Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Early Childhood Education, Foundations for the Future of Children

Education is the most important investment that parents do for the future of their children. Since the child is born into the world, he has a lot of potential and hope to succeed in the future. Pendidikanlah the bridge connecting with the child's future. It can be said, education is one of forming the foundation for growth and development of a child to obtain a better future.
As the "baby", then with great affection of parents willing to sacrifice for her child, because the future of children is also a future parent. The success or failure of parental responsibility for their children will be seen from his feelings when witnessing his son's life as an adult.
In essence the child's future is also the future of the nation and state. Future it will be seen twenty or thirty years into the future, at which time millions of children who are now entering adolescence and adulthood. It is they who will become agents of development in various sectors of life. Later, among them are some who act as leaders of nations whose policies will help determine the direction of travel of this state and nation.
Life of the society, nation and the state, will be very different from the conditions that exist today. Future life is greatly influenced modern life that globalization is more massive, extensive, and as if without limit. Relations between nations characterized by an increasingly competitive relationship, because all nations race to achieve progress in various fields.
To deal with the increasingly fierce global competition, then the future generations should have the intelligence, skill, high productivity, mastering science and technology, experts and professionals in at least their respective fields.
The world of education is very necessary to establish such a generation. However, education as a continuous process not primarily directed towards things that are "reactive" or for short-term interests, he also must be "proactive" which means that education should also be oriented to the ability to anticipate the broader issues and able to answer the challenges of a more complex in the future.
To form such a generation, so candidates must be prepared the next generation of growth and development as early as possible, ie since they were born until the age of six years, so they have strong roots as a foundation for entering higher education.

Early Childhood
Robert D. Ramsey, Ed.D, an educator, once advised: "Give our children to grow strong roots and strong wings to fly at a later date". What it means?
That advice has the meaning that the future of the children had to be prepared early on. Our children should be fostered as early as possible so that they become individuals who are balanced in terms of intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social and so they are able to achieve success in the future.
Child development experts, both psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors stated that in early life, from age zero to six years in the life of a human being is a period in which the physical and motor development, intellectual and social progress very rapidly, so it is often concluded that the success of the This determines the whole future of a child.
Such a vital early childhood, it is highly recommended to parents to provide vaccinations and always provide complete and balanced nutrition to her child, that child has a healthy body, strong and intelligent brain. Parents also need to treat children carefully and correctly, so that the child has character and personality are right for further development.
Early childhood can be classified into pre-school age children whose growth is divided into two stages, namely: (1) age from birth up to age of 2 years. At this age children leads to growth of biological functions. He uses his mouth as the most important means, (2) age between 2-6 years. At this age the development of the senses is very prominent, so that in any learning process them using the five senses. There are three kinds of developments that occur in this age, namely the development of motor (movement functions), the development of language and thought, and social development.
Children aged under five years old (toddlers) is a critical period for the development of intelligence that is permanent, which at that age the weight of the brain grows and develops more and more intelligence. At birth the brain weighs about 350 grams, but when he grows up then there is the average weight of approximately 1360 grams in men, and 1250 g in women. Average weight of adult brain it is 1 / 40 of body weight or an average of 1400 milliliters. The results showed that at 4 years of intelligence capacity has reached 50 percent, and at the age of 8 years has reached 80 percent.
The brain is the largest and most complex among the entire nervous system, and he and the spinal cord is forming the central nervous system. All the stimuli that come to the receptor from the surface or from the inside of the body is recorded in the brain and all the responses that produce motion or secretion from here.
Basically, the capacity of children's intelligence can be enhanced through two things, namely the first, with a complete and balanced nutrition that contains such elements that serve to assist the growth and brain development. Doctors advocate, age of child from birth until they are 4 months, breast milk (ASI) is the best nutrition for infants. However, if milk production is not sufficient for a baby or if for some reason the mother can not breastfeed, or when the baby has more than 4 months old, it would require infant formula or food supplements of breast milk, so that the child's nutritional intake is maintained.
Today, parents can choose additional food and beverage products for babies, like infant formula that has been equipped with some nutrients that can help children's intelligence capacity, such as linoleic acid (Omega 3), linolenic acid (Omega 6), Taurine, ARA (arachidonic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Director General of the Public Health Department of Health Prof Dr Azrul Anwar MPH, never say that nutrition can affect children's intelligence. Every child with malnutrition risk losing IQ (Intellegence Quotion) up to 10-13 points. If for example there are 1.3 million children are malnourished, then it means potentially losing an IQ of about 22 million points. Because of that, Azrul Azwar suggested to meet nutritional needs of children from an early age.
Second, the capacity of intelligence it can also be stimulated through the left and right brain stimulation. Neurological Sciences shows that the neural network including the human brain nerve at an early age growing up very quickly, but the development of the network can not be realized by fully if it is not stimulated by the reactions from the outside. So that the excitation is a positive impact on intelligence, personality, and social attitudes, feeling children then it should be based on proper knowledge of them is through the units of Early Childhood Education.

Early Childhood Education
According to Law No. 20 Year 2003 regarding National Education System, Early Childhood Education is an effort to coaching is aimed at children from birth to age six years conducted through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development physically and mentally so that children have a readiness in entering further education.
Early Childhood Education (hereinafter, PAUD) is one form of education that focuses on laying the foundation to the growth and physical development (fine and gross motor coordination), intellect (the intellect, creativity, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, socio-emotional (attitudes and behavior and religion), language, and communication, according to the uniqueness and developmental stages through which early childhood.
As with other levels of education, early childhood level is the responsibility of governments, communities and parents. Therefore, in practice, known as the three forms of execution paths early childhood. The first is the formal education early childhood education that is structured for children ages four years to six years as kindergarten (TK), Raudhatul RA (RA), and other forms of equals.
Second, non-formal early childhood education pathways, namely the carrying out education in a flexible learning program for children from birth (age three months) until the age of six years, such as TPA (TPA), Playgroup (Play Group), and other forms are equal.
Third, early childhood education pathway as a form of informal education or family education held by the environment for the fostering and development of children from birth (age three months) until the age of six years.
Education could be given to unborn babies as do parents play classical music in a way their babies are still in the womb. Broadly speaking, education typically begins when the baby is born and lasts a lifetime. In Islam there is the suggestion, "Seek knowledge from cradle to grave", which means that education should be done as early as possible, anywhere, anytime and last a lifetime (life-long education).
In Act No. 20 of 2003 mandated that education is a shared responsibility between Government, Society, and Parents. In terms of organization of early childhood education today is seen that the more people play, in which educational institutions are built and managed by the more numerous and diverse society which reached about 80 percent of which was built by the government while only 10 percent of existing institutions.
Although management education is a shared responsibility, it turns out education enrollment rates in Indonesia at various levels of education is still low, including in this case the low participation of children under five to enter the early childhood.
The lack of knowledge of parents about the importance of early childhood, family economic limitations, and limitations of government budget allocations for the implementation of early childhood is a causative factor of under-fives education untouched. Based on results of Ministry of Education data collection in 2004, only about 15.6 percent from 11.5 million children aged 4-6 years who attend school in kindergarten, while for children aged 0-3 years, only about 15.8 percent touched in early childhood services .
These data indicate that an increase in participation rates compared to previous years. In 2002, 72 percent of Indonesian children aged zero to six years in Indonesia, untouched early childhood education, because in that year a new 7.34 million or 28 percent of the 26.1 million children aged 0-6 years of age who received education early. Most of them, namely 2.6 million, get an education by the entrance to the elementary school at an early age. As many as 2.5 million children received education in BKB (BKB), 2.1 million children attending kindergarten or Raudhatul Atfhal, and approximately 100,000 children in preschool.
In contrast to some developed countries who view early childhood development is a process of preparation for the empowerment of human resources is very important, so Pendididikan Early Childhood conducted a very intensive and very high attention. The reason is not because their parents work, but precisely because the parents have an embedded understanding that at an early age children are at the most ideal position to receive support to develop the personality and identity. With a good empowerment at an early age, children will produce a bright future as they become adults who are creative and have strong self-confidence.
Barriers in Indonesia is that not every parent has the knowledge and readiness to educate their children rightly. A mother does have a "sour salt" in caring for their children, but that the development potential of children running maximum, it is necessary "tips", such as knowledge of child psychology, the activities they like, and how best to educate them.
Sometimes that's due to ignorance, it is not uncommon, in some ways parents treat their children excessively or by coercion teach things that really is not the time they receive so that it plunges the child itself.
Therefore, early childhood plays an important role in children's education. Through early childhood kids can be educated by teachers with a clear method and curriculum. Through early childhood, they can play and channeling energy through a variety of physical activities, music, or hand skills. They also can learn to interact in interpersonal and intrapersonal. To them can gradually be introduced letters or reading, the environment, agriculture and even industry.
The introduction is not excessive, since the delivery tailored to the child's world, the world of play so that the learning process fun. Children are often to expressioned ideas and feelings through play, so when they feel enjoy and happy with what is taught, then by itself would be beneficial for its development.
Units of early childhood such as Play Group is a medium for children to socialize in small communities. Play Group is playing a regular activity on the path to non-formal education which organizes educational programs and welfare programs for children aged two years to six years.
Within that group, they will adjust themselves in the wider environment, a step more independent, have pride in being a member of the group playing outside his family members, and a number of other benefits which in turn are unconsciously encouraging interest and potential for children to learn.

Role of Parents
In addition to teachers in school, parents hold a central role in early childhood. Although not officially running, education in the family that parents are often given more depth. By the time a new child is born and when they are at home, the parents who play an important role in education.
In this case, it is important for parents to continue observing the development of their children, even though his son has entered the early childhood institution. Many parents after the child enters kindergarten, to relax its efforts in educating their children, because of the assumption that the task has been delegated to the teachers. Yet to form a bright child and respite in the future, education is needed doubles, ie from parents and schools.
Much can be a parent when the child has entered the early childhood, for example, by aligning the atmosphere and the tools that exist in the home game with at school. The advantage is that parents will get a toy that children in the home and the curriculum in accordance with the conditions they encountered in school, such as props or educational aids.
Psychologists argue that parents should have the attitude of "self-esteem" are positive in educating their children. In simple terms "self-esteem" is defined as self-esteem, self esteem, or the impression of someone who is considered good about themselves, such as, among others, self-confidence, self respect, pride and independent attitude.
Children who have parents with a "self-esteem" is positive, then most likely the child will have a positive self-esteem as well. It happens, because the parents are "role-model" for the child. Children often behave following the behavior of parents, so the personality of the parents are very influential on the formation of their personalities.
To be a "role-model" is positive for children, then should parents should have the knowledge and skills to be a very well when interacting with their children, such as how should the attitude and actions of parents when children fight, stubborn, refusing to eat, do not take a bath , or vice versa when the child according to, learn, play, and so on.
In the world of child psychology known existence of a poem, which, though anonymous, but the poem can be used as inspiration for every parent to educate their children, so that the child has a "self-esteem" are positive. The poem reads: If a Child Living With Criticism He Will Learn To Condemn, If Children Living With Violence She Will Learn To Fight, If Children Living With taunts Learning He Will Be Shy, If Children Living With Feeling humiliated He Will Learn Guilty, If a Child Living With It Will Learn Tolerance Be patient, If Children Living With It Will Confidence Encouragement, If Children Living With It Will Learn to Appreciate the compliment, If Children Living With The Honest Action Learning He Will Will Justice, If Children Living With It Safety Will Learn To Believe, If Children Living With the approval of He Will Learn To Appreciate Himself, If Children Living With Acceptance And Friendship He Will Learn To Finding Love In This Earth.

by: wajidi

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