Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Peace script

Literacy is a system of writing using sign language symbols, not just as a series of letters or the alphabet. Literacy is a tool which delivers the horizon of knowledge and civilization of a nation because the characters form a discourse that can be recognized, understood, applied and passed on from one generation next kegenerasi. Therefore, to establish the sensitivity, especially to non-violence, security, economic crises and natural disasters in the world today needed capabilities including multi-character alphabet peace. Literacy peace can build a peaceful and prosperous civilization that is our common dream.
Peace literacy includes discourse, speech, and wisesa. The discourse of peace include Traditional distinctions in peace education are couched in terms of negative and positive peace. Understanding and strategies to build peace by preventing violence, racism, conflict and environmental degradation. Speech or a speech delivered load Operates differently Peace education in a global Various Contexts. Responsibility and social intimacy (social cohesion) in the context of the interests of local, national and global. Wisesa is the power that gave birth to virtue and the policies needed to Peace education is about empowering people with the skills, Attitudes, and Knowledge: In order to realize peace.
In the discourse of peace required an understanding of nonviolence, including anti-terrorism, counter terrorism and acts of racism as an ability to live peacefully in social intimacy which is based on the attitude of compassion, tolerance, responsibility, mutual trust and fair. Next we need a strategy such as speech or communication skills competency based skills such as accuracy listen, understand a different perspective, and intelligence to create solutions of conflict resolution. Peace contextual speech, for example wiacara peace to people who do not fight with people different contexts factions. Talk of peace for the people who experience domestic violence, terror, crime and ethnic conflict requires the insights and concepts based on the contextual interpretation of objective and wise.
For peace wisesa exemplary virtue is reflected in measures of behavior, moral understanding. While the policy framework in the form of empowerment of individuals and groups to work together to build, maintain, resolve conflicts and restore, kekaraban, social, to create the save environments, Both phsycally and Emotionally, that nurture each individual, as well as environmentally safe and free from exploitation.
Education plays a role in delivering peace of this script. As we know there are some young people are seen as perpetrators of terrorism and, even ready to become suicide bombers. Education needs to act to avert the emergence of a new generation of terrorists in the future, by making the child a designer or creator of peace in the future.
All children wherever they are, sharing joy, curiosity, and the potential for peaceful living in a friendly social intimacy, peaceful and prosperous. Education who will then determine and establish their maturity so they can communicate and realize the peace literacy including understanding the discourse of anti-terrorist and counter terrorist.
As part of the characters embody peace, yan momentum right now to encourage the empowerment of communities in helping themselves terrorism prevention through awareness and understanding of anti-terrorist, the two terms are often used interchangeably to be defined separately but with a blurred distinction.
Anti-terrorist movement is defined as a passive measures to build awareness of nearby communities that are intended to reduce the vulnerability of a person or group of people against terrorist acts. The point through anti-terrorist movement, the community together to create an "environment of vigilant observation 'to send a signal that" There is no terrorism in our society ". While the motion referred to the efforts of counter terrorism effort to gather information that suspicious in the community, analyze it and immediately report it to police.
The essence of both the movement is to empower the community in the early prevention of terrorism as part of the character of peace. Submit counter-terrorism affairs entirely to government officials as long as this occurs, tends to result in the availability of places for terrorists, even without deliberate or without being detected by the public. This was evidence that the public is less and empowered role in the prevention of terrorism or in peace.
Movement terrorist countermeasures can be made to the terrorist vulnerable communities through public education that is non-formal and informal. In this case, the Center for Community Work (PKBM), Sanggar Learning Activities (LCS), study groups, and non-formal education units of similar units can be used to deliver literacy education perdamaiandan terrorism prevention through anti and counter terrorism module. The modules will assist communities in creating an awareness, protecting the public from the threat of terrorism and identify the presence of terrorist groups in his area. Even modules even this can be disseminated in the visual packaging through local TV community.
Peace education is based on philosophy That teaches non-violence, love, compassion, trust, fairness, cooperation and reverence for the humanfamily and all life on our planet.

By: Ella Yulaelawati. R, Ph.D

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