Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Relevance of Entrepreneurship Education

REALLY interesting
see the will of the government which will provide funds amounting to Rp 110
billion in 2009 to develop entrepreneurship education at
college. With entrepreneurship education, it is expected
college graduates are not only looking for work, but can
as a creator of jobs.

It's ironic watching the world of employment in Indonesia. Many
graduates of higher education diplomas and there carrying hither apply
work, but having trouble finding a job. Otherwise
can be witnessed by someone with formal education was minimal, but
can be extraordinarily successful in his work.

Take for example Andre Wongso, who claimed SDTT (primary school not
graduated), now successfully as a reliable expert and renowned motivational
in Indonesia. So did Bob Sadino the formal education
limited, but success in business agrobisnisnya.

Then, why are so many unemployed in countries rich in resources
natural resources and climate friendliness of this? Is there anything wrong with the education
our formal? Or even, as stated Ivan Illich in his book
Deschooling Society (1972), formal education too much to absorb
cost, the results are less than optimal, and even worse many
produce skilled manpower that is not lazy and only lead
to formal employment, without wanting to know the real situation on the ground.

Should have declared education as Paulo Freire in his book
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1972) is an event liberation consciousness
or dialogika who lure them to dialogue, to let them
own per-kataannya say, encourage them to name and
thus to change the world.

The concept of education that exist in our current tends to form
''Banking institution''according to the concept of Freire, in which the educator is
the direction of providing knowledge to students so they can
collected a wad of science.

Reflecting the fact that, of course there is something wrong with the education
we are now. Formal education provided in schools
and higher education is only fixated on the acquisition of hard skills.
In fact it is less by connecting the reality that occurred in
world of reality.
Research shows that success is not determined by a person
that belongs to your intelligence, but by other factors that are highly

Level of intelligence only accounts for about 20-30 percent success,
the rest is determined soft skills. National Association of Research
Colleges and Employers (NACE) in 2005 showed that, in
Where users require expertise to work on labor in the form of 82 percent
18 percent soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills, according to Berthall (in Education, 2008), is the behavior
personal and interpersonal skills to develop and maximize
performance of the human person (eg training, development cooperation
team, initiative, decision making, etc.). Thus,
ability of soft skills is reflected in the behavior of someone who has
personality, attitudes, and behavior is acceptable in the life

Consistent with the ability of soft skills, the learners need
equipped with entrepreneurial skills education (entrepreneurship)
reliable. With adequate given the knowledge of entrepreneurship,
accompanied aspects of praxis, the graduates have the willingness and
sufficient ability, so do not feel confused when it comes to
entering the job market.

Joseph Schumpeter as institutional economists argue,
entrepreneurship is very important in determining economic progress
a country. The idea seems to rest on long-term economic
seen in his analysis, both on the invention and
innovation of new discoveries that may determine the growth
High economic.

Maximum Support
Freire stresses, in education need to use the principle konsientisasi
which refers to the mastery problem myself and a situation where
learners living and growing awareness in determining the position,
values ​​and life expectancy of their relationships with learners
and with the world. The aim is for the application of the principle konsientisasi
human learners do not become alienated and excluded from
themselves as well as environment.

Based on Freire's thinking, it can be attached to education
with people and their environment, to prepare a person
toward the work world that increasingly difficult, hard, and requires various
expertise that supports, should be given educational entrepreneurship.
Subjects or subjects of entrepreneurship needs to be given to
all the students from kindergarten through college. Lesson
entrepreneurship should be presented in a systematic and structured, and
adjusted for education level and age of learners.

Packaging lessons must be able to attract students, and not
mere memorization needed to determine the increase in class or
graduation. Invite entrepreneurs to explain and
told his business success tips, which would require
struggle and great sacrifice. Morale and perseverance
the success, of course, is an example to spur job
mengiliminasi hard and relaxed culture that is still attached to descend
majority community.

Activities internship at a venture is very important to understand
real world entrepreneurs. The students can see first hand
how the praxis of the theories that have been obtained (ranging aspects
production, accounting, marketing, to human resources) can
applied in real activity.
Deviation between theory and praxis of course, a wealth
invaluable, in relation to intellectual development and maturity
entering the workforce. It would be interesting if entrepreneurship education
followed up with praxis in the study.

Various outlets have set up such as food vendors, savings and loans,
transportation ticketing services, banking, foreign language courses and so forth.
The students in turn get a job there berpraksis,
with targets that have been determined. Not to mention, in the presence of
entrepreneurship clinic, the learners can see the problems
appears and the appropriate solutions solutions.

Konsientiasi entrepreneurship education model that moves from
theoretical and practical level, of course, requires funds relative
large, also requires the participation of the stakeholders. Certainly, it is
time for the government, private and banking world participated
advancing education in Indonesia, for the more intelligent people.
More importantly, can prepare students to enter the world
working with excellent quality.

- Dr Purbayu Budi Santosa, Diponegoro University Faculty of Economics.

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