Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

Entrepreneurship education

Initially it from top business ideas Ciputra serious to spread the spirit of entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship. His belief, this nation will go if a lot of people spirited and passionate entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur does not mean traders. However, those who have a passion for creative, innovative, risk-taking and be able to change the "trash" into "gold".

Antonius Tanan, who works at Ciputra Group since 1987, is believed Ciputra to prepare syllabi and develop entrepreneur or entrepreneurship in education in Indonesia.

He successfully translated the entrepreneurship education in schools under the auspices of Ciputra Group, ranging from kindergarten to university. Anthony who was then appointed as President of the University of Ciputra Entrepreneurship Center (UCEC) accompany Ciputra a roadshow to a number of cities and campuses throughout Indonesia to spread the spirit of entrepreneurship. He also met with top government officials and community leaders to convince them the importance of entrepreneurship to the future of the nation.

Anthony with Team Busyness UCEC continue expanding cooperation with various institutions in order to disseminate entrepreneurship education. Starting from the Campus Entrepreneur Program at the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada (UGM), September 2007, then proceed to Surabaya and other cities in the country.

Training of Trainers also held for teachers of entrepreneurship. Then, Training of Trainers Entrepreneurship Educator for three months for those who will become entrepreneurs as well as trainers or educators entrepreneurship.

In the family environment, Anthony Tanan also foster the entrepreneurial spirit. For example, elementary school children who are still asked to give a birthday present something that was not in the shop. Finally, with his own creativity, his son put together a complete song with the musical arrangements of his own.

Why entrepreneurship education needs to be done in Indonesia?

I am very anxious to imagine the kids now if future generations in 20 years are not able to create jobs for themselves. Is everyone going to be an entrepreneur? Of course not. Even if they become employees, will be a good employee. Due to teach entrepreneurship education initiative, creative, holistic nature.

Not everyone wants to be a businessman. What still needs to introduce entrepreneurship education through school?

I look at people who have mistaken views about entrepreneurship education. First, there is a saying that incorporate entrepreneurship education means creating a new curriculum. Actually no need. Entrepreneurship education that enrich and enhance the existing curriculum.

Second, there is also the assumption that teaches entrepreneurship to teach a trade. That's too narrow. Entrepreneurship education is wider than that. Third, we consider learning to think that when you grow entrepreneurship. That's wrong. The seeds should be started since his inspiration from childhood. It can be started from developing creativity.

I imagined and longed for Indonesia to create great products commensurate Google, Microsoft, and so forth. Not now perhaps, but why baseball seeds we prepare now. Educational entrepreneurship requires creativity. Learning not to memory, but be creative!

How to make entrepreneurship education in Indonesia?

When asked to implement entrepreneurship education in universities by establishing Ciputra University in 2006, I made sense. Many colleges of business, but does not teach the specific problem of entrepreneurship.

When I was asked to teach entrepreneurship since the kindergarten, I was giddy and shocked. Is it possible? I tried looking for information on the Internet.

In 2006 I went to the United States. I was shocked, there was a conference on entrepreneurship education for teachers in Arizona. The conference was that the 24th. No wonder the young entrepreneur is born from the United States because they have very long to develop entrepreneurship. They now live reap the results.

Actually what can be gained from education entreprenership?

Behind educational entrepreneurship is creativity. We know, when their children are very creative. But when their school to finish, they disappear into the spirit of creativity of workers. Where's the loss? Of course there is less in the education system, environment, and family life.

How to run entrepreneurship education at every level of education?

Actually could be made structures. If in kindergarten should begin thinking about creativity. Creativity is an extraordinary gift. Life is much easier if we are creative. Creativity should be maintained. In elementary school, children were explor with a variety of uniqueness and giftedness.

In junior high they are expected to already know keberbakatannya. At this time, entrepreneurship education can enter into life skill. In high school talent that has been tried in the market. If we can combine the talent and entreprenuership, it is powerful.

How is the development of entrepreneurship education in the future?

Through entrepreneurship education is Mr. Ciputra want birth four million new entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are scattered from coast to mountains, from villages to big cities, children of all walks of life. If the entrepreneur has become a passion together, I assure you this nation would have developed.

By Esther Lince Napitupulu

Source: http://edukasi.kompas.com

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