Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Literacy Education Model: Individual Learning-BasedSequential Recruitment

Until now literacy education programs are still covered with various problems as a result of implementation in the field using a top-down approach, structural approach. That is, the program centers on the government, especially in terms of regulatory administration, budget setting, and time limit provisions of its implementation. In addition, important things that affect the low quality of learning outcomes is the conventional approach to learning, ie learning that is still centered on the teacher, does not accommodate differences in the characteristics and literacy competencies that exist in the Learners.

Implementation of the program as mentioned above tend to produce output which is quantitatively high, but just to meet the administrative target. At the end of the implementation and lessons learned people only get a certificate as proof of literacy education programs have followed a low-quality, mechanical, and more concerned with political aspects, such as literacy memercepat declaration. Implementation of the program is less noticed another aspect of a technical nature, such as learning that combines the substance of literacy and life skills, as well as considerations regarding the use of learning outcomes for residents learning in everyday life.

Weaknesses of the organization with other top-down approach is teacher-centered learning patterns that do not accommodate the differences found in each individual / citizen learning, namely: 1) early literacy skills, 2) motivation to learn; 3) the need to learn; 4) talent that can developed; 5) the potential that can be empowered; 6) opportunities that can be utilized; 7) the level of the economy; and 8. age citizens to learn. In addition, residents learn basic academic skills should not be treated differently by the same mechanism.

Changes in the current situation of the condition affects the number of target students became less and less, because of mortality and increasing the ability of the government in providing literacy education programs. Spread the remaining targets is uneven become new problems in the implementation of literacy education pro-grams that are top-down approach that requires special handling.

Another important fact related to the implementation of literacy education program conventionally is the result of learning that has not been influential in the lives of the residents learned of post-literacy learning. This proved not to an increase in economic income and living standards in the daily life of citizens to learn even though they had completed follow literacy learning and get a certificate. It should, as a result of literacy learning still placed as a means, not the ultimate goal of the program, while the ultimate goal is empowerment of the use of literacy in the lives of their control.

Based on the facts as described above, development of a Center for Non Formal and Informal Education (P2PNFI) Regional 2 Semarang in 2009 developed a model of literacy education that includes recruitment of learning through the application of learning in everyday life. This model is intended not merely menemukembangkan belajarannya innovation in development, but also on various other components in it. Development of this model is expected to be one of the alternative options to address the needs of the organization and learning literacy education programs are effective and efficient in terms of quantity and quality.

by: Literacy Development Team P2PNFI-Semarang

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