in addition to behaving itself. But this can not be separated from parents who facilitate their children's education through homeschooling, because there are actually two motifs from the implementation of homeschooling itself are: idealism and capitalism. Idealism is more to the distrust of parents towards formal education institutions, while capitalism is more to the lack of preparation time for someone to take a formal education because of financial interests that have to go through the process of education through homeschooling, his time was spent looking for money and would not let go of financial resources so that expense of school time. Two background of this course has a different orientation toward homeschooling itself, especially for business formation of character, moral and religious education.

Flexibility contained in the homeschooling allows the subjects of religion and morality can have a balanced manner with other subjects, even religion and thematic learning uncharged budipekerti very possible to be applied, can be implemented with a method that is more enjoyable when compared with formal learning in schools always haunted by the values ​​and exams. In conclusion, character building is allowed to be developed through homeschooling because of the characteristics and methods used in the process of learning more communicative, as well as the responsibility of the person carrying out homeschooling itself, especially if the parents directly involved in teaching their children.


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