Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Why Learning Through Practice Far More Effective

Recent findings on how to learn, with different variations, leads to the conclusion that how much more effective than learning through practice only in theory.While a great deal of evidence and many are increasingly believe the above conclusion, but became more argumentative when we know the logical reason.Alignment of the Body and MindThe leading neuroscientists now believe that any information obtained by the brain not only stored in the brain, but also on other body parts. Storage in other parts of the body that is believed to be a subconscious memory of a moment can be activated when needed. (Learn how to Revolution: 2000)It is compatible with the concept of working members, all of which are interdependent body (brain, heart, liver, kidney, bladder, etc.) without being able to split up.When one limb is damaged then the other parts also got the impact. That's what came to be known in the medical world as a complication. For example, when the thyroid gland problems then, too, show symptoms of decreased cardiac function slowly, when the liver function declines, the ability of bile to produce neutralizing toxic substances the body is decreased, and many other examples.Back to the mind-body relationship, then that's their suitability. What we think will affect the activity or action of the body, and what the physical body will also affect the brain.Learning by enabling the full sensor body is possessed of vision, hearing, smell, pencecap, and the sense of touch is practiced by Montessori, and the results are satisfactory. Even some children who have mental retardation showed significant improvement after they were taught to write with a felt letter of coarse sandpaper, play clay, learn to pour water without spilling, and other sensory activities.Indeed, if only in passing we would not be able to see these linkages, but over time, in the long run we will see it clearly.The evidence from the real world in the form of new learning models, which include the motion of the body as part of their learning methods are quite astonishing. For example, the activity of playing catch with a ball, put the small seeds into the bottle, meronce, can help people with autism have sensory previous progress is weak.In addition, we also may have heard of Al-Quran memorization methods with hand gestures were far more effective than conventional methods.Similarly, mathematical models of learning with the finger, learn the language by singing and drama, learning foreign vocabulary to move the limbs as a symbol, learn to crawl concentration, etc..The facts mentioned above may be only a small example, but in principle, the whole model of learning that integrates physical activity with the subject matter is far more successful than just theory.Therefore, it is certainly no reason for educators to inhibit the physical movement of the children as they learn, including when they climbed a tree to observe the birds' nests, dig the ground to see the holes the beetle larvae, or fiddling with dry branches to be 'magical objects' of their own imagination. Believe me, one day, all activities that do not appear to contain elements of learning that would help children learn to love more than anything.

by: Maya A. Pujiati
source: duniaparenting.com

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