Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Development of Community Learning Center

Community Learning Center as an institution is a formal form of the basic needs of society, especially relating to community needs for education. PKBM are formal institutions which are formed by people who appear on the initiative of the community and managed by the community as an effort to meet community needs in education. In addition, the existence PKBM also serves as an empowering community institutions to help groups of marginalized communities so they have a balanced position with other groups that are more established in the social and economic life.

The composition and functions of institutions is also owned by PKBM as community agencies, among others: PKBM serve as infrastructure for the implementation of learning activities in the community which would have characteristics different from learning in formal schools where the participants are children of students is more homogeneous, PKBM also serves as a forum for members of the community's active participation in learning activities, from planning, implementation to evaluation. In addition, PKBM also has many functions, in addition to empowering the community to provide education equivalent to formal education, PKBM also organizes community empowerment activities based on improving the local economy, one of which is the establishment of Business Study Group.

Center for Community Learning activities (PKBM) which is a follow-up to the idea of ​​Community Learning Center has been known in Indonesia since the sixties. Institutionally, perintisannya PKBM in Indonesia with a new name began in 1998 in line with efforts to expand educational opportunity for obtaining services (Sudjana, 2003). Another definition states PKBM is a place of learning in a variety of skills by utilizing the facilities, infrastructure, and all the potential that exists in the vicinity of people's lives, so that people have the skills and knowledge that can be utilized to enhance and improve their standard of living (BPKB East Java, 2000) . In addition, PKBM is a form of community-based education is education that is basically designed by the community for the community so that they are powerless membelajarkan, in the sense of having the power to build his own, of course, through interaction with its environment (Fasli & Smith, 2001) .

PKBM is where the various learning activities that are needed by the community in accordance with the interests and needs with community-based education approach. PKBM is an educational institution formed by society, which is managed and developed by the community itself in order to provide educational services in the community needs. PKBM as information sources contain various types of learning programs are particularly useful in improving functional ability in the skill areas are oriented to empowering potential of the local community through community-based education approach to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes in the economic, social and cultural rights.

The existence PKBM has great potential to serve as the coordination of learning programs in the community. Availability of managers / organizers, lecturers / tutors are qualified, is the allure for people to come to PKBM. PKBM goal is to empower people to self-sufficiency, through programs implemented in PKBM, in order to form a human who has the knowledge, skills and attitudes, while the function itself is PKBM (Sihombing, 1999):

1. As the container means learning where people can gain knowledge and acquire various types of functional skills and knowledge that can be utilized quickly and appropriately in an effort to improve the quality of life and living.
2. As the vortex of all potential means PKBM community as a place to exchange a variety of existing and potential grow in the community, so it becomes a dynamic synergy in effort to empower the community itself.
3. As the center and source of information that is asking the public vehicle for a variety of information about different types of learning activities and functional skills required by the community.
4. As a venue for exchange of skills and experience means that the various types of skills and experience possessed by the people concerned with the principle of mutual learning and membelajarkan through discussion of problems faced.
5. As a center for meetings between managers and learning resource that is the venue for various meetings and learning resource managers (tutor) either internally or with PKBM around him to discuss various issues and constraints faced in the management PKBM and learning communities.
6. As the location of learning that never dry place that is constantly used for learning activities for the community in various forms.

Institutional Development PKBM

PKBM institutional development action is based on three strategies in the implementation of capacity-building approach, which includes: an individualized approach, the approach the organization and establishment of networks and partnership approach.

a.Pendekatan individual; this approach can be done by implementing education and training, intended to enhance the capacity of individuals. PKBM relation to institutional development, individuals in this case is the manager and the teacher (tutor) PKBM. Capacity building through education will put managers PKBM as a more dignified individuals, both behavioral and certain disciplines. The process of emancipatory and participatory education will impact on the learning activities in PKBM, where the view of learning as an individual citizen is weak would gradually eroded in the mindset of managers and tutors PKBM.

b.Pendekatan organization, this approach is implemented to strengthen individuals in designing, maintaining and developing the organization or institution that can represent and be responsible to him. Three-dimensional organization of organizational approaches the dimensions of planning, monitoring, evaluation and financial management.

Some things have to be prepared by the manager PKBM or interested parties to develop the institutional PKBM are: prepare a variety of instruments, both instruments of planning, monitoring, evaluation and financial management. The instrument is very important and very useful as a guide the implementation of the development. The use of external parties are strongly advised, especially among practitioners or academics from both the government agencies that college, BPPLSP, BPKB, LCS, or from non-governmental organizations that have good credibility in the institutional development and community empowerment.

c.Pendekatan formation of networks and partnerships; this approach emphasizes the informal relationships and interorganizational communication established with individuals at the local, national and international levels. The role of government is absolutely necessary to help PKBM form a network of partnerships and collaboration with external parties, because during this time many people are unaware of the existence PKBM in society, so that public confidence in the PKBM not exist. Dissemination, promotion and publicity is needed by PKBM to their better known and understood by all levels of society, not only by the rural population but also by the urban industrial society.

Organizational Development PKBM

An important step to managing effective change can be done by applying the five stages of change management. This model emphasizes the responsibility of management to do the important things that increase the likelihood of the effectiveness of individuals, groups and organizations. Many consultants and practitioners have contributed to the change management literature. Five-stage model can be viewed as a general statement that can be received from an effective change management procedures, including:

a.memprakarsai general changes, performed by practitioners who may be from within and from outside the organization and those who are able to act alone or with a group that is spearheading the program. The need to consider developing organizational development of the environmental changes within and outside the organization. Changes in input, output, technology, environmental science and the sub showed the need to consider the possibility in the future.

b. Diagnose problems, identify causes of specific facts and issues that result in changes in target setting. Diagnosis of the problem now and the potential problems involves gathering information that reflects the level of organizational effectiveness. Data that measure the conditions of production, efficiency, satisfaction, adaptability and development must now be collected and analyzed. The goal is to trace the cause to diagnose the problem. Also to be used as the basis for problem identification, diagnosis data also establish the basis for the following evaluation of the business development organization.

c.Mengidentifikasi intervention, ie, if implemented will cause the target to change in the desired direction. Intervention is a specific action in which a change agent to assist in the process of change. Although the term has a general meaning, but the word has a special meaning in the context of organizational development where dinunjukkan a formal activity.

d.Mengimplementasikan intervention, at the right time and scope to ensure the likely success of the change. It was a selection of the right time to start intervention, the scope shows the selection of appropriate scale.

e.Mengevaluasi results, which allows us to measure the magnitude and direction of the target changes. Ideal situation would be a structure in terms of experimental design procedures. Namely, the end result should be operationally defined, and measurements need to be done before and after. An evaluation of not only allows management of accountability in the use of resources but also provide umpanbalik.Berdasarkan feedback, corrections were made in the implementation phase.

Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Math Activities for Kids, Math is Fun!

Math activities for children will not teach them calculus. I'm not talking about calculus and all the usual nightmare imaginable about the math. Mathematics is everywhere! And math is FUN!

I believe that mathematics is one of the basic things that need to be learned by children, in addition to reading. Mathematics is also the things you can teach your child as early as possible.

Teaches mathematics at the little boy could be done. The introduction of shapes, colors, counting, stacking goods. All of it is math and all can be taught to young children, even babies.
Babies and small children love to learn. So why do not we introduce them to math? You must be careful not to force it on children so they do not hate math.
What parents need to do is work on math activities for kids, not teach math like in school (I mean with the memorization and repetition, this will only make them hate math).

Here's some simple math activities for children:


This could be a book about a mathematician, or a picture book that introduces the concepts of mathematics. I recommend reading picture books, especially for small children, because they like a picture book and will not realize they are learning math.

Here are some of 'mathematics books' that I like:

Mathematician are people too

Math Start series of books by Stuart Murphy
I really like this series because it is very simple but fun. My child understand math concepts from this book.

Mathematics books by Mitsumasa Anno
This book is probably better suited for slightly older children, although small children may also like. Mathematical concept is given slightly more difficult for small children, but the pictures and simple story makes a good picture book.

Mathematics books by Greg Tang
These books are good, although more suitable for slightly older children. The pictures are very interesting.


Many games that involve math so play with your child. Here are some games that can help you teach math in your child:

Family Math
It's actually not a game but a book that contains math activities for kids and the whole family.

Children will recognize the pattern (and numbers too).

Snake ladder
Any game that uses dice to teach children about numbers.


In the kitchen
Let your child help set the table. Ask him how many people will come and how many plates, cups, spoons and forks needed.

Washing clothes
Separate the colored clothes of the white. Allow the child to separate his own shirt, white and colored, shirt and pants. Or tell them to look for pairs of socks after washing.

The kids really like it when you allow them to help cook, especially baking their favorite. Let them weigh the ingredients, how many grams of sugar, how many spoons of salt. Calculate eggs. Cut the cake into 6 or 8, or as many people who will eat it. Cut the dry cake into circles, triangles, squares, etc..

When you compare the price in a store, do not do to myself, let your kids hear it. It will introduce their concept of cheap and expensive, more and less. When the queue, show them how to count people who are in the queue and wondered how long before your turn arrives.

On the bus / car
How far we are from home again? How many bus stops that we have passed, how much more shall pass? How many red cars do we see?

source : http://www.early-years-homeschool.com/

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Existence of Non-formal Education in Developed Countries, Comparative Study

The process of transformation of society is often called globalization does not just change people's lives, but also to change the trend in terms of education and learning (Tilaar, 1997). Will recognize fundamental changes in education and learning. Education should serve a twofold purpose, namely to foster humanity (human being) through the development of the whole person, and pengembanagn human resources (human resources) to enter a new life. The longer work and study to become a unitary frame of lifelong education. because of advanced knowledge and grow exponentially, then so can do the job properly, one must meningaktkan knowledge through continuing education.

The urge to constantly learn more and more powerful, educational and learning in essence is life itself. Therefore, learning outside school and outside the university increasingly important role. In the past, schools and universities became a major center or even the only center of learning. At this time, the workplace has gradually become a new activity center learning, workplace learning has become an important place.

Non-Formal Education UNESCO defines as "any organized and sustained educational activities do not correspond That exactly to the definition of formal education. Non-formal education may therefore take place Both within and outside educational institutions, and cater to persons of all ages. Depending on country Contexts, it may cover educational Programmes to impart adult literacy, basic education fpr children out of school, lifeskills, work skills, general culture. Programmes of non-formal education do not necessarily follow the 'ladder' system, and may have differing durations, and may or may not confer certification of the learning achieved "(UNESCO, 1997).

In many countries that are affected or are facing the task of initial development, the formal school system lacks the capacity to handle all children and adolescents, or children can not benefit from the system. Parents and children as well as teachers and education authorities tend to look for quick fixes of formal schooling to avoid missing school days. Therefore, non-formal education activities provide youth and children access to learning outside of school, strengthen self-esteem and help them to find their way in providing contribute to society. In some cases, this activity may also as a bridge to help children and youth in improving academic skills, directly where they can reenter the formal school system.

Education activities outside of school can take forms such as literacy classes, cultural activities such as music, dance or drama, exercise and team sports, education related to child rights or other specific learning. Depending on the provider and its context, non-formal education also includes accelerated learning program that aims to make children and teens who have lost school time to get back into the formal school system.

Non-formal education can also be used as an important supplement for students enrolled in formal schools. Dalah critical situations, often the formal school curriculum has included core subjects only, or only a few important topics to be able to survive in the new environment. When schools are short in most of the beginning of an emergency situation makes it difficult to add more subjects in the curriculum. As an alternative that can be achieved by some students to get extra in non-formal learning activities. In conflict situations, or after natural disasters, non fomal education activity may be necessary to focus more on specific subjects, like environmental education, nature awareness, peace education and conflict resolution, reproductive health, hygiene, prevention of disease or epidemics, HIV awareness and prevention / AIDS, psychological care, and human rights.

Existence of PNF in Developed Countries

a. Factors underlying the development of PNF in developed countries

One characteristic of today's society is, technology is increasingly being used in society, routine work is increasingly scarce, while non-routine work that requires high qualification. Formal education is becoming increasingly easier unattainable by all people, so that social mobility increases. The greater the equality of learning opportunities, available to anyone who wants to go forward and more and more government attention given to the role of talent, more and matanglah talent that will be generated to meet the demands of work in sehala society.

Modern society is also marked by changes and greater mobility, and the most prominent is the mobility of population as a result of economic rationalization and high technology. Horizons of individual experience also extends thanks to mass media, so that he touched and the international languages ​​that causes people to travel more than parents and his ancestors used. Given all that, do not be surprised if people become very complex, something that is caused by the presence of different values ​​and the presence of so many alternative patterns of thinking and acting.

Currently developed countries are facing major challenges, namely the effect of globalization, the emergence of new industrialization and a high competition between countries. Nagara has developed a new trend in terms of demographics, with age and increased need for immigrant labor. Finally, labor markets in developed countries to be changed, most of which again is influenced by the development in technology.

The last challenge triggered the emergence of knowledge-based economy and society, which makes education and training is more important than ever. In Europe or even in other developed countries need not only to renew their skills, but also to acquire new knowledge. They do it to live and succeed in their modern society, as well as for personal fulfillment.

Demographic changes in the countries due to the massive migration of labor from outside the country, there is a highly skilled workforce but also many who do not have the necessary skills and handling. In fact there are skilled but often these skills but below standard or is not recognized and can not be used in the job market.

Besides demographic changes also occur in relation to population in developed countries, where population numbers USI 24-55 years less or only reached 15%, while for ages 60-80 the ratio is 10 people so one of them is age 60-80. What's worse is of three persons, one person is the population aged 55-64 years.

Cultural changes led to older people and the very old, so that non-formal education is needed to help them to be active longer in his work, and enabling them to live and active in their lives after retirement.

Basic skills and key competencies is currently recognized as a very important need in developed countries. In Japan as one of the developed countries in Asia, non-formal education implemented in nearly all the existing departments in the government, ranging from youth clubs, training centers, sports centers, and so on.

b. Forms of PNF in developed countries

Non-formal education in developed countries is very different from education in developing countries, in developed countries non-formal education is directed at democracy and active citizens, media and information and communication technology.

The new form of illiteracy in these countries have differences with illiteracy in developing nations where people are called illiterate if he is marginalized or have access to much of the information technology (ICT) in daily life or in his professional work. So someone who is not computer literate will be spared or lack of access to important information which is mostly available only in digital form.

The forms of non-formal education in developed countries is directed at a variety of things as follows: 1) basic skills for all (New basic skills for all), 2) investing more in human resources (More investment in human resources), 3) innovation in teaching and learning (Innovation in teaching and learning), 4) the learning value (valuing leraning), 5) rethinking guidance and counseling (Rethinking guidance and counseling), and 6) bring more learning into the dean's house (Bringing Learning Closer to home ).

c. Government support for PNF

In Finland, community capacity to meet the needs of today has seen life through policies and programs for citizen participation, as a result the role of lifelong education that supports the citizens to become active and democratic society will be strengthened in schools, adult education and political activity.

Financial support so much so that non-formal education programs can be implemented, in addition to misappropriation of funds due to corruption in government agencies and institutions of non-formal education providers is very little or nothing can be said.

The existence of continuity between government departments in implementing non-formal education programs, so there is no overlap between these programs. Besides, the government is also working with the industry by providing internship opportunities to students.

d. The challenge faced by developed countries in the implementation of the PNF

In some countries in Europe and North America, where basic education is not a problem for most of the population, there is a wholeness KEB statement to test and examine the needs that can not be found, especially for special groups such as gypsy, migrants, and asylum seekers. This occurs when there is an attempt resolution through a policy for the development of capacity-building structure, support mechanisms, and financial cooperation to improve the quantity and quality of adult learning in lifelong education, education, broad-minded and in touch with life, it is clear raihannya uneven.

There is a substantial relationship to the conceptual level, following the change in pressure of adult education for adult learners in the lifelong learning plan, which is the influence of international agencies such as UNESCO, OECD and EU. At the level of practice in the field, there are many differences in iterpretasinya.

Participation of residents of adult learning in education is still very limited, if compared to the amount of hope in 2010 that reached 12.5%, currently only recorded average only reached 10.8%. The greatest challenge is to increase the volume of participation in adult learning through non-formal education. Next is to ensure the quality of non-formal education is learning through improved teaching methodologies, staff quality improvement, quality improvement and improved quality of care organizing and implementation.

Recognition and validation of learning output is a non-formal education program which is currently and has been implemented in developed countries. The program begins with the quality improvement program of non-formal education with improved quality of learning, educators and peningakatan quality advice and infrastructure.


Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

9 Principles of Adult Education

"Education" has a lot of sense, but it is generally accepted as a change in behavior. Writing is not intended to analyze existing theories behind the Adult Education, but to understand the principles of Adult Education (or commonly abbreviated POD) is acceptable. The principles presented here are basically the same as that developed in some training using instructional methods, but one thing that distinguishes the principles of POD is more widely known.
These principles are related to training (training) and education, and is usually applied in a formal classroom situation or for a system on the job training (apprenticeship). Each form of training should include as many nine principles mentioned below. So we are easy to remember (9 principles), then usually digunakn system mnemonics mnemonic or foreign terms, ie RAMP 2 FAME.

R = recency
A = Appropriateness
M = Motivation
P = Primacy
2 = 2 - Way Communication
F = Feedback
A = Active Learning
M = Multi - Sense Learning
E = Excercise

These principles are in many ways is very important, because it allows you (the coach) to prepare the sessions appropriately and adequately present the session effectively and efficiently, it also allows you to evaluate for these sessions. Let us look at the ideas underlying the term RAMP 2 FAME. It is important to note that these principles are not presented in a sequence. Same position in a relation between relations.

R - recency

The law of recency shows us that something is learned or received at the last is the most remembered by participants / participants. This suggests two separate pengetian in education. First, with regard to the contents (matter) at the end of the session and the second relates to something "fresh" in the memories of participants. In the first application, it is important for coaches to make a summary (summary) as often as possible and believes that the key messages / core always emphasized again at the end of the session. In the second application, indicate to the coach to make the plan review (review) per section in each presentation.

Factors for consideration of the recency

Try to keep each session given the relatively short term, no more than 20 minutes (if that's possible).
If the session is more than 20 minutes, must often be summarized (recapitulated). More panjangsebaiknya sessions divided into sessions, shorter sessions with a few pauses so you can make a summary.
The end of each session is an important. Make a summary / recap of the entire session and give emphasis on the messages or key points.
Encourage participants / participants remain "aware" of where the direction and development of their learning


Law of appropriatenes or fitness tells us that, overall, be it training, information, assistive devices are used, case studies, case studies, and other materials must be tailored to the needs of participants / participants. Participants will be easy to lose motivation if coaches fail to strive for material relevant to their needs. In addition, coaches need to constantly give participants a chance to find out how the links between new information with previous knowledge already obtained the participants, so that we can eliminate the concern about something that is vague or unknown.

Factors to consider regarding appropriatness:

The coach must clearly identify the need for participants to take part in training. With the needs identified, the coach must make sure that sehala something related to sessions in accordance with those needs.
Use the description, examples or illustrations that are familiar (familiar) with the participants.
M: Motivation (motivation)

Law of the motivations tell us that pastisipan / participant must have a desire to learn, he should be ready to learn, and must have a reason to learn. Coach found that if participants have a strong motivation to learn or feel the desire to succeed, he will be better than others in learning. First of all, because motivation can create the environment (atmosphere) learning to be fun. If we fail to use the law of the suitability (appropriateness) and neglect to make the material relevant, we will definitely be a loss of motivation of participants.

Factors to consider about the motivation:

Material must be meaningful and valuable to the participants, not only for coach
That should be motivated not only participants but also the coach itself. For if the coach is not motivated, training may be unattractive and did not even reach the desired goal.
As mentioned in the law of suitability (appropriateness), a coach when one needs to identify why participants came to the training. Coaches are usually able to create motivation by saying that this session can meet the needs of participants.
Move from side to know do not know. Start the session with those things or points that are already familiar or unfamiliar to the participants. Slowly up and connect the points together so that each knows what direction they are in the process of training.
Q: Primacy (Attention at the beginning of session)

Primacy of law tells us that things are the first for participants are usually well-studied, as well as with the first impression or a series of information obtained from the coaches really very important. For this reason, there is a good practice by including all the key points at the beginning of the session. During the session goes, the key points and also develop other information-related information. It is included in the Primacy of law is the fact that when participants were shown how to do things, they must be shown the right way at first. The reason for this is that sometimes very difficult to "teach" the participants at the time they make a mistake at the beginning of the exercise.

Factors to consider regarding the Primacy:

Again, try-session session is given in a relatively short period of time. Preferably about 20 minutes as suggested in the law of recency.
Beginning of the session you will be very important. As you might know that some many of the participants will listen to, and therefore make it interesting and give the charge necessary information into it.
Try to keep participants always "aware" of the direction and progress of learning.
Reassure participants will get things right when you first ask them to do something
2: 2 - WAY COMMUNICATION (2-way communication)

Law of 2-way-communication or two-way communication clearly emphasize that the training process involves communication with the participants, not at them. Various forms of presentation should use the principle of two-way communication or reciprocity. This does not necessarily mean that the entire session shall take the form of discussion, but which allows the interaction between the trainer / facilitator and participant / participants.

Factors for consideration of a 2-way communication:

Your body language is also associated with two-way communication: you must feel confident that it does not conflict with what you say.
Plan your sessions should have interaction with whom it was designed, which is none other participants.
F: FEEDBACK (Feedback)

Law of feedback or feedback shows us, both facilitators and participants require information to one another. The facilitator needs to know that the participants follow and keep paying attention to what is presented, and vice versa participants also need feedback in accordance with the appearance / performance.

Reinforcement also need feedback. If we appreciate the participant (positive reinforcement) to do things right, we have a much greater chance that they change their behavior as we want. Beware also that too much negative reinforcement will probably keep us that we expect it to elicit a response.

Factors for consideration of feedback:

Participants must be tested (tested) on a regular basis for feedback to the facilitators
At the time participants were tested, they should obtain feedback about their performance as soon as possible.
Tests may also include questions that are given regular facilitator on the group conditions
All the feedback is not necessarily positive, as many people believed. Positive feedback is only half of it and almost useless in the absence of negative feedback
At the time of the participants do or say is true (eg answering questions), call or post it (in front of a group / other participants if that is possible).
Prepare your presentation so that there is positive reinforcement that woke up early in the session.
Notice that the participants really give positive feedback (do well) as well as to those who gave negative feedback (make mistakes).
A: ACTIVE LEARNING (Active Learning)

Law of active learning shows us that the participants learn to be more active if they are actively involved in the training process. Remember the proverb that says "Learn While Working"? This is important in training adults. If you want to instruct the participants to write reports, do not just tell them how it should be made but give them a chance to do so. Another advantage of this is that adults generally are not used to sitting all day in the classroom, therefore the principle of active learning will help them not saturated.

Factors for consideration of active learning:

Use the exercises or practice for giving instruction
Use lots of questions during the giving instructions
A quick quiz can be used so that participants remain active
If possible, allow participants to do what is in the instruction
If the participant is allowed to sit for long periods without participating or given the questions, chances are they will be sleepy / lose attention.


Law of the multi-sense learning to say that learning will be much more effective if participants use more than one of the five senses. If you tell the trainees about a new type of sandwich they'll probably remember it. If you let them touch, smell and feel good, there is no way for them to forget it.
Factors for consideration of multiple-sense learning:

If you memberitah / say something to the participants, try to show it properly
Use as many senses of the participants if it is necessary as a means of learning them, but do not forget the target to be achieved
When using a multiple-sense learning, you must make sure that it is not difficult for groups to mendengarnyaa, see and touch whatever you want.
I hear and I forget
I see and I remember
I do and I understand
(Confucius, 450 BC)

E. EXERCISE (Exercise)

Law of the exercise indicates that something is repeated is the most memorable. By making the participants do the exercises or repeat the information provided, we can increase the likelihood they are increasingly able to recall information already provided. It is best if the coach to add exercises or repeating a lesson by repeating information in different ways. Maybe the coach can talk about a new process, then show a diagram / overhead, show the finished product and ultimately ask the participants to complete the assigned task. Exercise also about intensity. Law of exercise also refers to the mean repetition or re-learning.

Factors for consideration in the exercise:

The more often a trainee to repeat something, the more they remember the information given
By asking questions over and over again we increase exercise
Participants must repeat the exercise itself, but the record does not include
Summarize as often as possible because this is another form of exercise. Make it always when concluding session summary
Create a regular participant always remember what he had so far in the presentation sidajikan
Often mentioned that without some form of exercise, participants will forget the 1 / 4 of what they learn in 6 hours, 1 / 3 in 24 hours, and about 9% in 6 weeks.

The principles of learning related to the training and education. These principles are used in all sectors / areas, both in the classroom or apprenticeship system. These principles can be used to children and adolescents as well as to adults. Effective instruction must use as many of these principles, if not its whole. When you plan a session, see the entire draft to ensure that the principles have been used and if not, may need a revision (repair).

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Adult Education in the learning community

Education in general is as a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have spiritual powers, religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, character and nobility, and the skills needed themselves, society, nation and the state. At the core of education is a conscious process to develop the potential of individuals so that intelligent thought, emotional, character and skilled to be ready to live amongst the people. The basic principle of education is to humanize humans, develop the basic potentials of learners to be brave and able to deal with problems faced without feeling pressured, capable, and happy to improve his nature as a vicegerent on earth, so motivated to maintain themselves as well as its relationship with the Almighty Esa.

Education or learning is a process of becoming oneself (Process of Becoming) is not a process to be formed (process of Beings haped) according to the will of others, then the learning activities should involve individual or client in the process of thinking what they want, look for what can be done to fulfill that desire, determine what action should be done, and plan and do what needs to be done to make that decision. Can be said in general the task of educators is to help people learn how to think about themselves, manage the affairs of their own lives and consider the views and interests of others. Briefly helping others to grow and mature. In Andragogy, adult involvement in the learning process is much greater, because since the beginning must be made a diagnosis of needs, formulating goals, and evaluate learning outcomes and implement them together. Based
This understanding of learning can be viewed as an educational activity in addition to guidance and training

In helping the provision of education for the people who for some reason are not served in the formal school track. In the concept of non-formal education should be based on community needs, not on the government's desire (Aliasar 2005). This means that before the program was developed community education needs to be understood correctly what and how the needs of real people. It is necessary to study the needs analysis (needs assessment) so that the program was presented to the community they really need and supported by the surrounding natural resources that can support the competencies they possess. Likewise for the management should be left to the society, the dominance of government should be reduced.

Community-based education is basically designed by the community to membelajarkan itself through interaction with its environment, and thus the concept of community-based education to be "of society, by society, and to society". According to Young, (1980) says that community-based education emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs of communities and community solutions by using the potential that exists in the environment. A very important aspect in community-based education among other life-long education, community involvement, involvement of community organizations, and resource utilization are underutilized as a social place.

In addition, Brookfield (1987) comparison between community-based education (community-based education) in school-based education (school-based education). Among others, indicated that community-based education curriculum is integrated with everyday life, the issues raised should be relevant to the needs of the community, the learning sequence depends on citizen learning, flexible learning time, using the concept of functional skills, using the approach Andragogy (adult education), and do not put a diploma.

From the above opinion can be concluded that community-based education is education in the community, education that address the needs of the community, managed by the community, utilizing existing facilities in the community, and requires public participation.

Adult learning methods
Concepts and methods of adult learning is to membelajarkan adults through adult education should be done with appropriate methods and strategies are called by the method of Andragogy. Adults as students in learning activities can not be treated like regular students children who were sitting on the bench of traditional schools. It should be understood that the adults who grew up as a person and has a maturity of self-concept moves from dependency as it occurs in childhood toward independence or self-direction.

Therefore, it should be understood that, adults who grew up as a person and has a maturity of self-concept moves from dependence as occurs in childhood toward independence or self-direction.

One important aspect of education today that needs attention is the concept of education for adults. Not always we talk about education and to review the school pupils who are relatively young. Reality on the ground, that not a few adults who should get a good education informal and non-formal education, like education in the form of skills, courses, refresher courses and so on.

The problem that often arises is how to tips, and strategies membelajarkan adults who incidentally does not occupy the school. Psychological maturity of adults as a person capable of directing themselves is encouraging the emergence of a very deep psychological needs is the desire of other people viewed and treated as a person who directs himself, not directed, forced and manipulated by others. That way when adults encounter a situation that does not allow himself to be himself then he will feel himself depressed and unhappy. Because an adult not a child, then adult education can not be equated with the education of schoolchildren. It must be understood what an impetus for adults to learn, what barriers they experienced, what he expects, how he can learn best, and so on (Lunandi, 1987).

Understanding of adult developmental psychology course, have significance for educators and educators in the face of non-formal education of adults as students. Growing understanding of psychological conditions such adults to grow in a theory known by the name of Andragogy. Andragogy as a science that has broad and deep dimension to the theory of learning and teaching. In brief, this theory provides the basic support that is essential for adult learning activities. Therefore, education or adult learning effort requires a special approach and should have a firm grasp of the concept of a theory based on assumptions or understanding of adults as students.

Education activities either through formal or nonformal have outside areas and activities that are diverse. Adult education, especially non-formal community education is most of the participants are students or adults, or at least young men or teenagers. Therefore, educational activity requires a separate approach. By using the theory of Andragogy or business activities within the framework of adult learning achievement of the development or realization of the ideals of lifelong education can be obtained with the support of theoretical concepts or technology that can be justified.

One of the problems in the sense of Andragogy was his view that suggests that the purpose of education is to transmit knowledge. But on the other with a very rapid change such as innovation and technological development, system changes, cultural, economic, and political developments. Then the knowledge acquired one as a teenager will become obsolete when he grows up. This requires continuous change (sustainability) for educators.

The principles of adult learning
The principles of adult learning and the constraints that are often experienced in applying these principles;
1. In a lot of practice, learning for adults to do the same with children's learning. The principles and assumptions that apply to children's education can be applied to adult education activities. Almost everything known about the learning drawn from the research study related to the child. So also the teaching, drawn from the experience of teaching young children for example in conditions must be present and all the theories regarding the transaction of teachers and students is based on a definition of education as a process of cultural displacement. However, adults with different cultural backgrounds are as a person who is mature, and have other needs in terms of setting learning around problem areas of his life. They feel ashamed to learn, especially if they are teaching younger than them.
2. Adult education can be defined as an organized whole educational process, on any form of content, what level of status and methods used in this education process, both formal and non-formal education, both within the framework of continuing education at school or in lieu of education in schools, on-site courses, job training and in college, which makes the adults were able to develop abilities, skills, enrich knowledge, improve the qualifications keprofesionalannya keteknisannya or in effort to realize the dual capability in a side capable of mengembangankan whole person and can realize its participation in the development socio-cultural, economic, and technology freely, balanced, and sustainable.
3. Pertumbuan adults begin in mid-adolescence (Adolescence) until adulthood, where individuals not only have a tendency to grow toward moving the self but actually he wants others to look at himself as an independent person who has self-identity. With so adults do not want people to look at her let alone treat him like a child. He expects the recognition of the autonomy of others will himself, and guaranteed to keep his identity ketentramannya with rejection and disapproval of others would be any attempt to pressure, force, and manipulation of behavior directed toward him. Unlike children who are still the object of several levels of supervision, control of others is the supervision and control of adults who are around, against him.
4. Education or learning, adults are no longer the object of socialization that seems shaped and influenced by a desire to adjust himself in a position of authority over himself, but the purpose of learning or adult education course is more directed to the achievement of the stabilization of identity itself to be himself, or, if you borrow a phrase from Rogers in Knowles (1983), aims to deliver learning activities to be a private individual or menemuan identity. In terms of learning or education is a process of Becoming a Person. Not the process of formation or the process of being shaped which is a process control and manipulation to correspond with others, or, if you borrow the term Maslow (1966), learning is a process to achieve aktualiasi self (self-actualization).

The description above is in accordance with the conception of the Knowlws Rogers (1983) about learning more client centered. In this approach, Roger basing on the following alternative hypotheses which are in the process of implementation of educational recommendations that contain education:
1.Bahwa every individual living in an ever-changing world of experience which itself is at the center, and everyone reacted like he was experiencing and interpreting experience. This means that he emphasized that the meaning comes from the meaning they have. Thus, learning is a self-study and who knows how far he has learned to master something that is himself. With the hypothesis of this kind in the learning activities, learners are actively involved has a very important position and depth.
2.Seseorang learn with full meaning only when he learned something useful in the development of the structure itself. This emphasizes the importance of learning programs that are relevant to their needs, that is a benefit for himself. This means not just acquiring knowledge, but more fundamental is to obtain the skills that can support life at that time.
3.Penciptaan pleasant climate, acceptance, and help each other by instilling trust and responsibility.
4.Perbedaan perception of each individual is given protection. This means that in addition to the need to provide a safe learning climate, also need the development of autonomy to each individual.

In this case, contained within the embodiment to be developed in the activity of educational activities. The first to realize the achievement of the development of each individual, and a second to realize increased involvement (participation) in the social activities of every individual. Moreover, that education includes all aspects of the learning experience is required,

Thus it can positively impact the success of learning that looks at changes in behavior toward fulfilling the achievement of capabilities / skills. Here, each individual is dealing with other individuals will be able to learn together with confidence. Changes in behavior in terms of cooperation in various activities, is the result of a change after the learning process, namely the process of attitudinal change was not confident the change in confidence in full by increasing knowledge or skills. Changes in behavior occur because of changes (additions) knowledge or skills as well as a change in mental attitude is very clear, in terms of education is not enough just to provide additional knowledge, but must be equipped also with a strong confidence in his personality. Accretion of knowledge without a strong self-confidence, surely able to bring positive change to the direction of the renewal of both physical and mental for real, comprehensive and sustainable.

Behavior change in the learning takes place through a process of education relating to his own development as individuals, and in this case, it's possible participation in social life to improving the welfare of yourself, or welfare of others, because productivity is further improved. For learners very basic needs met, so after those needs are met he can switch the direction of the business needs of other, more still needed as the consummation of his life.

This means that every individual shall be fulfilled the most basic needs (food and clothing), before he was able to feel a higher need for improvement of basic needs before, namely the need keamanaan, appreciation, esteem, and self-actualization. When the most basic needs of the physical needs of food, clothing, and shelter have not been met, then any individual not need or feel what is known as self-esteem. Once basic needs are met, then every individual needs to feel safe away from fear, anxiety, and fear of her safety, because of insecurity will only give birth to prolonged anxiety. Then if the security has been met, then each individual takes his appreciation of the rights recognized by any individual outside of himself. If all of which are met then the individual is felt to have self-esteem. In this connection, of course, adult education who have self-esteem and identity requires recognition, and it will be very influential in their learning. Psychologically, knowing the needs of adults as the participants in the education / training, then it can be easily and can be determined to learn the conditions that must be created, the content of what material should be provided, strategies, techniques and methods of what is suitable.

In educational activities or learning, adults are no longer the object of socialization that seems shaped and influenced by a desire to adjust himself in a position of authority over himself, but the purpose of learning or adult education course is more directed to the achievement of stabilization of identity itself to be themselves, or, if you borrow a phrase from Rogers in Knowles (1983), aims to deliver learning activities to be a private individual or menemuan identity. In terms of learning or education is a process of Becoming a Person. Not the process of formation or the process of being shaped which is a process control and manipulation to correspond with others, or, if you borrow the term Maslow (1966), learning is a process to achieve aktualiasi self (self-actualization).

As already mentioned above that in adults as students who have grown maturity concept itself arose deep psychological needs of the lust viewed and treated other people as a whole person who directs himself. However, not only adults but also youth or youth also have needs that kind. As per the theory Peaget (1959) regarding the development of psychology from approximately 12 years and above individual has been able to think in the adult form of the term he has reached the development of formal operations thought. In this stage of development the individual is able to solve all problems logically, to think scientifically, can solve problems of complex verbal or brief cognitive structure has been reached maturity. In this period, individuals begin to develop a sense of self (self) or identity (identitiy) which can be conceptualized apart from the world around him. Unlike the children, here adolescents (Adolescence) not only can understand the state of nearby objects but also the possibility of a state the objects in the suspect. In the matter of the values ​​of adolescents begin to question and compare. Values ​​that are expected to be compared with actual values. In short it can be said teens are levels of life where such a process occurred, and this continues until it reaches maturity.

With so presumably it is clear that everyone (not just adults) have the ability to think of himself, and realizes that there is a conflicting situation between espoused values ​​and the behavior of others. Therefore, it can be said since adolescence pertengaham individuals develop what is said to be "self-understanding" (sense of identity).

Furthermore, Rogers (1983) developed the concept of Andragogy of four different basic assumptions with pedagogy. The four main assumptions are as follows.

Assumptions First, a person grow and mature self-concept moves from total dependence towards self-direction. Or can briefly be said to children the concept itself is still dependent, whereas in adults the concept itself is independent. Since the independence of the self-concept is an adult requires appreciation of others as human beings who can be self-directed. When he faced a situation where he did not allow himself to be self-directing will arise reaction was not happy or reject.

The second assumption, as individuals grow mature will collect a large amount of experience where it caused him to be a rich source of learning, and at the same time giving him a broad base for learning something new. Therefore, there is a decrease in technology Andragogy transmital use of techniques such as those used in traditional education and the more developed the technique of experience (experimental-technique). Then the use of discussion techniques, laboratory work, simulations, field experiences, and other more widely used.

The third assumption, that education is directly or indirectly, implicitly or explicitly, definitely played a major role in preparing children and adults to fight for existence in the middle of the community. Therefore, schools and education becomes a powerful tool to make the process of integration and social disintegration in society (Kartini Kartono, 1992). Accordingly, we assume that each individual becomes mature, the readiness to learn is less determined by the coercion of academic and developmental biology, but rather is determined by the demands of the task to perform the role of social development. In other words, adults learn something because it requires a degree of development of those who must confront whether their role as workers, parents, leaders of an organization, and others. Readiness to learn they were not solely due to academic coercion, but because of the necessities of life and to carry out the tasks of social roles.

The fourth assumption, that children are conditioned to have a learning-centered orientation of the subjects (subject-centered orientation) because of learning for the child as if it is a necessity imposed from the outside. 're Adults tend to have learning-centered orientation in solving life problems (problem-centered-orientation). This is because learning to adults as if it needs to face the problem of his life.

Lessons given to adults can be effectively (faster and more attached to his memory), when mentors (tutors, teachers, officials, instructors, and the like) not dominate the class, reducing a lot of talk, but strive for individual adults were able to find alternatives to develop their personalities. A good coach should strive for a lot of listening and accepting the idea of ​​someone, then assess and answer the questions asked them. The adult is essentially a creative creature when someone is able to move / explore the potential that exists within them. In this effort, required skills and specific tips that can be used in learning. In addition, adults can dibelajarkan more active when they feel they were involved in the learning activity, especially if they are involved to contribute thoughts and ideas that make them feel valued and have pride in front of fellow friends. That is, adults will learn better if his personal opinion is respected, and would be happier if he could brainstorm ideas and put forward the idea of ​​mind, rather than merely cramming mentors own theories and ideas to them.

Because of the nature of learning for adults is subjective and unique, regardless of right or wrong, all the opinions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, theories, value systems need to be respected. No respect (and exclude underestimate) their self-esteem, will only turn off adult learning. However, adult learning is also necessary to gain the trust of his mentor, and eventually they must have confidence in himself. Without such confidence, then the atmosphere was conducive to learning will never materialize.
Value systems

Adults have different value systems, have different opinions and convictions. With the creation of good atmosphere, they will be able to put your heart and fill his mind without fear and anxiety, although they disagree with each other. Adults should have the feeling that the atmosphere / learning situations however, they may differ and may do one without the sanction itself is threatened by something (humiliation, dismissal, ridicule, etc.). In this context it should be understood and their cultural backgrounds, and economic conditions.

Disclosure of a mentor is very helpful for the advancement of adults in developing their personal potential in the classroom, or on-site training. Openness to express themselves, and open to listening to ideas, will contribute to psychological health, and their psychic. In addition, to avoid any kind of result that makes the adult gets jeers, insults, or humiliation. The best way is the creation of an atmosphere of openness in everything, so that the various alternatives put forward the idea of ​​freedom / ideas can be created.

In another case, we could not deny that adult learning is distinctive and unique. Factor levels of intelligence, confidence, and feelings of control should be recognized as a typical personal rights so that the decision taken is not necessarily the same as other people's privacy. Togetherness in the group is not necessarily the same in the person, because it would be very boring if the atmosphere that seemed to recognize only one truth without any criticism that showed such differences. Therefore, educational background, cultural background, and past experience of each individual can give different colors on every decision.

For adults, the creation of a conducive learning atmosphere is a facility that encourages them willing to try new behaviors, dared to be different, can apply with a new attitude and willing to try new knowledge they gained. Although nothing new is the risk of errors, but errors and mistakes in itself is a normal part of learning.

In the end, adults want to know what she means in a group learning it. For adults there is a tendency to know her strengths and weaknesses. Thus, it is necessary the joint evaluation by all group members feel valuable material for reflection, where reflection can evaluate themselves from others who may have different perceptions.

For that need to be developed the concept of Community Learning (learning community). The concept of community learning suggest that learning outcomes gained from cooperation with others. When a child is just learning to play the game on an electronic instrument, he asked his friend "How? Please bantuin, me! "Then his friend who is accustomed to, shows how to operate the device. Thus, the two men have formed a learning society (learning community). Things like this become important as a basic concept in learning in non-formal education.

Learning results obtained from 'sharing' between friends, between groups, and between the idea to the uninitiated. In this space, in this class, around here, also people out there, all are members of learning communities. In groups whose members should have a child hetorogen skilled / rich ideas to help who can not afford, are good at teaching the weak and so on. This process will provide behavior change (entering behaviors).

In interactions like this in the "learning society" needs to be two-way communication. "An educator who teaches his students" not an example of a learning community because communication only occurs in one direction, that information comes only from educators towards students, there is no flow of information to be learned educators coming from the students. In a learning society, the two groups (or more) are involved in communication with each other learning to learn.

Conjunction with the learning society is;
1.Untuk help communities deal with something objectively
2.Untuk equip adults with the skills to solve problems
3.Untuk assist people in changing their social conditions
4.For help communities obtain the information necessary to complete their lives.

Activities learn from each other (cooperation) can occur if there is no dominant party in communication, neither party feels free to ask, neither party considers most know, all parties must listen to each other. If everyone is willing to learn from others, then everyone else can even become a learning resource, and this means that everyone will be rich with knowledge and experience.

This means that in shaping a learning society, the concept of learning pillar of UNESCO (1996:71) should be developed such as: learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to life together, and learning to believe in God, which is an accumulation of various knowledge skills acquired since childhood-Man has been equipped with the pillars of Learning to know will have some knowledge and thinking skills. Combined knowledge and thinking skills can be developed for the ability to do, improve the quality of self, ability to cooperate with others, and improved quality of life as being religious. 2) Learning to do, in human life is the urge to be creative, solve problems and make innovations. This departs from the basic knowledge which he uses to his identity and welfare of the people based on beliefs they have. 3) Learning to be, to cause people to live independently without dependence on others. Based on this, humans have the freedom to get something or act. On the basis of these human beings are free to choose what you want to acquired knowledge, free to determine in collaboration with others based on norms or teaching religion. 4) Learning to live together, that humans have a harmony of life in the midst of society. Taken together able to gain some knowledge, able to act together with due respect for individual differences and potential of each within the framework of working together. The whole job can be dipertangjawabkan to God the Almighty. 5) learning to believe in God, that humans have a universal handle in dealing with the environment and is associated with its creator. In this sense that the knowledge that a person should be sought benefits for the contents of nature itself, and how to manage them sustainably for the common good (sustainable), which may account for the religious to the Almighty.

The entire pillars above a basic framework that can be developed in adult learning in order to promote the establishment of the structure and community culture of lifelong learning, so that everyone will have a quality of life. This is in line with the mandate of the law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System Section 3, that; national education serves to develop skills and character forming as well as the civilization of the nation's dignity in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing the potential of learners in order to become a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable.

Aliasar (2005). Discrimination in Education Services in Inclusive Schools. Paper presented at the Analysis Seminar with participants from the offices / agencies involved in the development of the National pPendidikan. Padang.
Aliasar and Jamaris Jamna (2005). Notes from the Continuing Education course materials. Padang: Doctoral Graduate Program-UNP.
Maslow, Abraham H.1966, Motivation And Personality, New York: Harper And Row Publishers.
Piaget, J. (1970). Genetic Epistemology. New York: Columbia University Press
Rogers, Everett M.1983. Diffusion of Innovation, London: MacMillan Pub.
About the International Commission on Education for the XXI century, 1996, Learning: Treasure in depth, Report To UNESCO, Jakarta, Indonesia to UNESCO National Komisis

UU.Nomor 20 Year 2003 on National Education Systems, Jakarta, BP. Cipta Jaya

Young, Kimbal. 1980 Social Psychology, Apleton Century
Various Internet sources.

(Drs. Harizal, M. Pd)

Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Peace script

Literacy is a system of writing using sign language symbols, not just as a series of letters or the alphabet. Literacy is a tool which delivers the horizon of knowledge and civilization of a nation because the characters form a discourse that can be recognized, understood, applied and passed on from one generation next kegenerasi. Therefore, to establish the sensitivity, especially to non-violence, security, economic crises and natural disasters in the world today needed capabilities including multi-character alphabet peace. Literacy peace can build a peaceful and prosperous civilization that is our common dream.
Peace literacy includes discourse, speech, and wisesa. The discourse of peace include Traditional distinctions in peace education are couched in terms of negative and positive peace. Understanding and strategies to build peace by preventing violence, racism, conflict and environmental degradation. Speech or a speech delivered load Operates differently Peace education in a global Various Contexts. Responsibility and social intimacy (social cohesion) in the context of the interests of local, national and global. Wisesa is the power that gave birth to virtue and the policies needed to Peace education is about empowering people with the skills, Attitudes, and Knowledge: In order to realize peace.
In the discourse of peace required an understanding of nonviolence, including anti-terrorism, counter terrorism and acts of racism as an ability to live peacefully in social intimacy which is based on the attitude of compassion, tolerance, responsibility, mutual trust and fair. Next we need a strategy such as speech or communication skills competency based skills such as accuracy listen, understand a different perspective, and intelligence to create solutions of conflict resolution. Peace contextual speech, for example wiacara peace to people who do not fight with people different contexts factions. Talk of peace for the people who experience domestic violence, terror, crime and ethnic conflict requires the insights and concepts based on the contextual interpretation of objective and wise.
For peace wisesa exemplary virtue is reflected in measures of behavior, moral understanding. While the policy framework in the form of empowerment of individuals and groups to work together to build, maintain, resolve conflicts and restore, kekaraban, social, to create the save environments, Both phsycally and Emotionally, that nurture each individual, as well as environmentally safe and free from exploitation.
Education plays a role in delivering peace of this script. As we know there are some young people are seen as perpetrators of terrorism and, even ready to become suicide bombers. Education needs to act to avert the emergence of a new generation of terrorists in the future, by making the child a designer or creator of peace in the future.
All children wherever they are, sharing joy, curiosity, and the potential for peaceful living in a friendly social intimacy, peaceful and prosperous. Education who will then determine and establish their maturity so they can communicate and realize the peace literacy including understanding the discourse of anti-terrorist and counter terrorist.
As part of the characters embody peace, yan momentum right now to encourage the empowerment of communities in helping themselves terrorism prevention through awareness and understanding of anti-terrorist, the two terms are often used interchangeably to be defined separately but with a blurred distinction.
Anti-terrorist movement is defined as a passive measures to build awareness of nearby communities that are intended to reduce the vulnerability of a person or group of people against terrorist acts. The point through anti-terrorist movement, the community together to create an "environment of vigilant observation 'to send a signal that" There is no terrorism in our society ". While the motion referred to the efforts of counter terrorism effort to gather information that suspicious in the community, analyze it and immediately report it to police.
The essence of both the movement is to empower the community in the early prevention of terrorism as part of the character of peace. Submit counter-terrorism affairs entirely to government officials as long as this occurs, tends to result in the availability of places for terrorists, even without deliberate or without being detected by the public. This was evidence that the public is less and empowered role in the prevention of terrorism or in peace.
Movement terrorist countermeasures can be made to the terrorist vulnerable communities through public education that is non-formal and informal. In this case, the Center for Community Work (PKBM), Sanggar Learning Activities (LCS), study groups, and non-formal education units of similar units can be used to deliver literacy education perdamaiandan terrorism prevention through anti and counter terrorism module. The modules will assist communities in creating an awareness, protecting the public from the threat of terrorism and identify the presence of terrorist groups in his area. Even modules even this can be disseminated in the visual packaging through local TV community.
Peace education is based on philosophy That teaches non-violence, love, compassion, trust, fairness, cooperation and reverence for the humanfamily and all life on our planet.

By: Ella Yulaelawati. R, Ph.D

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Relevance of Entrepreneurship Education

REALLY interesting
see the will of the government which will provide funds amounting to Rp 110
billion in 2009 to develop entrepreneurship education at
college. With entrepreneurship education, it is expected
college graduates are not only looking for work, but can
as a creator of jobs.

It's ironic watching the world of employment in Indonesia. Many
graduates of higher education diplomas and there carrying hither apply
work, but having trouble finding a job. Otherwise
can be witnessed by someone with formal education was minimal, but
can be extraordinarily successful in his work.

Take for example Andre Wongso, who claimed SDTT (primary school not
graduated), now successfully as a reliable expert and renowned motivational
in Indonesia. So did Bob Sadino the formal education
limited, but success in business agrobisnisnya.

Then, why are so many unemployed in countries rich in resources
natural resources and climate friendliness of this? Is there anything wrong with the education
our formal? Or even, as stated Ivan Illich in his book
Deschooling Society (1972), formal education too much to absorb
cost, the results are less than optimal, and even worse many
produce skilled manpower that is not lazy and only lead
to formal employment, without wanting to know the real situation on the ground.

Should have declared education as Paulo Freire in his book
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1972) is an event liberation consciousness
or dialogika who lure them to dialogue, to let them
own per-kataannya say, encourage them to name and
thus to change the world.

The concept of education that exist in our current tends to form
''Banking institution''according to the concept of Freire, in which the educator is
the direction of providing knowledge to students so they can
collected a wad of science.

Reflecting the fact that, of course there is something wrong with the education
we are now. Formal education provided in schools
and higher education is only fixated on the acquisition of hard skills.
In fact it is less by connecting the reality that occurred in
world of reality.
Research shows that success is not determined by a person
that belongs to your intelligence, but by other factors that are highly

Level of intelligence only accounts for about 20-30 percent success,
the rest is determined soft skills. National Association of Research
Colleges and Employers (NACE) in 2005 showed that, in
Where users require expertise to work on labor in the form of 82 percent
18 percent soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills, according to Berthall (in Education, 2008), is the behavior
personal and interpersonal skills to develop and maximize
performance of the human person (eg training, development cooperation
team, initiative, decision making, etc.). Thus,
ability of soft skills is reflected in the behavior of someone who has
personality, attitudes, and behavior is acceptable in the life

Consistent with the ability of soft skills, the learners need
equipped with entrepreneurial skills education (entrepreneurship)
reliable. With adequate given the knowledge of entrepreneurship,
accompanied aspects of praxis, the graduates have the willingness and
sufficient ability, so do not feel confused when it comes to
entering the job market.

Joseph Schumpeter as institutional economists argue,
entrepreneurship is very important in determining economic progress
a country. The idea seems to rest on long-term economic
seen in his analysis, both on the invention and
innovation of new discoveries that may determine the growth
High economic.

Maximum Support
Freire stresses, in education need to use the principle konsientisasi
which refers to the mastery problem myself and a situation where
learners living and growing awareness in determining the position,
values ​​and life expectancy of their relationships with learners
and with the world. The aim is for the application of the principle konsientisasi
human learners do not become alienated and excluded from
themselves as well as environment.

Based on Freire's thinking, it can be attached to education
with people and their environment, to prepare a person
toward the work world that increasingly difficult, hard, and requires various
expertise that supports, should be given educational entrepreneurship.
Subjects or subjects of entrepreneurship needs to be given to
all the students from kindergarten through college. Lesson
entrepreneurship should be presented in a systematic and structured, and
adjusted for education level and age of learners.

Packaging lessons must be able to attract students, and not
mere memorization needed to determine the increase in class or
graduation. Invite entrepreneurs to explain and
told his business success tips, which would require
struggle and great sacrifice. Morale and perseverance
the success, of course, is an example to spur job
mengiliminasi hard and relaxed culture that is still attached to descend
majority community.

Activities internship at a venture is very important to understand
real world entrepreneurs. The students can see first hand
how the praxis of the theories that have been obtained (ranging aspects
production, accounting, marketing, to human resources) can
applied in real activity.
Deviation between theory and praxis of course, a wealth
invaluable, in relation to intellectual development and maturity
entering the workforce. It would be interesting if entrepreneurship education
followed up with praxis in the study.

Various outlets have set up such as food vendors, savings and loans,
transportation ticketing services, banking, foreign language courses and so forth.
The students in turn get a job there berpraksis,
with targets that have been determined. Not to mention, in the presence of
entrepreneurship clinic, the learners can see the problems
appears and the appropriate solutions solutions.

Konsientiasi entrepreneurship education model that moves from
theoretical and practical level, of course, requires funds relative
large, also requires the participation of the stakeholders. Certainly, it is
time for the government, private and banking world participated
advancing education in Indonesia, for the more intelligent people.
More importantly, can prepare students to enter the world
working with excellent quality.

- Dr Purbayu Budi Santosa, Diponegoro University Faculty of Economics.

Physical Impairment Trigger blow kids' IQ

At the child as a medium of awareness was not only adversely affected the psychological but also the level of intelligence. Research by the University of New Hampshire, U.S. reports, the majority of children who often hit the elderly have a level of intelligence (IQ) is low.

Moreover, the study also noted another surprising result that children who experience harsh treatment will have difficulties to follow a higher education level.

"All parents would want their kids smarter. This study shows how the negative effects of harsh treatment of the elderly and error correction treatment on the other hand in order to prevent that from happening," said one researcher. Murrat Strauss of the University of New Hampsphire, as quoted Yahoonews U.S., last week.

The study uses a methodology that links between harsh treatment and intelligence. This methodology is to link a number of other relationships such as economic status.

"You might say prove it, but I think this method will give you how laternatif. I believe that the harsh treatment of older people will make the mental development and its ability to decrease slowly," he said.

The study sampled 1510 children, divided into two age range groups. The first group with a population of 806 children aged 2-4 years and the second group with a population of 704 children aged 5-9 years. The researchers then gave an IQ test at the beginning and 4 years later.

The two groups each consisting of children who receive harsh treatment and not from each child's parent. The result, said Strauss, recorded a significant thing. Some of the children who experienced harsh treatment delayed the development of IQ from initial tests and further testing 4 years later. Increased IQ actually occur in children who do not experience harsh treatment.

According to observers of Children and Families from Duke University, Jennifer Lansford assessing the results of research so interesting. He also berpendat, research conducted has a strong basic foundation. "Referring to the development of children, it is possible that children with low IQ related to the problem of excessive physical discipline," he said.

Psychological Factors

The research then find a way why the IQ of children has decreased significantly after treatment to get hard. Conclusions based on psychological factors during the child get tough treatment.

"Everyone must believe, was beaten by his parents was to give the former a deep trauma in children," said Strauss. He further explained, the trauma effect of stress on children when facing difficult situations and conditions make children difficult issue capabilities.

"With the strike, parents can only get attention and submissive attitude of the child when beaten only. It prevents the children to think freely," commented Elizabeth Gershoof, Child Specialists from the University of Texas. So, he said, children only behave correctly when it was beaten only or children only do something because it reminded of the punch, not the initiative.

Therefore, Gershoff advised parents to immediately stop the habit of hitting when children make mistakes or when his children do not deserve.

By Republika Newsroom

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

What Impacts Children at Home Computer / TV No More than Two Hours?

For more than two hours a day watching television or playing "video games" on a computer can give a greater risk for children on psychiatric problems whatever their level of activity, according to a study in the UK on Tuesday.

The researchers from Bristol University surveyed more than 1,000 young children aged ten to 11 years. For more than seven days, they fill out a questionnaire that asks the intensity of the time they spent daily in front of the television or computer and answer questions that explain the state of their souls, including emotional, behavioral, and other relevant issues as a measure of behavior ( accelerometer) to monitor their physical activity.

The number of psychiatric complications is significantly difference of about 60 percent higher for small children who spent more than two hours during one day in front of one screen, compared with those who watch at less time, said the researchers report in the journal Pediatrics.

Figures for the excess is to be doubled for small children who spent more than two hours in front of both types of screens for a day.

The researchers found these results regardless of gender, age, stage of puberty, or level of education and economic ability and does not monitor the activity of the child for the rest of the day.

"We understand that physical activity is good for the health of soul and body in the child and there is some evidence that watching the screen that lead to negative behavior," said Dr. Angie Page told Reuters Health. "But it remains unclear whether physical activity levels will be" offset "spectacle on the screen height for small children."

The researchers found psychiatric problems is much increased if the child had daily training ranging from moderate to rigorous levels for less than an hour for the increasing spectacle on the screen.

However, physical activity was not present to compensate for the psychological consequences at the time that the screen spectacle.

The researchers say a fixed time is also not associated with good mental behavior. "It's much more to what you're doing at that time that remains to be important," said Page, explaining the lack of negative impact was found in activities such as reading and doing homework.

Page and his research team acknowledge some limitations in the research, including the potential inaccuracies of a child when filling the schedule of activities on the questionnaire.

Red: Tri Puji B Siwi
Source: Ant

Entrepreneurship education

Initially it from top business ideas Ciputra serious to spread the spirit of entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship. His belief, this nation will go if a lot of people spirited and passionate entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur does not mean traders. However, those who have a passion for creative, innovative, risk-taking and be able to change the "trash" into "gold".

Antonius Tanan, who works at Ciputra Group since 1987, is believed Ciputra to prepare syllabi and develop entrepreneur or entrepreneurship in education in Indonesia.

He successfully translated the entrepreneurship education in schools under the auspices of Ciputra Group, ranging from kindergarten to university. Anthony who was then appointed as President of the University of Ciputra Entrepreneurship Center (UCEC) accompany Ciputra a roadshow to a number of cities and campuses throughout Indonesia to spread the spirit of entrepreneurship. He also met with top government officials and community leaders to convince them the importance of entrepreneurship to the future of the nation.

Anthony with Team Busyness UCEC continue expanding cooperation with various institutions in order to disseminate entrepreneurship education. Starting from the Campus Entrepreneur Program at the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada (UGM), September 2007, then proceed to Surabaya and other cities in the country.

Training of Trainers also held for teachers of entrepreneurship. Then, Training of Trainers Entrepreneurship Educator for three months for those who will become entrepreneurs as well as trainers or educators entrepreneurship.

In the family environment, Anthony Tanan also foster the entrepreneurial spirit. For example, elementary school children who are still asked to give a birthday present something that was not in the shop. Finally, with his own creativity, his son put together a complete song with the musical arrangements of his own.

Why entrepreneurship education needs to be done in Indonesia?

I am very anxious to imagine the kids now if future generations in 20 years are not able to create jobs for themselves. Is everyone going to be an entrepreneur? Of course not. Even if they become employees, will be a good employee. Due to teach entrepreneurship education initiative, creative, holistic nature.

Not everyone wants to be a businessman. What still needs to introduce entrepreneurship education through school?

I look at people who have mistaken views about entrepreneurship education. First, there is a saying that incorporate entrepreneurship education means creating a new curriculum. Actually no need. Entrepreneurship education that enrich and enhance the existing curriculum.

Second, there is also the assumption that teaches entrepreneurship to teach a trade. That's too narrow. Entrepreneurship education is wider than that. Third, we consider learning to think that when you grow entrepreneurship. That's wrong. The seeds should be started since his inspiration from childhood. It can be started from developing creativity.

I imagined and longed for Indonesia to create great products commensurate Google, Microsoft, and so forth. Not now perhaps, but why baseball seeds we prepare now. Educational entrepreneurship requires creativity. Learning not to memory, but be creative!

How to make entrepreneurship education in Indonesia?

When asked to implement entrepreneurship education in universities by establishing Ciputra University in 2006, I made sense. Many colleges of business, but does not teach the specific problem of entrepreneurship.

When I was asked to teach entrepreneurship since the kindergarten, I was giddy and shocked. Is it possible? I tried looking for information on the Internet.

In 2006 I went to the United States. I was shocked, there was a conference on entrepreneurship education for teachers in Arizona. The conference was that the 24th. No wonder the young entrepreneur is born from the United States because they have very long to develop entrepreneurship. They now live reap the results.

Actually what can be gained from education entreprenership?

Behind educational entrepreneurship is creativity. We know, when their children are very creative. But when their school to finish, they disappear into the spirit of creativity of workers. Where's the loss? Of course there is less in the education system, environment, and family life.

How to run entrepreneurship education at every level of education?

Actually could be made structures. If in kindergarten should begin thinking about creativity. Creativity is an extraordinary gift. Life is much easier if we are creative. Creativity should be maintained. In elementary school, children were explor with a variety of uniqueness and giftedness.

In junior high they are expected to already know keberbakatannya. At this time, entrepreneurship education can enter into life skill. In high school talent that has been tried in the market. If we can combine the talent and entreprenuership, it is powerful.

How is the development of entrepreneurship education in the future?

Through entrepreneurship education is Mr. Ciputra want birth four million new entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are scattered from coast to mountains, from villages to big cities, children of all walks of life. If the entrepreneur has become a passion together, I assure you this nation would have developed.

By Esther Lince Napitupulu

Source: http://edukasi.kompas.com