Senin, 16 Januari 2012


Era of globalization today continue to hit our lives. Current strength continues to pursue and can not be avoided. Human resources (HR) quality, the man who has the professional capability and competitive advantage is an absolute answer that communities are able to take the lead and agents of change / development.
The process towards the creation of human resources is expected to take place on a variety of educational activities both formal non-formal, or informal
Non-formal education as one of the sub-national education systems have a variety of learning programs and containers, such as course and institute Center for Community Learning (PKBM). PNF container such learning has spread to all corners of the country, there is a growing some are standing and then disappeared.
Each institution / place of learning PNF need to take a real position and role of dynamic, proactive, interactive and far into the future-oriented. For that need to be empowered, so it can continue to exist and evolve to meet the learning needs of the community, government and business world.

Government policy provides opportunities to all members of society to form and organize learning PNF. Education is a shared responsibility between government, families and communities.
PNF learning institutions that exist in society, both governmental and community-managed, can be expressed as follows
1. Government-run institutions
a. Center of Development Education and Youth (BPPLSP) which now changed its name to BPPNFI (Non-formal Education Development Center and Informal), amounted to 8 (eight) regional wialayah Indonesia.
b. Development Center for Learning Activities (reg) is domiciled in the Province.
c. Sanggar Learning Activities (LCS) are scattered in every region II level (district / city)
d. Training institutions that exist in each agency / other government agencies.
2. Institutions that run public / private
a. Community Learning Center (PKBM).
PKBM as an institution / learning PNF container formed of, by and for the community. In PKBM can be held a variety of learning programs that fit the needs of PNF citizens.
b. Institutions Course
Institute courses is an institution run by organizations / foundations engaged in education. At the institute held a variety of learning programs PNF, which is more focused on life skill education or job skills)
c. Study Groups
Study group as a container / PNF can be a place of learning study groups, group Ta'lim Assembly, groups, cultural art groups, and others.

An institution or place of learning PNF can exist and be trusted if the container is supported by:
1. Professional human resources, they are in this case manager / program providers and educators PNF element.
2. Management / administration, need to be designed, arranged, conducted and controlled in order to achieve the expected goals. Any activity that takes place can certainly be administered properly and regularly.
3. Partnerships with the world of work / business; tangle of cooperation and partnership with various groups including the world of work is to obtain good support funding, as well as providing employment for superficial PNF learning program.
4. Sufficient funding; each learning activity requires adequate funding, so it needs to be extracted the sources of funds that exist in society apart from the government.
5. Community support and government; citizens as residents learn to recognize the existing container learning, so they are easy to select and utilize as needed. Similarly the government with all its resources can also provide support for both material and non material.

To empower the learning institution PNF required many efforts, among others:
1. Human resource development
The managers and PNF education can take the initiative / prakara to develop the skills through education and training. Particularly regarding the ability / understanding to be able to follow the PNF's professional education or labor certification program manager PNF.
2. Improved quality of management / administration
A container / quality learning institution, needs to be supported by management / administration activities regularly and meet the standards. Management needs to be developed, characterized by:
a. Participatory planning
b. Organizing a dynamic
c. The implementation is based on commitment
d. Organizing a multi-agency
e. Generating community supervision
3. Develop partnerships with the world of work / effort.
Cooperation and partnerships can be done by creating a mutually beneficial partnership charter, between institutions PNF program manager with the company / world of work or the recipient graduates.
4. Preparation of sufficient funds.
Government and society should be involved in funding the program PNF. PNF learning program designed to use with cost calculation reasonable, because the quality is not necessarily expensive.
5. Increasing the participation of government and society.
In order to gain support from various parties, required socialization program. PNF program was developed based on the learning needs of the community and the world of work. Participation of government and society can be keikutertaan them in designing, implementing, assessing and utilizing PNF program learning outcomes.

Efforts for the empowerment of Non-formal Education (PNF) consider the condition of each existing institution PNF. Each institution has PNF characteristics and learning programs are different, so it requires different handling in coaching and development.

Isaac Abdiilhak, 1986, Special Education Schools Strategy, London: Karunika
Government Regulation Number 30 year 1992 on Community Participation in Education, Secretary General of MOEC, Jakarta

by: Dra. Sitti Hasnah (PNF Observer, Alumni Programs, State University of Makassar PLS FIP)

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