Minggu, 03 Juni 2012

Why Learning Through Practice Far More Effective

Recent findings on how to learn, with different variations, leads to the conclusion that how much more effective than learning through practice only in theory.While a great deal of evidence and many are increasingly believe the above conclusion, but became more argumentative when we know the logical reason.Alignment of the Body and MindThe leading neuroscientists now believe that any information obtained by the brain not only stored in the brain, but also on other body parts. Storage in other parts of the body that is believed to be a subconscious memory of a moment can be activated when needed. (Learn how to Revolution: 2000)It is compatible with the concept of working members, all of which are interdependent body (brain, heart, liver, kidney, bladder, etc.) without being able to split up.When one limb is damaged then the other parts also got the impact. That's what came to be known in the medical world as a complication. For example, when the thyroid gland problems then, too, show symptoms of decreased cardiac function slowly, when the liver function declines, the ability of bile to produce neutralizing toxic substances the body is decreased, and many other examples.Back to the mind-body relationship, then that's their suitability. What we think will affect the activity or action of the body, and what the physical body will also affect the brain.Learning by enabling the full sensor body is possessed of vision, hearing, smell, pencecap, and the sense of touch is practiced by Montessori, and the results are satisfactory. Even some children who have mental retardation showed significant improvement after they were taught to write with a felt letter of coarse sandpaper, play clay, learn to pour water without spilling, and other sensory activities.Indeed, if only in passing we would not be able to see these linkages, but over time, in the long run we will see it clearly.The evidence from the real world in the form of new learning models, which include the motion of the body as part of their learning methods are quite astonishing. For example, the activity of playing catch with a ball, put the small seeds into the bottle, meronce, can help people with autism have sensory previous progress is weak.In addition, we also may have heard of Al-Quran memorization methods with hand gestures were far more effective than conventional methods.Similarly, mathematical models of learning with the finger, learn the language by singing and drama, learning foreign vocabulary to move the limbs as a symbol, learn to crawl concentration, etc..The facts mentioned above may be only a small example, but in principle, the whole model of learning that integrates physical activity with the subject matter is far more successful than just theory.Therefore, it is certainly no reason for educators to inhibit the physical movement of the children as they learn, including when they climbed a tree to observe the birds' nests, dig the ground to see the holes the beetle larvae, or fiddling with dry branches to be 'magical objects' of their own imagination. Believe me, one day, all activities that do not appear to contain elements of learning that would help children learn to love more than anything.

by: Maya A. Pujiati
source: duniaparenting.com

Hyperactive children? Meal checks, substance Additives Could Be High

Hyperactivity in children increased in recent years. The term does not apply to conduct that merely naughty or bad. This refers to children who tend to be destructive, disruptive, potentially violent and aggressive.Hyperactive child is only able to pay attention to something in the short term, and difficulty concentrating. They are hard to learn, hard to sit still and sometimes not sleeping at all.In a large-scale study of children with hyperactivity in the 1960s by physician Ben Feingold, a group of chemical compounds called salicylates, found mainly in food additives, it makes children become more hyperactive. When children are given a jelly donut that contains contain artificial flavors and colors, their behavior deteriorated in just a few hours.He concluded that many chemicals used in artificial food is salicylate. He stated the chemicals that was the root problem for some children.Syndrome children with ADHD or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, also proved to be sensitive to some chemicals. The worst one is the dye tartrazine, known as the E102, the severity of the dye is spread in almost all modern types of snacks and beverages, including confectionery, cakes and bread that is often consumed son.Since then, other studies reinforce increasingly detrimental effect on food additives and ADHD. Earlier studies concluded that the combination of a good quality diet and vitamin supplements can simply change the intelligence and behavior of children who are difficult to control.Essential fatty acids omega-3 and -6 are found in fish oil are also crucial for the formation of normal brain function. Fish oil studies from Oxford University led by Alex Richardson's reputation worldwide, concluded that sixty to seventy percent of children with ADHD and similar issues will be improved significantly if mengonsusi suplemem pure fish oil extracts in high concentrations,The recommended ideal diet for children is a healthy food additive-free, organic if possible made with varied menu. All children enjoy a nice meal once in a while, so it's better prepared cakes, biskui, pies or pastries and puddings in the house. Certainly be better if it's the work of the parents themselves, so you can memstikan they are free from coloring agents and flavor additives.If you want more restrictive, the following is a list of additives that should be avoidedArtificial dyes102 tartrazine104 quinoline yellow107 yellow 2G110 sunset yellow122 azorubine, carmoisine124 ponceau, brilliant scarlet127 erythrosineAllura red 128 red 2G 129132 indigotine, indigo carmine133 brilliant blueS 142 green, green food, acid brilliant green151 brilliant black155 brown, chocolate brown

source: republika.co.id

Know Why Children Need to Compete

Education is an ongoing process that is not only measured by achievement in a competition. However, with the competition of a child can measure its current capability, make the measurement and comparison of performance (benchmark) with other kids his age-old, and the thought of achieving the desired at a later date.This was stated by Director of International quarks Sanny Djohan in Science Olympiad events quarks (OSK) 2011 Titan Center, Bintaro, Tangerang, Banten Province, on Saturday (19/02/2011). He said, by doing three things at the top of that a child with the guidance of parents and teachers can become a person who has a comprehensive and systematic thinking can overcome the challenges of everyday life."Patterns think most people are stuck on individual achievement in a competition so it is not surprising that there are individuals or teams that are specifically prepared to face a competition. It certainly does not describe the outcome of the educational process which is owned by a school, local, or the state, "said Sanny.He said the OSK is designed as a forum for competition in the field of science that is open to all primary school students in Indonesia to implement the depth of understanding of the material that can hone students' reasoning abilities. These activities, he hoped, could be a standard reference for mapping quality of science education in Indonesia basic education level."Winning and losing is a dynamic process of competition and does not eliminate the essence of the competition itself," said Sanny. That's why the system OSK competition is open to anyone who provides a space of freedom for schools to encourage every student to participate as a means to evaluate and benchmark standard of quality science education to students from other schools nationally. The participation of students in a continuous and consistent from year to year will provide valuable experience in the form of understanding the concepts and reasoning abilities of children from an early age."So that OSK is also expected to provide positive feedback to the school, particularly in evaluating the quality of science education standards," said Sanny which publishes Science quarks Comics as a medium of science teaching.While the originator of the OSK, Prof John Surya, said that nowadays people commonly think that the competition is only intended for some people, to those who have intelligence above average. According to him, not understanding it wrong."However, it should be understood also that the competition is a means for children to hone skills and familiarize themselves with the achievement of better standards," said John.He added, therefore, good parents, teachers or educators need to motivate children from an early age to participate in various competitions as a positive experience and valuable lessons for the future of the children.
source: www.kompas.com

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Home-based early childhood

Government, is being intensively to disseminate the importance of early childhood education (early childhood). It is certainly very positive, because evenly early childhood is an integral part of efforts to improve the quality of our next generation.Educating early childhood is like laying a solid foundation for the lives of children in private and continuity of the generation of a nation collectively. The result may not be able to take a look and feel in an instant, but after the kids grow up, the foundation established in childhood will be very very beneficial.Unfortunately, the popular early childhood in societies more synonymous with the Play Group and Kindergarten (TK) than education "home". Fair distribution of early childhood programs that are more geared to enhance their Play Group and Kindergarten or classical forms of education other than to develop education units for the elderly. Yet we know that the best educators for toddlers or preschoolers are parents.Although there are specialized institutions that deal with early childhood development capabilities, should it be just a complement. Although the time spent after the kids at home far more than in school. Based on these facts, the knowledge of parents about the exciting learning activities at home and it is very important to develop.The problems usually encountered by mothers beginners is the lack of information and skill in meeting the educational needs of a toddler. It's understandable, because most parents do not prepare him to become parents. Being a father or mother seems so natural, so that almost all people do not consider it necessary to find out first about parenting sciences before they married. No wonder if the mother-father were struck by the novice end problems that they never imagined. After problems arise, then they are busy finding out.Maybe it's also one reason why parents sending children to toddler to playgroup or kindergarten. Parents are concerned, they are not able to develop their children's abilities to the fullest.Enthusiasm for expanding the number of kindergartens and the like should we acungi thumb. That is one solution to a growing number of children an early age that "underserved" education. However, for the lower middle economic people, but yet the prevalence of knowledge about the importance of early childhood, they also have other problems to include children toddler to kindergarten, the cost factor.As cheap, low cost of education at the kindergarten level is still quite heavy as if a family has several children of school age. They prioritize the financing of the children who had entered primary school or above level, rather than send their children who are toddlers. Sometimes some parents who may already have awareness of the importance of early childhood, must be rational when dealing with the issue.Develop Parent SkillWhen parents decide not to put a toddler to preschool classes, two possibilities arise. The first possibility, many children under five who did not have directed activities, and ultimately even make television as a playmate. In the meantime, we certainly agree that not all TV shows are good for children's development. And the second possibility, there are parents who provide a creative activity that is not a substitute for less good school. Children can still learn a lot of things even if only through the "home" and manipulate the existing furniture to be a learning tool.The last possibility is very small indeed happen, because we ought to admit, the knowledge of how to educate young children has not been so uneven. Therefore, the only way to resolve the issue is promoting the formation of learning units for the elderly.These study units not only help children who can not enter the playgroup or kindergarten, but also can improve the quality of education of children in families who are able to send their children but still weak in knowledge of parenting.The information is spoken Jeanette Vos and Gordon Dryden in his book The Learning Revolutions: To Change The Way the World Learns, the issue of translation has been published Kaifa Publishers, said that in Malaysia has organized a parent education program called Nury, derived from the word "nur" , which means light. The program was organized in villages by Dr. Noor Laily Dato 'Abu Bakar and Haji Mansor Sukaimi. In ten years they have trained 20,000 people and 2,000 parents in Malaysia, Singapore.Missouri Parents As Teachers Program (PAT) in the United States, has also become an important trigger of the concept of parents as teachers. It began in 1981 as a pilot program with the name of the Parents as First Teachers (Parents as First Teachers). The program is intended to educate parents so that they can educate their own children.PAT now has a government-funded services. Around 60,000 families with children aged 0-3 years have been following the program. They are guided by some 1,500 parent educators trained to work as an honoree.At each visit, educators and parents that bring a variety of games and books that match the phase of growing children, discuss what to expect parents, and give a piece of paper contains the tip-tip stimulates a child's interest at that stage.In addition to the above two countries, who think, a parent education program based home was also developed in Israel, and given the name of the Hippy (Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters). The program aims to guide the family in educating preschool children. The program began in Israel in 1969 is intended for the nearly 200,000 refugees who came to Israel from Africa and Asia. They are very poor, and children are sometimes overlooked because their parents are working hard to find prosperity in the new place. As with PAT, hippy doing hands-on training at home, but is intended for parents of children aged four and five years.Viewing the information, it seems no wonder if the three countries have advantages in terms of human resources when compared to our country. Concern of government and the people educated in these countries towards early childhood education for a "home-based and family" has yielded satisfactory results.Today the government also seems to have given a more spacious space for terlaksanakan concept by making the post Yandu and implementing early childhood PKK as an alternative ..However, enlightened community with a variety of early childhood education information, also is spearheading the expansion of scientific parenting. Perhaps the first step can be started by opening the discussion groups "parenting" which consists of some parents, and occasionally invite colleagues who are competent in this field. It is not impossible that this will grow rapidly, and ultimately lead to improved quality of child care in the home, which was also able to maximize the results that have been achieved from the implementation of Playgroup and Kindergarten.Education is the most appropriate way to change a nation for the better, and efforts in that direction have been built long ago instituted through formal education. But in reality we can not rely on it as the only way to establish the quality of children from various aspects. We still need a home for mensinergikannya education.Nonetheless positive environment is formed from the smallest units of society are also positive. Instead of seeking to improve the quality of our children, unequal education, between school and home rarely even lead to a collective failure.

Greetings education!

by: Maya A. Pujiati

source: http://duniaparenting.com

Entrepreneurship Program for Literacy Education Menu

One of the major issues in national development seems to lie in the development of entrepreneurship as an increase in economic development. Discourse is a consideration in treading the concept of increasing the development of education in this country. Indonesia began to realize the importance of entrepreneurship applied in various aspects of poverty and unemployment. This pilot should be a mandate that carried by practitioners outside of school education under the auspices of the Directorate General of Non Formal and Informal Education Ministry of National Education.Since 2008 Indonesia has joined the program LIFE (Literacy Initiative for Empowerment) is rotated by the UNESCO for the nine largest illiterate persons Countries including Indonesia. Along with the LIFE program, built within the framework of the familiar (Literacy for Empowerment) in 2009 as Illiteracy eradication efforts through literacy education integrated with life skills that can later be expected to alleviate poverty and unemployment in this country.Not just providing nets or boats for the fishermen, but it is more important to them is the provision of facilities such as TPI (fish auction place) or the target market is the result of fishing itself is not sold where. This is what must be considered in the management of educational development, especially for literacy education. Because people need not only be read alone, the daily needs of their more noteworthy.The focus of literacy education in the future not only basic literacy, but to empower the economic, social, and cultural and literacy education is expected to be meaningful to the community and able to address current challenges. That presented the Director General of Non Formal and Informal Education at time of Muhammad Hamid related press release warning the International Literacy Day (HAI) in 2010 on the 45th of Information and Media Outlets Kemdiknas, Jakarta. HAI is planned memorial will be held on October 10, 2010 in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. The theme of the memorial itself is "Literacy and Character Building the civilization of the Nation".Literacy education is not limited to possible application of Cultural Literacy (BUDAL), a major component of entrepreneurship education for the fulfillment of the outcomes of literacy education that was. Not that entrepreneurship education regardless of literacy, but the two are together. So that the charge is in terms of entrepreneurship included in literacy education, with so Entrepreneurial Literacy Program will be achieved. This literacy program will be integrated with life skills program, in addition to basic literacy.Director of Community Education Directorate General PNFI Yulaelawati Ella also said the Literacy Program Independent Business (KUM). Literacy programs are integrated with local empowerment through the arts and culture and folklore. In addition, empowerment is done by expanding access TBMs (TBM) with pempublikasian village newspaper, a kind of journalism that trained villagers to make their own paper.The word independent of illiteracy will be more meaningful to the concept of entrepreneurship with various forms of integrated skills. Not just skills alone, but dibelajarkan with a given capital base and capital of the assistance. And please note, as the vision of the Directorate is to develop the Indonesian PNFI lifelong learners and that one of its mission of quality literacy program that is able to enhance the literacy competence at all levels (basic, functional, and advanced) for the population of adult illiteracy are widespread, fair and equitable to encourage the improvement of the welfare and productivity of people and participate in supporting the enhancement IPM.Pioneering Program for the achievement of this Entrepreneurial Literacy, has appointed 100 Kemdiknas Learning Community Activity Center (PKBM) to implement literacy programs through entrepreneurship or more simple script again as Entrepreneurship.

By: Muarif

source: imadiklus.com

Character education

Character education is an investment system the values ​​of the character of the citizens of the school which includes the components of knowledge, awareness or volition, and action to implement these values, both to the Almighty God (Almighty), ourselves, others, environment, and nationality so that a man perfect man. In character education in schools, all the components (stakeholders) should be involved, including the components of education itself, namely the content of curriculum, learning and assessment, quality relationships, handling or management subjects, school management, the implementation of the activity or co-curricular activities , empowerment infrastructure, financing, and all citizens working ethos and the school environment.In spite of various shortcomings in the practice of education in Indonesia, when viewed from the national standard of education is the reference curriculum development (SBC), and implementing learning and assessment in schools, educational purposes in school can actually be met effectively. Character building is also included in the material to be taught and mastered and is realized by learners in everyday life. The problem, character education in schools as long as it touches on the level of introduction of new norms or values, and yet at the level of internalization and action in everyday life.In an effort to improve the appropriateness and quality of character education, the Ministry of National Education to develop a character education grand design for each line, level and type of educational unit. Grand design of a reference conceptual and operational development, implementation, and evaluation on each line and level of education. Configuring the characters in the context of the totality of the psychological and socio-cultural is grouped in: Sports Heart (Spiritual and emotional development), Sports thought (intellectual development), Sports and Kinesthetic (Physical and kinestetic development), and Physical Pain and Karsa (Affective and Creativity development). Development and implementation of character education needs to be done with reference to the grand design.According to Law No 20 of 2003 on National Education System in Article 13 Paragraph 1 states that the line consists of formal education, nonformal, and informal can complement and enrich each other. Informal education is the path of family and environmental education. Informal education actually has a role and contributed greatly to the success of education. Learners to attend a school of only about 7 hours per day, or less than 30%. The rest (70%), learners are in the family and the neighborhood. If viewed from the aspect of quantity of time, education in schools contribute only 30% of the educational outcomes of students.During this time, informal education, especially within the family has not given a significant contribution to supporting the achievement of competence and character formation of students. The flurry of activity and working parents who are relatively high, a lack of understanding of parents in educating children in a family environment, social influences in the environment, and the influence of electronic media suspected to negatively affect the development and achievement of learning outcomes for learners. One alternative to overcome these problems is through an integrated character education, namely to integrate and optimize the activities of informal education family environment with formal education in schools. In this case, the study of students in schools needs to be optimized in order to improve the quality of learning outcomes can be achieved, especially in the character formation of students.Character education can be integrated in the learning in each subject. Instructional material relating to the norms or values ​​in each subject should be developed, dieksplisitkan, associated with the context of everyday life. Thus, learning the values ​​of the character not only on the cognitive level, but it touches on the internalization, and actual practice in the lives of students everyday in the community.Extra-curricular activities are organized during this school is one of the potential media for character building and improving the academic quality of students. Extracurricular activities are educational activities outside of subjects to assist the development of learners in accordance with the needs, potential, talents, and interests through activities that are specifically organized by educators and or education personnel capable and berkewenangan in school. Through extra-curricular activities are expected to develop skills and a sense of social responsibility, as well as the potential and achievements of learners.Character education in schools is also strongly associated with the management or the management of schools. Management question is how character education is planned, implemented, and controlled in educational activities in schools adequately. Management include, among others, the values ​​that need to be implanted, curriculum, learning, assessment, educators and education personnel, and other related components. Thus, the school management is one of the effective medium in character education in schools.According to Mochtar Buchori (2007), character education should bring students to the introduction of the value of the cognitive, affective appreciation in value, and finally to the practice of real value. Character education issues that had been there in the SMP needs to be studied, and look for alternatives, alternative solutions, and need to be developed in a more operational so easily implemented in schools.Character education aims to improve the quality of implementation and educational outcomes in schools that lead to the formation of character and achievement of learners noble character as a whole, integrated, and balanced, according to competency standards. Character education through junior high students are expected to be able to independently increase and use knowledge, to study and internalize and personalize the values ​​of character and noble character that manifests itself in everyday behavior.Character education at the level of institutional culture of schools leads to the formation, namely the values ​​that underlie behavior, traditions, everyday habits, and symbols that are practiced by all schools, and communities around the school. School culture is characterized, the character or disposition, and the school's image in the public eye.Target is a character education throughout the secondary school (SMP) in Indonesia public and private. All citizens of the school, including learners, teachers, administrative staff, and school leaders became targets of this program. The schools that have successfully implemented a character education well serve as best practices, which became an example to be disseminated to other schools.Through this program are expected to graduate school to have faith and devotion to God Almighty, noble, noble character, academic competence and integrated whole, and also have a good personality fit the norms and culture of Indonesia. On a broader level, character education will be expected to be the school culture.The success of character education program can be known through the achievement of the indicators by learners as set out in graduate school Competency Standards, which include the following:A. Practicing religion in accordance with the stages of adolescent development;2. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of self;3. Demonstrate an attitude of confidence;4. Abide by social rules that prevail in the wider environment;5. Appreciate the diversity of religious, cultural, ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic groups within the national sphere;6. Seek and apply information from the surrounding environment and other sources, logically, critically, and creatively;7. Demonstrated ability to think logically, critically, creatively, and innovative;8. Demonstrated ability to learn independently in accordance with its potential;9. Demonstrated ability to analyze and solve problems in everyday life;10. Describes the social and natural phenomena;11. Utilizing environmentally responsible manner;12. Applying the values ​​of togetherness in the society, nation and the state for the realization of unity within the unitary Republic of Indonesia;13. Appreciate works of art and national culture;14. Appreciate the work tasks and have the ability to work;15. Implement a clean, healthy, fit, safe, and enjoy free time well;16. Communicate and interact effectively and courteously;17. Understanding the rights and obligations of self and others in the association in the community; Respect differences of opinion;18. Show indulgence to read and write short simple texts;19. Demonstrate listening skills, speaking, reading, and writing in Indonesian language and simple English;20. Master the knowledge required to follow secondary education;21. Entrepreneurial spirit.At the school level, the criteria for character education attainment is a culture of schools, namely behavior, traditions, everyday habits, and symbols that are practiced by all schools, and communities around the school should be based on those values.

source: http://akhmadsudrajat.wordpress.com

Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Prevent Squatting IQ Avoid of Junk Food

Babies are given a lot of processed foods may have a lower IQ later in their lives, according to a British study which is described as the largest study of its kind.

The conclusions, released on Monday (7/2), derived from long-term observation of the 14,000 people who were born in western England in 1991 and 1992. Monitored their health and fitness at the age of three, four, seven and eight and a half years.

Parents of these children were asked to fill a list of questions, among others, details the types of foods and beverages consumed by their children. From the list of three dietary patterns emerged, the first has a high content of refined sugars and fats, the type of food "traditional" that contains a lot of meat and vegetables, the last is food "health-conscious" with lots of salads, fruits and vegetables, pasta and rice.

When the children were aged eight and a half years, their IQ was measured using a standard tool called the Wechsler Intelligence Scale. From as many as 4,000 children with complete data, there were significant differences in IQ among those who had consumed food "refined" than children who ate food "health conscious" when they are smaller.

Some 20 percent of children who are accustomed to eating processed foods have an average IQ of 101 points, while 20 percent of children who daily consume a lot of food "health conscious" has an IQ of 106 points.

"The difference is small, heck, it's not a big difference," said a study author, Pauline Emmett of the School of Social and Community Medicine at the University of Bristol, as reported by the French news agency AFP.

"But it certainly makes them less able to deal with education, less able to deal with some of the conditions of life," said Pauline Emmett.

The relationship between IQ and nutrition to be still a hotly debated because it can be influenced by many factors, including the background of economic and social development.

One middle-class families such as, perhaps better able financially to put healthier food on the table, or have a stronger impetus to stimulate the appetite of their children, compared to families of poor households.

Why "junk food" has an impact on intelligence? Emmett stated that processed food in excess and vitamin deficiencies can be important for brain development at a crucial stage of early childhood.

'Food' junk food 'is not good for brain development, "he said.
The study was published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, published by the British Medical Association (BMA).

"Junk food" is also harmful to adults, because food has such an adverse health risk due to certain content in them, such as high fat content, preservatives.

source: republika.co.id

Non-Formal Education in gaining

Education as a powerful weapon to advance a nation in the world. this is based on the higher civilization of a nation due to the contribution of education itself, the strength of a nation lies in the quality of education quality and intelligent mermiliki noble character.

In the above persolan we realize that the very difficulty of achieving third-grade tersebur components, intelligent and has a noble character is a subjective three components that can not be separated between the other one. Kecerdasaran not give a hope that can bring kemodaratan if not coupled with the inherent character of religious teachings and this is true sebaliknya.Refine logo Non-Formal Education in gaining v1

Constitution of 1945 (the Constitution) Article 31 Paragraph 1 (a) amendement to the IV (four) menyataklan "Every citizen has the right to get the teaching" of the editorial is clearly bahwasannya every person wherever he is, without exception have the same right to education both formal and non-formal.yang starting from the most basic level of school education kindergarten through private and state universities. Uu in the number 23 of 2003 on the law of the National education system is clearly stated non-formal education is the path of education outside the formal education that can be implemented in a structured and tiered Article 1 "General provisions" in the fifth section, a special set of non-formal education, article 26 paragraph 1, to 7.

Formal education is an educational alternative that skew its existence as an object of Sahaja education, which is why the existence of non-formal schools can not be equated with other formal education. The emergence of Taste "stereotype" is in the midst of the community is a setback that led to the world of education is not education is meaningless

Flashback a few months ago, on a test nasiunal (UN) Based on data from the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) 1,522,162 students took the national exams are held simultaneously in Indonesia with 89.88 percent graduation with a decline in terms of graduation from the year 2009-2010 , so there are 154 079 students who will follow-up exams

From the figures above the rest as much as 154 079 which will menegikuti supplementary exams with higher levels of trauma than ever And most of them tentunnya will follow graduation exam to earn their equality and the question of how the quality of the institution now ...?

Floating non-formal education is not present in Constance fix the problems of education to restore the function of non-formal education can be compared with other formla education.

Authors hope this paper can help through non-formal education in the future through a few things to make fundamental changes to the non-formal educational institutions through an education plan that emphasizes the quality of education of the places to look for mere sustenance, therefore the actions to be taken to changes to form an institution similar to other formal schools so that future non-formal education is not managed by individuals with a sense of equality of education is the education manager that does not have regeneration, giving rise to lack of transparency in the management of lead management agency pedidikan equality is seen as an exclusive institution.

by Ronggo Tunjung Anggoro
source: http://imadiklus.com


Between formal education and nonformal education have complementary. Out put of formal education (schools) of all levels who lack the skills, some can be equipped with the skills to be able to work on public and private agencies, or develop an independent business (entrepreneurship). In addition, they are out of school and had no formal education are given the opportunity to attend non-formal education (life skills education program) so as to improve their living standards.
Along with advances in the field of education, especially non-formal education, there are problems or deficiencies that need to be addressed or addressed in subsequent development. One problem that is quite prominent is the issue of education equity. In this case recognized that rural communities, especially remote and isolated communities are still not affordable education including non-formal education. These communities need attention, so the quality and standard of living can be improved. Of course be aware of their existence can be designed so that non-formal education programs relevant to their learning needs

Most of the villagers living in remote / isolated. It is a matter to be reached with non-formal education program
Learning needs of diverse rural community, but has not been known clearly that it is difficult to design a non-formal education programs relevant to their learning needs
Potential of rural nature and varied enough, however limited the ability / skill to make the most productive citizens.

Non-formal education PROGRAMS FOR RURAL improve people's lives
Research Program
Rural development has an important and strategic role in regional development and national development. This is because most people live in rural areas with an environment that has the potential for an abundance of natural, rural development besides reaching out to the interests of rural communities. Therefore the government should provide greater and more serious attention to rural development.
Even if progress in rural development has many perceived benefits, but still there are many issues that need to be resolved to further strengthen rural development. Particularly in terms of increase in non-formal education and equity necessary discovered identify the fundamental aspects of rural life as the subject (people learn). For this purpose each institution is responsible for the development of nonformal education in rural communities need to carry out research activities in depth and breadth.
Aware of the lameness, lameness in rural areas, the research program in the context of non-formal education for rural people is a necessity.
One type of research is accurate and quick results can be utilized to improve the living standard of rural people is action research. To catch-up faced by rural communities need to develop this kind of research.
Using non-formal education programs with the Mother Tongue
Rural communities made up of various tribes who have their local language, remember it is still used orally in daily social life.
Nonformal education messages will be easier and faster internalized and understood by the public when delivered in the local language or their mother tongue. In addition, by using the native language in conveying messages of non-formal education, as well as to preserve the mother tongue in order to enrich the national culture.
The results Cummis Jim (2005) explained that children would be able to build strong literacy skills in the language they used in temapat education. . If parents and other caregivers (eg grandparents) can spend time with their children, as well as telling stories or discussing certain issues so as to develop the concept of literacy in their native language, then children can be better prepared to learn the language in place education, and succeed in their education. Their knowledge and skills transferred from the mother tongue they have learned at home into the language used in education. From the point of view of developing concepts and thinking skills of children, the second languages ​​are interdependent on each other. The transfer across languages ​​occur in two directions, if the mother tongue is promoted in schools (eg in a bilingual education program) dining concept language and literacy skills are learned by children in their mother tongue. In short both languages ​​can be mutually maintained if the environment supports children's education to use two languages.
With this approach the mother tongue in the learning process, the opportunity for success is quite high because the study is saying, the words that appear at any time in the good life in the process of social, economic and cultural processes. Understanding of what is learned will be easier to understand because the words have become part of what has been done or done in his life.
Benefits gained from learning to use the mother tongue (language of the jungle) is:

Can be made more quickly familiar with the residents to learn
Can learn and understand the structure of language learning citizen
Residents learn to preserve their customs
Motivate the citizens to learn to pass the reading, writing, and counting to the next generation.
Non-formal Education Program Radio Broadcast
Learning activities and events, especially non-formal education through a variety altrenatif necessary to arrange a varied program of strategic and innovative, so as to provide maximum service to all citizens according to need, ability, speed and accuracy of learning every member of society. It is intended to accelerate the expansion and equitable learning for all levels of society.
One alternative non-formal education learning a strategic and innovative media is the channel. Through media or message can be communicated ecara learning materials effectively to stimulate the mind, so motivated to learn optimally.
Radio as a medium to hear, is quite effective, especially for people in rural areas that are difficult to reach (remote / isolated). It can be understood because it is difficult to reach remote communities directly through print and visual media (television), which can be cultivated and remote communities diimiliki / isolated is the radio.
To communicate messages non-formal education widely to the public, especially those living in remote / isolated, very necessary radio broadcasts non-formal education.
Lab-site Program Non-formal Education
When associated with the learning needs of rural communities, it is necessary to test the models designed learning non-formal education is relevant to the needs of the community. Trial activity is more intensive when implemented on an area / location which is designed specifically as PNF-site lab. Besides training for tutors and teaching staff members of the community will be more successful if held on-site lab PNF. Thus urgently needed a PNF-site lab that will serve as an office or place PNF pilot programs and the training ground for tutor-resident tutor in membelajarkan learning.

Understand the conditions of rural residents in the various dimensions of life is a must for the observers, thinkers and practitioners of non-formal education. Residents of rural communities as part of community residents who require non-formal education services, should receive attention, by providing the appropriate education service learning requirement. It required a real effort for them, including through programs of research, non-formal education program that uses the mother tongue. Radio programs and program PNF PNF-site lab, the program served only a small part of programs that can touch the urgent need for rural residents, so the development of learning models need to be done.

Robert Chambers, 1987, Rural Development From Rear, New York: LP3ES
Soedomo, HM, 1989, Special Education Schools Towards Community Development Learning Systems, New York: P2LPTK
Wiryanto Giinter Yomo and Wehner, 1973, Building Societies, London: Space

(By: Nasri, SS: observers of non-formal Education)