Senin, 18 Juli 2011

Montessori concept implementation EARLY AGE CHILDREN IN EDUCATION


Children are not adults in small sizes. Therefore, children must be treated in accordance with the stages of development. Only, in everyday educational practice, not always the case. Many examples that show how parents and society in umummnya not treat the child according to the level perkembangananya. Within the family parents often impose its will according to his will, in school teachers often put pressure (preasure) does not correspond with the stages of child development, in various print media / electronic pressure is less limited, even liable to extremes.

Observing the child's development and the need for learning in early childhood, it appears that there are two things to note on early childhood education, namely: 1) educational materials, and 2) educational methods used. In short it can be said that the educational material and methodology used in the context of early childhood education should really pay attention to their developmental level. Taking into account the level of development also means considering their developmental tasks, because each period of development is also a particular developmental task.

Law on National Education System in chapter 1 confirmed that, early childhood education is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of physical and spiritual readiness in order to have a child entering further education.

Responding to early childhood development, the need for an educational program designed in accordance with the child's developmental level. We need to return the classroom to the playground, singing, moving freely, we make the classroom as a forum kreaktif for children and make them feel at home and psychologically comfortable. For more details in this paper Mantessori dikemukan how to design learning programs for early childhood.


Figures of early childhood education, Montessori, said that when educating children, we should remember that they are unique individuals and will develop in accordance with their own abilities. Our job as adults and educators is to provide a means of encouragement and facilitate learning when they are ready to learn something. The first years of a child's life is a period which is very good for a formasio or formation. This period also the most important period in the development of children, both physically, mentally and spiritually. In the family and democratic education of parents and educators seek to facilitate growth and development needed by the child. Therefore, good and right for every parent and educator who is involved in this formation process, knowing, understanding early childhood development. But our schools do not have a holistic based line data that can provide various information about the development of behavioral and learning difficulties of children of various materials subkompetensi difficult. This information is necessary to perform Treatment in stages of child development from an early age until they are adults (high school).

1. Development of Early Childhood

Many opinions and ideas about early childhood development, Montessori believed that education begins from birth. Bayipun should be introduced to the people around him, voices, objects, take a joke and the conversation so that they develop into a normal and healthy child. Learning methods according to the years of birth to six years of age usually determines the personality of the child as an adult. Certainly also influenced by how well and healthy elderly people behave and act towards children an early age. Because the mental development of an early age is rapid, this is the period which should not be underestimated. In the early years of these children have sensitive periods or sensitivity to study or practice anything. Most children develop at different discouraged and requires an environment that could pave the way their minds.

According to Montessori, there are at least some stages of development as follows:

1. From birth to age 3 years, children have sensory sensitivity and power of thought has begun to be able to "absorb" experiences through sensorinya.
2. Half years of age until about three years, began to have sensitivity and very precise language to develop language (talking, conversing).
3. Age period of 2-4 years, the muscular movements begin to be coordinated properly, to walk or to move a lot of semi-routine and routine, are interested in small objects, and begin to recognize the sequence of time (morning, afternoon, evening, night).
4. Age range three to six years, there was sensitivity to sensory reassurance, increasingly have sensory sensitivity, especially around the age of 4 years has the sensitivity to write and at the age of 4-6 years have a great sensitivity to read.

Mantessori opinion leaders enjoyed the support of education Student Park, Ki Hajar Dewantara, believes strongly that the atmosphere is good and proper education is within a family atmosphere and with the principle of compassion (love), teaser (memahirkan), foster (guiding). Children grow flowers well when getting treatment affection, understanding and caring in a situation of peace and harmony. Ki Hajar Dewantara recommends that in education, child education to educate the (developing) thoughts, education to educate the liver (sensitivity of conscience), and educational skills.

Character education is emphasized that for an early age even for those who are mature, learning activities and educational activities like it's intentional but natural as well as playing in the "park". Like a family that is nurturing and guiding children naturally in accordance with the nature of children in a park. Children who experience a warm family atmosphere, friendly, peaceful, both at home and at school, and get guidance with love, training habits naturally, will develop into a happy and healthy child.

1. Learning In Kindergarten

Children in kindergarten are included in the general group of preschool. At the age of 2-4 years children want to play, exercise groups, conducting exploration, questioning, imitating, and creating something. At this time the child has made remarkable progress in skill help themselves and the skill to play. The entire system is flexible motion, often repeating the actions of interest and perform reasonably without shame. In kindergarten, children are also experiencing rapid progress in language acquisition, especially in vocabulary. The interesting thing, the kids also want to be independent and not much more willing to depend on others.

In connection with the above characteristics of the developmental tasks that carried the children are:

1. Learning physical skills necessary to play.
2. Building a healthy attitude toward oneself
3. Learning to adjust to peers
4. Develop a social role as a male or female
5. Developing notions needed in everyday life
6. Developing conscience, morality and appreciation of good manners
7. Develop basic skills for reading, writing, mathematics and numeracy
8. Develop themselves to achieve self-independence.

With the development tasks carried children, it is necessary to the learning interesting and fun for the kids who are always "wrapped" with the game, the atmosphere is cheerful, light, singing and dancing. Not learning approach that is full of heavy tasks, especially with the level of knowledge, skills and conditioning are not simple anymore like compulsion to read, write, count with all the homework that exceeds the ability of children.

At the age of five years in general children's physical and mental is ready to learn things that are increasingly not simple and is in quite a long time in school. After apada age of 2-3 years experienced rapid development. At age six, in general, children have experienced the development and abilities variety of physical skills. They've been able to perform movements such as jumping, jump, catch, throw, and dodge. In general, they can already ride bikes or trikes. Sometimes for certain children these skills have been mastered at the age of 4-5 years.

Montessori provides an overview the role of teachers and environmental influences on the development of intelligence, as follows:

a. 80% of free activities and 20% teacher directed activities yanag

b. perform various tasks that encourage children to think about relationships with others

c. offers kesempatran to establish social relationships through interaction-free

d. arguments found themselves, not presented by the teacher

e. atauran pronunciation obtained through pattern recognition, not by rote

every aspect of the curriculum involves thinking

Montessori, said that at the age of 3-5 years, children can be taught writing, reading, dictation by learning to type. While learning to type the children learn to spell, write and read. There is an American study concluded that the fact that children can learn to read before the age of 6 years. The results of this study indicate that there are about 2% of children have learned and be able to read at age 3 years, 6% at the age of four years, and about 20% at 5 years of age. Even proved that the learning experience in kindergarten with adequate reading skills will be very supportive learning ability in subsequent years.

Montessori opinion is supported by Moore, a sociologist and educator, believes that the life of the early years were years of the most kreaktif and productive for children. Therefore, as far as possible, according to ability, developmental level and sensitivity of their learning, we can also teach writing, reading and math at an early age. What is important is the strategy of the learning experience and accuracy of the learning package is attractive, charming, full of games and fun, easy without the burden and depriving the world of their childhood.

One of the things that needed to be able to enhance the development of children's intelligence is a family atmosphere and classes are intimate, warm and democratic, while offering an opportunity to establish social relationships through interaction-free. It is characterized, among others, relationships and communication with the warm and familiar. .

At the age of 2-6 years, children are very happy if given the opportunity to determine their own desires, because they were in need of independence and attention. At this time also comes up a great curiosity and demand fulfillment. They are motivated to learn new things and loved to ask in order to know something. Teachers and parents should give a reasonable answer. Until this age, kids still love to imitate everything that made her parents.

Keep in mind also that the child's interest in something that did not last long, so teachers and parents must be good at creating a variety of activities and does not apply rigid discipline with a boring routine. Children at this age will also develop intelligence rapidly when given awards and praise that accompanied affection, while still giving the sense that if they make mistakes or failures. With affection received, children will grow emotionally and intellectually, what matters is giving praise and rewards appropriately.

To memfasilatasi level of physical development of children, in kindergarten need to be made a playground equipped with teaching aids and tools other skills, because at the age of 2-6 years the level of physical development of children is growing very rapidly, and at that age children need to be introduced to the facilities and tools to play, to further spur the development of physical and psychological development of children, especially for intelligence.

Many studies suggest that people who are intelligent and successful in general comes from a democratic family, love test, love to investigate things, like traveling (to explore nature and place), and active, not pernh silent and sit on my hands. Remember the hand skills are a window to knowledge. In the process of learning that provides opportunities for children to conduct a trial (trial and error), mangadakan investigation together, see and touch something object, experience and do something, the kids will be much easier to understand and achieve the learning outcomes by being able to utilize or apply what they have learned.


In implementing the Montessori concept of education programs for early childhood need to pay attention to the following:

1. Kukrikulum on early childhood education is designed based on the child's developmental level.

2. Educational material and methodology used in the context of early childhood education should really pay attention to their developmental level. Taking into account the level of development also means considering their developmental tasks, because each period of development is also a particular developmental task.

3. Academic competence is a means to an end, and manipulation is seen as a useful material for self poengembangan children, Montessori advocated the need for different areas representing the environment provided, namely:

a. Practical life gives the development of organizational tasks and the order of cognition through self-care, care environment, practicing gratitude and mutual respect, and coordination of physical movement,

b. The sensorial area to make child is able to sort, classify and describe sensory impressions in relation to the length, width, temperature, time, colors, dots, and others.

c. Mathematics utilizing manipulation of materials so that children are able to internalize the concept of numbers, symbols, sequence of operations, and memorization of basic facts

d. Language art that included the development of oral language, writing, reading, the study of grammar, dramatization, and kesusesteraan children. Basic skills in writing and reading are developed through the use of paper letters, the words of the sand paper, and a variety of achievements that allows children to link sounds and letter symbols, and express their thoughts through writing.

e. Cultural activies bringing children to learn the basics of geography, history and science sosail. Music, and other arts are part of an integrated curriculum.

4. Early childhood education environment combining the functions of psycho-social, physical and academic from a child. Important task is to provide an initial basis and the public, which included positive behavior toward school, inner security, the habit of initiative, ability to make decisions, self-discipline and sense of responsibility of members of other classes, schools and communities. This basis will make the children are able to gain knowledge and skills more specific in their school life.

Atkitson, R.L., et al. Introduction to Psychology. New York: Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Ich., 1983.
Henry N, Siahan., The Role of Mother Father Child Training, Bandung: Angkasa, 1986
Steven Carr Reuben, Ph.D., Children of Character, a parent guide, Santa Monica: Canter and Associates, Inc., 1997.
Theo Riyanto FIC., Et al., In Early Childhood Education., Grasindo, Jakarta, 2004

By: Harizal Kasubdit Harlindung PTK-PNF

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