Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Math Activities for Kids, Math is Fun!

Math activities for children will not teach them calculus. I'm not talking about calculus and all the usual nightmare imaginable about the math. Mathematics is everywhere! And math is FUN!

I believe that mathematics is one of the basic things that need to be learned by children, in addition to reading. Mathematics is also the things you can teach your child as early as possible.

Teaches mathematics at the little boy could be done. The introduction of shapes, colors, counting, stacking goods. All of it is math and all can be taught to young children, even babies.
Babies and small children love to learn. So why do not we introduce them to math? You must be careful not to force it on children so they do not hate math.
What parents need to do is work on math activities for kids, not teach math like in school (I mean with the memorization and repetition, this will only make them hate math).

Here's some simple math activities for children:


This could be a book about a mathematician, or a picture book that introduces the concepts of mathematics. I recommend reading picture books, especially for small children, because they like a picture book and will not realize they are learning math.

Here are some of 'mathematics books' that I like:

Mathematician are people too

Math Start series of books by Stuart Murphy
I really like this series because it is very simple but fun. My child understand math concepts from this book.

Mathematics books by Mitsumasa Anno
This book is probably better suited for slightly older children, although small children may also like. Mathematical concept is given slightly more difficult for small children, but the pictures and simple story makes a good picture book.

Mathematics books by Greg Tang
These books are good, although more suitable for slightly older children. The pictures are very interesting.


Many games that involve math so play with your child. Here are some games that can help you teach math in your child:

Family Math
It's actually not a game but a book that contains math activities for kids and the whole family.

Children will recognize the pattern (and numbers too).

Snake ladder
Any game that uses dice to teach children about numbers.


In the kitchen
Let your child help set the table. Ask him how many people will come and how many plates, cups, spoons and forks needed.

Washing clothes
Separate the colored clothes of the white. Allow the child to separate his own shirt, white and colored, shirt and pants. Or tell them to look for pairs of socks after washing.

The kids really like it when you allow them to help cook, especially baking their favorite. Let them weigh the ingredients, how many grams of sugar, how many spoons of salt. Calculate eggs. Cut the cake into 6 or 8, or as many people who will eat it. Cut the dry cake into circles, triangles, squares, etc..

When you compare the price in a store, do not do to myself, let your kids hear it. It will introduce their concept of cheap and expensive, more and less. When the queue, show them how to count people who are in the queue and wondered how long before your turn arrives.

On the bus / car
How far we are from home again? How many bus stops that we have passed, how much more shall pass? How many red cars do we see?

source : http://www.early-years-homeschool.com/

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