Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

Growth Dilemma early childhood in Indonesia

"The Golden Age" of a man when he was aged 0-6 years by the National Education Law of 2003 or 0-8 years based on the international scene. It is important these days can not be replaced again once they have crossed, because this period is called the period of preparing for all potential physical and mental will that exist in a human being with the best and appreciate each individual's uniqueness of every human per.


In 2005 UNESCO said that Indonesia is a country that participation rates of Early Childhood Education (early childhood) the lowest in ASEAN, only 20%, is still lower than Fhilipina (27%), even the newly independent state of Vietnam (43%), Thailand (86% and Malaysia (89%). And kesemunya is increasingly looking to the Human Development Index (HDI) of Indonesia are also lower among those countries. This proves that early childhood development is directly proportional to the quality of a country that terdiskripsikan in HDI .

While the Ministry of Education in National Education Development book in 2007 illustrates that the Government has succeeded in increasing the number GER (GER) PAUD originally in 2004 was 39.09%, then in 2006 has reached 45.63% with a target achievement in 2007 by 48 , 07%, of course, this is an exciting thing for the development of early childhood education. Then stated that the agendas that will be achieved in 2009 as the achievement of early childhood GER age 2-6 years but to be scrutinized for the achievement of 53.90% to 10.05 million people or about the quality of services provided, rather than to quantity. This becomes very important because it is so basic early childhood for a man in her life to come.

Government in 2001 had established a special Directorate for early childhood is the Directorate of Early Childhood Education under the auspices of the Directorate General of Out of School (now called NFIE DG), the Directorate in charge to serve early childhood in non-formal education and informal channels. This is because prior to the services provided to new early childhood at the age of 4-6 years of kindergarten through formal education, while through non-formal education and informal msih not exist. Formal education in 2000 is only capable of absorbing 12.65% of the total age of those with a kindergarten teacher just as much as 95,000 people to serve 1.6 million early childhood. As for the remaining 0-4 years is still unserved, therefore, the Government took the initiative to establish the ECE Directorate (now called the Directorate. PAUD) a duty to serve children aged early usian 0-4 years.

Remember, every child has unique potential when he was born on this earth, both physically (physical) and non-physical (mind, heart, etc.), and from it are all really the key when the child is aged 0-6 years , as stipulated in Law No. 20/2003 on National Education System in chapter 28. Even in that article also explained there are 4 (four) elements that must be met in early childhood development: first, early childhood development is a development aimed at children from birth until the age of six. Second, early childhood development through educational stimulation. Third, early childhood education aims to help buffer the growth and development of physical and spiritual (holistic). And fourth, development and early childhood education is a preparation for entry into further education.

For the field of human resources in early childhood development is outlined in the PP No. 19/2005 on National Education Standards Article 29 that explains that the minimum standards for early childhood educators is a D-IV, or degree in early childhood education background, educational psychology or any other that has been certified for the teaching profession early childhood. All of which is a form of government attention to the importance of early childhood education for the nation.


Key early childhood development Insan

In order to be able to provide the best for the children of the nation during the growth phase of a man at the age of 0-6 years, become very important for every man who is often called the "golden period" or "the golden age", a period that a child must prepared "container" that is able to accommodate any material, knowledge or ideas with well qualified physically, mentally and mind with as much as possible to face every problem in the future in later life.

According to the results of neuroscience research suggests that the intellectual life of the human brain stem. Therefore when we say that the expression and forms of behavior is a reflection of a person's brain during the development of the gold should really be considered.

In one study, Bloom says that a child's intellectual development is very rapid in the early years of a child's life. Approximately 50%, the variability of intelligence of adults have occurred since the child was 4 years old, further improving the quality of 30% occurred during the age of 4-8 years and the remainder in mid or late second or when the age of 8-15 years. Bloom also said that the age of 0-4 years is an important first period against the poor-rich environment that stimulates the development of intelektuak masnusia. Even selbih far he explains that this affects the development of IQ with a ratio that with stimulation-rich environment will add 10 units on the IQ of the poor when aged 0-4 years., Then about 6 units of IQ at age 4-8 years.

One expert Carla Shaz said that the critical period of development of child development include 5 (five) things: first · Development of vision when the first four years old. Second, the development of emotional feelings since the age of 2 (two) months to begin to develop feelings of stress, satisfaction, joy and sadness. While feelings of envy and empathy emerging at the age of 3 (three) years. In this period of compassionate care, nutrition and health care is an absolute requirement for the emotional growth of children. And keep in mind that during this period as well as any event that any unpleasant or traumatic effect on the balance of emotion and then associated with the development of intelligence and empathy. Third, the development of language kemampauan, already begun in the womb, when I was 1 (one) year has been formed "perceptual map" to be able to know the different sounds or phonemes are spoken and this development is determined by how many children to talk or listen. Fourth, the child's motor skills, critical period of development of the movement lasted from birth to age 2 years, while the gross motor developmental period lasts until the age of 4 years. Fifth, the development of musical skills, critical period of development of music at the age of 3 to 10 years, research results show that stimulation of Mozart's music from an early age will foster development in the field of visiospatial, mathematics and logic.

From some research experts are able to know how important early childhood education for every person born on this earth, but still a lot of research of other experts from both sides of nutrition, psychology, and others that have not been socialized. Everything is more visible when it is known that Indonesia's HDI was still below the other countries that have managed to better provide early childhood services.

Dilemma of early childhood development in Indonesia

However, the proliferation of early childhood education through non-formal education resulting in uncontrolled handling of children with good early childhood period, whereas gold is a period of tremendous importance and can not come for the second time in the formation of the brain, physical and soul of a children.

It is becoming increasingly worse because of changes in culture or habits of life when the time of our grandfathers used to are more concerned with togetherness in a community, so the development of the child to be good by itself by a variety of stimuli when they interact with the community to be able to give a sense of affection completely . Today our culture is more likely to be individualistic, as evidenced by many of our children as if they were stimulated only with "sorry" training a maid, as a substitute for mothers who work to help search for her family life. The problem these people or servants do not understand very well about the development of the child they also do not contain even for 9 months as a form of natural learning to a mother, rough not having a strong inner connection that can give love completely.

Due to changes in lifestyle has led to changes in the growth of CAD, which have an impact on decreasing the initial stimuli of desperately needed a son at the gold. Surely this is the most important time is the responsibility of the family rather than non-formal education and formal, and this is essentially a basic human need. However, the reality is necessary a preliminary education provided by government to the current through non-formal education has been done or at least not immediately socialized properly to the public about the importance of early childhood as well as things to be done in order to save future generations of this nation so as to have the power high competitiveness or at least able to deal with later life as well as possible with all the potential that has been developed well.

Currently the development of early childhood in Indonesia has created a dilemma, efforts to provide early childhood services to every child in Indonesia, but many things that can not be met properly. And this can lead to optimal child development that are not in accordance with the desire to go to, instead it would be dangerous if not handled quickly and precisely because this is all related to the preparation of all the potential that exists in order to build a human being in later life wading.

First, in accordance with Law 19 the entire early childhood educators is at least one stratum. The problem is how may be able to make early childhood education S1 all some 359 thousand people (source data from the Directorate General PMPTK) people to be able to serve 28 million early childhood. Even further problem is that almost proved largely graduated from high school, only a fraction S1. Or the next issue is so important a qualification for an early childhood educator? Special Programs Prodi even for just a bit early childhood in Indonesia, can be counted on the fingers, how could be pursued all remember the golden times of the children could not be stopped prematurely. In contrast with the Government planning to give 10 years to reach the PP. It is very dangerous if not immediately resolved the effort for the children we love it.

Second, human resource development competencies from early childhood educators as the spearhead of teachers for our children. It also should not be done half-way because it is they who will be forming our children into what kind of future. When expected to increase their competence through training, education and training, then the question is how well the quality of such training? How many governments are able to do training of early childhood educators? How the Government is able to perform the acceleration in improving their current competence?

Third, the mental aspect of motherhood is an early childhood educator, they are basically they do not understand the psychological aspects of a child's psyche because they do not contain or understand it feels to have a child. While the training they only learned about reading and writing abilities or motor skills are also aspects of a child psychiatric theoretically. As an illustration of a mother who is given custody by the Lord should be for 9 (nine) months pregnant with his child, this time at least would give to a woman learning about the meaning of educating a child, such as patience, understanding of children, child psychology, and others with a instinctive. Can be imagined when he said that early childhood education is an important period in the life of a human good for brain development, developmental motriknya even mental development, we do not even pay attention to human resource of our children who educate our children, if this does not actually harm the growing development of our children? Have in-training training is given a touch on the meaning of a mother for early childhood educators? Really all of this make us worry if no improvements in early childhood education, we handed over to them.

Fourth, little incentive is given to early childhood educators, even in some areas there are paid by exchanging it with rice, vegetables, etc.. Even the government through the DIT. PTK-PNF has been only able to provide an incentive of 600 thousand per year, it was not all early childhood educators, is still very limited. How might they be able to educate our children properly, they themselves are in trouble in his life, not ironic.

Fourth, the spread of early childhood in the handling of various government agencies led to a lack of coordination, so the handling is sometimes unfocused or biased or not sustainable. It's good the Government unified the whole as a form of attention to early childhood by forming a special deal with the Directorate General of this early childhood. So that all forms of program or activity will be well coordinated and able to perform a more mature planning and acceleration-acceleration to build this early childhood.

Fifth, the current government seems more priority to early childhood can serve as much-bannyaknya or based on quantity rather than quality. It is actually very dangerous because education was not a human development as a whole, so in fact both are inseparable. Do not equate education with poverty, the difference is great, God created human beings all have a sense because this is the difference between humans and other creatures. While poverty is a scenario of God for his servant to berkehidupan on this earth, at any time until that poverty will never disappear from this earth because it is part of the reality of human life as social beings. When handling the poor to prefer quantity rather than quality of life, this is fine in terms of minimum standards for the needs of a human life becomes physically able to be measured properly. Is this also what we want to do with our children? But it is obvious that every child has its own uniqueness and talents per individual. If this continues then there is a deprivation of human development of a human being who has been granted rights by the Almighty.

Sixth, the success made by the non-formal education early childhood was impacted by the designation "land fighting each other", as it is called when the jealousy between the handling of early childhood through formal, through kindergarten, with penaganan early childhood through formal pendididikan such as Playgroup, Child Care, etc. . One reason is because the early childhood program implemented by the Directorate. PAUD cost is not expensive compared to early childhood education programs in formal education is often even free. It is inseparable from the outpouring of the budget given to non-formal early childhood such widely dispersed and quite large in number, though not really pay attention to the standards that must be met such as the formal channels. Another factor is that the nature of this non-formal education led to every layer of society who care and sympathy with the early childhood education will be vying to be able to carry it out, even in part because of their attention to their community, for the sake of their future of their children and grandchildren.

This is called with a dilemma, where we really, really know that early childhood is very important and most valuable in the life of a man so real it is very risky if not handled by people who are professional and really know the science of child development. But if this should be met the more underserved early childhood education in Indonesia due to the limited human resources might even infrastructure or budget. It's an issue that really should be dealt with quickly and appropriately with respect to its impact on the successor of the nation which we love in life in the future.

Build Insan Kamil

In order to Vision Ministry, which is "Towards Insan Indonesia The Intelligent and Competitive", then the early childhood is a key development in building a human being, so it can not be considered one eye or half-half because it will affect the overall development itself a human being, be it sense, physical and soul. The most important period in a person's character development has been started in the womb up to age 8 years according to international or 6 years old according to Law No. 20/2003 on National Education System.

So when questioned which is more important in providing services to early childhood, the quantity or quality, then both must be running simultaneously with sincerity, earnestness and synergy between government and society. Because if it is more concerned with quantity than quality, the result is our children who can not compete with other children, but they will always lose a lot with children both in quality in getting early childhood, is certainly not expected.

Another important thing is improving the quality of early childhood educators, the Government should immediately be able to map the capabilities of all early childhood educators from both sides of the competence and qualifications so that they do not work in vain, also deals with matters of money to do it later to improve their quality. Once again the fate of our children are under their hands. Hereinafter every educator should also be able to map the capabilities of each individual child, each has a uniqueness, this also will have an impact in accelerating the development of human resources in Indonesia.

To be able to perform the acceleration of the Government must be able to establish various forms of partnership between the Government and the Government, with the community through NGOs or Orsosmasnya and Government with the family or the smallest unit in society. Currently that is often forgotten by the Government is establishing early childhood on the family level or informally, but this pathway has a really great opportunity to accelerate development in early childhood amid the limitations of government. Besides that was the development of a child aged 0-4 years it was more in the family, so it takes a pendiddikan for families about the importance of early childhood and what must be considered in the development of a child.

However, this also requires the seriousness of it into practice because the goal is so broad, as well as their different social status, education level of those who are different, and so forth. But if the program is successful then it will inevitably cause a significant acceleration.

Socialization is the most important thing to give an explanation to the general public about the importance of early childhood, as well as the minimum that should be known to be carried out by the community for their children. Whether it's through print, electronic and information technology.

It is also an attempt to catch up from early childhood services that are currently so widespread, but regardless of the content of the lesson with the best, even if this early childhood learning needs can be known not only by early childhood educators but the entire community, because of course they are very manyayangi their children. Do not let this PAUD only belong to one orsosmas, or one of the Directorate in the Government, but made her as belonging to this nation.

And lastly, the formation of echelon units to manage early childhood I also felt very important and must immediately be done to facilitate the coordination and sustainability of the program is done for now not only the Education Ministry which has a program for early childhood but also spread to other institutions. Department of Health with the facilitation program a child's nutritional health, Ministry of Social Affairs with the child welfare program, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs provides programs to facilitate early childhood education at institutions of religion, and all of which require a co-ordination to perform the acceleration of early childhood development.

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