Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Development of Community Learning Center

Community Learning Center as an institution is a formal form of the basic needs of society, especially relating to community needs for education. PKBM are formal institutions which are formed by people who appear on the initiative of the community and managed by the community as an effort to meet community needs in education. In addition, the existence PKBM also serves as an empowering community institutions to help groups of marginalized communities so they have a balanced position with other groups that are more established in the social and economic life.

The composition and functions of institutions is also owned by PKBM as community agencies, among others: PKBM serve as infrastructure for the implementation of learning activities in the community which would have characteristics different from learning in formal schools where the participants are children of students is more homogeneous, PKBM also serves as a forum for members of the community's active participation in learning activities, from planning, implementation to evaluation. In addition, PKBM also has many functions, in addition to empowering the community to provide education equivalent to formal education, PKBM also organizes community empowerment activities based on improving the local economy, one of which is the establishment of Business Study Group.

Center for Community Learning activities (PKBM) which is a follow-up to the idea of ​​Community Learning Center has been known in Indonesia since the sixties. Institutionally, perintisannya PKBM in Indonesia with a new name began in 1998 in line with efforts to expand educational opportunity for obtaining services (Sudjana, 2003). Another definition states PKBM is a place of learning in a variety of skills by utilizing the facilities, infrastructure, and all the potential that exists in the vicinity of people's lives, so that people have the skills and knowledge that can be utilized to enhance and improve their standard of living (BPKB East Java, 2000) . In addition, PKBM is a form of community-based education is education that is basically designed by the community for the community so that they are powerless membelajarkan, in the sense of having the power to build his own, of course, through interaction with its environment (Fasli & Smith, 2001) .

PKBM is where the various learning activities that are needed by the community in accordance with the interests and needs with community-based education approach. PKBM is an educational institution formed by society, which is managed and developed by the community itself in order to provide educational services in the community needs. PKBM as information sources contain various types of learning programs are particularly useful in improving functional ability in the skill areas are oriented to empowering potential of the local community through community-based education approach to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes in the economic, social and cultural rights.

The existence PKBM has great potential to serve as the coordination of learning programs in the community. Availability of managers / organizers, lecturers / tutors are qualified, is the allure for people to come to PKBM. PKBM goal is to empower people to self-sufficiency, through programs implemented in PKBM, in order to form a human who has the knowledge, skills and attitudes, while the function itself is PKBM (Sihombing, 1999):

1. As the container means learning where people can gain knowledge and acquire various types of functional skills and knowledge that can be utilized quickly and appropriately in an effort to improve the quality of life and living.
2. As the vortex of all potential means PKBM community as a place to exchange a variety of existing and potential grow in the community, so it becomes a dynamic synergy in effort to empower the community itself.
3. As the center and source of information that is asking the public vehicle for a variety of information about different types of learning activities and functional skills required by the community.
4. As a venue for exchange of skills and experience means that the various types of skills and experience possessed by the people concerned with the principle of mutual learning and membelajarkan through discussion of problems faced.
5. As a center for meetings between managers and learning resource that is the venue for various meetings and learning resource managers (tutor) either internally or with PKBM around him to discuss various issues and constraints faced in the management PKBM and learning communities.
6. As the location of learning that never dry place that is constantly used for learning activities for the community in various forms.

Institutional Development PKBM

PKBM institutional development action is based on three strategies in the implementation of capacity-building approach, which includes: an individualized approach, the approach the organization and establishment of networks and partnership approach.

a.Pendekatan individual; this approach can be done by implementing education and training, intended to enhance the capacity of individuals. PKBM relation to institutional development, individuals in this case is the manager and the teacher (tutor) PKBM. Capacity building through education will put managers PKBM as a more dignified individuals, both behavioral and certain disciplines. The process of emancipatory and participatory education will impact on the learning activities in PKBM, where the view of learning as an individual citizen is weak would gradually eroded in the mindset of managers and tutors PKBM.

b.Pendekatan organization, this approach is implemented to strengthen individuals in designing, maintaining and developing the organization or institution that can represent and be responsible to him. Three-dimensional organization of organizational approaches the dimensions of planning, monitoring, evaluation and financial management.

Some things have to be prepared by the manager PKBM or interested parties to develop the institutional PKBM are: prepare a variety of instruments, both instruments of planning, monitoring, evaluation and financial management. The instrument is very important and very useful as a guide the implementation of the development. The use of external parties are strongly advised, especially among practitioners or academics from both the government agencies that college, BPPLSP, BPKB, LCS, or from non-governmental organizations that have good credibility in the institutional development and community empowerment.

c.Pendekatan formation of networks and partnerships; this approach emphasizes the informal relationships and interorganizational communication established with individuals at the local, national and international levels. The role of government is absolutely necessary to help PKBM form a network of partnerships and collaboration with external parties, because during this time many people are unaware of the existence PKBM in society, so that public confidence in the PKBM not exist. Dissemination, promotion and publicity is needed by PKBM to their better known and understood by all levels of society, not only by the rural population but also by the urban industrial society.

Organizational Development PKBM

An important step to managing effective change can be done by applying the five stages of change management. This model emphasizes the responsibility of management to do the important things that increase the likelihood of the effectiveness of individuals, groups and organizations. Many consultants and practitioners have contributed to the change management literature. Five-stage model can be viewed as a general statement that can be received from an effective change management procedures, including:

a.memprakarsai general changes, performed by practitioners who may be from within and from outside the organization and those who are able to act alone or with a group that is spearheading the program. The need to consider developing organizational development of the environmental changes within and outside the organization. Changes in input, output, technology, environmental science and the sub showed the need to consider the possibility in the future.

b. Diagnose problems, identify causes of specific facts and issues that result in changes in target setting. Diagnosis of the problem now and the potential problems involves gathering information that reflects the level of organizational effectiveness. Data that measure the conditions of production, efficiency, satisfaction, adaptability and development must now be collected and analyzed. The goal is to trace the cause to diagnose the problem. Also to be used as the basis for problem identification, diagnosis data also establish the basis for the following evaluation of the business development organization.

c.Mengidentifikasi intervention, ie, if implemented will cause the target to change in the desired direction. Intervention is a specific action in which a change agent to assist in the process of change. Although the term has a general meaning, but the word has a special meaning in the context of organizational development where dinunjukkan a formal activity.

d.Mengimplementasikan intervention, at the right time and scope to ensure the likely success of the change. It was a selection of the right time to start intervention, the scope shows the selection of appropriate scale.

e.Mengevaluasi results, which allows us to measure the magnitude and direction of the target changes. Ideal situation would be a structure in terms of experimental design procedures. Namely, the end result should be operationally defined, and measurements need to be done before and after. An evaluation of not only allows management of accountability in the use of resources but also provide umpanbalik.Berdasarkan feedback, corrections were made in the implementation phase.

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