Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Home-based early childhood

Government, is being intensively to disseminate the importance of early childhood education (early childhood). It is certainly very positive, because evenly early childhood is an integral part of efforts to improve the quality of our next generation.Educating early childhood is like laying a solid foundation for the lives of children in private and continuity of the generation of a nation collectively. The result may not be able to take a look and feel in an instant, but after the kids grow up, the foundation established in childhood will be very very beneficial.Unfortunately, the popular early childhood in societies more synonymous with the Play Group and Kindergarten (TK) than education "home". Fair distribution of early childhood programs that are more geared to enhance their Play Group and Kindergarten or classical forms of education other than to develop education units for the elderly. Yet we know that the best educators for toddlers or preschoolers are parents.Although there are specialized institutions that deal with early childhood development capabilities, should it be just a complement. Although the time spent after the kids at home far more than in school. Based on these facts, the knowledge of parents about the exciting learning activities at home and it is very important to develop.The problems usually encountered by mothers beginners is the lack of information and skill in meeting the educational needs of a toddler. It's understandable, because most parents do not prepare him to become parents. Being a father or mother seems so natural, so that almost all people do not consider it necessary to find out first about parenting sciences before they married. No wonder if the mother-father were struck by the novice end problems that they never imagined. After problems arise, then they are busy finding out.Maybe it's also one reason why parents sending children to toddler to playgroup or kindergarten. Parents are concerned, they are not able to develop their children's abilities to the fullest.Enthusiasm for expanding the number of kindergartens and the like should we acungi thumb. That is one solution to a growing number of children an early age that "underserved" education. However, for the lower middle economic people, but yet the prevalence of knowledge about the importance of early childhood, they also have other problems to include children toddler to kindergarten, the cost factor.As cheap, low cost of education at the kindergarten level is still quite heavy as if a family has several children of school age. They prioritize the financing of the children who had entered primary school or above level, rather than send their children who are toddlers. Sometimes some parents who may already have awareness of the importance of early childhood, must be rational when dealing with the issue.Develop Parent SkillWhen parents decide not to put a toddler to preschool classes, two possibilities arise. The first possibility, many children under five who did not have directed activities, and ultimately even make television as a playmate. In the meantime, we certainly agree that not all TV shows are good for children's development. And the second possibility, there are parents who provide a creative activity that is not a substitute for less good school. Children can still learn a lot of things even if only through the "home" and manipulate the existing furniture to be a learning tool.The last possibility is very small indeed happen, because we ought to admit, the knowledge of how to educate young children has not been so uneven. Therefore, the only way to resolve the issue is promoting the formation of learning units for the elderly.These study units not only help children who can not enter the playgroup or kindergarten, but also can improve the quality of education of children in families who are able to send their children but still weak in knowledge of parenting.The information is spoken Jeanette Vos and Gordon Dryden in his book The Learning Revolutions: To Change The Way the World Learns, the issue of translation has been published Kaifa Publishers, said that in Malaysia has organized a parent education program called Nury, derived from the word "nur" , which means light. The program was organized in villages by Dr. Noor Laily Dato 'Abu Bakar and Haji Mansor Sukaimi. In ten years they have trained 20,000 people and 2,000 parents in Malaysia, Singapore.Missouri Parents As Teachers Program (PAT) in the United States, has also become an important trigger of the concept of parents as teachers. It began in 1981 as a pilot program with the name of the Parents as First Teachers (Parents as First Teachers). The program is intended to educate parents so that they can educate their own children.PAT now has a government-funded services. Around 60,000 families with children aged 0-3 years have been following the program. They are guided by some 1,500 parent educators trained to work as an honoree.At each visit, educators and parents that bring a variety of games and books that match the phase of growing children, discuss what to expect parents, and give a piece of paper contains the tip-tip stimulates a child's interest at that stage.In addition to the above two countries, who think, a parent education program based home was also developed in Israel, and given the name of the Hippy (Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters). The program aims to guide the family in educating preschool children. The program began in Israel in 1969 is intended for the nearly 200,000 refugees who came to Israel from Africa and Asia. They are very poor, and children are sometimes overlooked because their parents are working hard to find prosperity in the new place. As with PAT, hippy doing hands-on training at home, but is intended for parents of children aged four and five years.Viewing the information, it seems no wonder if the three countries have advantages in terms of human resources when compared to our country. Concern of government and the people educated in these countries towards early childhood education for a "home-based and family" has yielded satisfactory results.Today the government also seems to have given a more spacious space for terlaksanakan concept by making the post Yandu and implementing early childhood PKK as an alternative ..However, enlightened community with a variety of early childhood education information, also is spearheading the expansion of scientific parenting. Perhaps the first step can be started by opening the discussion groups "parenting" which consists of some parents, and occasionally invite colleagues who are competent in this field. It is not impossible that this will grow rapidly, and ultimately lead to improved quality of child care in the home, which was also able to maximize the results that have been achieved from the implementation of Playgroup and Kindergarten.Education is the most appropriate way to change a nation for the better, and efforts in that direction have been built long ago instituted through formal education. But in reality we can not rely on it as the only way to establish the quality of children from various aspects. We still need a home for mensinergikannya education.Nonetheless positive environment is formed from the smallest units of society are also positive. Instead of seeking to improve the quality of our children, unequal education, between school and home rarely even lead to a collective failure.

Greetings education!

by: Maya A. Pujiati

source: http://duniaparenting.com

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