Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011


Recognized or not, the child's parent is a figure of hope, community, and even all mankind. In short, children are the future of life. Condition, philosophically speaking child in question must have a social sensitivity, high-quality intelligence, and various properties of noble bearing. It is, for most parents in our society but they have been known to turn a blind eye toward her to realize the necessity of these conditions. In other words, parents only know that children are the future of life, but do not want to know the demands contained in the knowledge that or what was his duty to deliver the child into a future life.
In this relationship, the indicator can be observed and are found in the reality of life in general now that the parents in our society with a very ambitious trying to "drag" the child to his will to make the future holds and prestigious positions as well as rich without the desire to know and understand the feelings, needs, and the uniqueness of children, but they never become children.
Reality is worthy of regret deeply because the pattern of education received by children not "drag" the child to progress in the sense to develop all its potential, but instead bring the child to the meaning of the far forward on the substance berdelokasi increasingly obscures the identity of the child so the memprihatinkanlah pattern applied to the child's education. Yet according to expert psychiatric / psychologist, a pattern that is applied to the child's education is very influential on the growth and development of the child, even the influence of education is able to defeat the influence of genetics. For example, a child born from the womb of the mother by inheriting a gene that is "bent" is still likely to grow and evolve as a person virtuous, wise if since childhood educated properly and humanely. And vice versa.
Based on the above, the hypothetical can be said that the child's future life as a centralized pattern can be achieved if the child receives education in accordance with the child's own existence. Therefore, the paradigm of parents who had been impressed force the child to the parents' wishes had to be abandoned. In relation thereto, there are at least three aspects that need to be considered and assessed, namely: 1) what, who, and why children need to be educated, 2) how should children be educated, and 3) who is responsible for the education of children.

What, Who and Why Children Need Educated
Children are the future of life. That is true in children there is a hidden potential that will be valuable in this life. Furthermore, children are God's creatures composed of body and soul, meaning not only the body which is owned by the child but also the feelings and spiritual potential, so that not only the health of the child's body that must be considered but the feelings and spritual potential should also be guided and developed in the way of perfection .
The common thread that can be drawn from these two things is we need to realize that children are born with the innate nature to bring the child's potential as human beings who must be humanized. Therefore, children need to be educated and this should be started since the period of childhood in children are given the ability to capture and follow the accepted knowledge and sensitivity that is still very strong in the period of childhood. Expert psychiatric / psychologist in this connection the opinion that:
a) The age of childhood is the age of the most important stage of human development, because this age is the period laid the basis of personality structure that was built for a lifetime. Thus the need of education and appropriate services.
b) the age of childhood is a critical period for children, where the development is obtained in this period were extremely influential on subsequent developments in the period up to adulthood. This period comes only once and can not be postponed presence, so that when missed chances means finished.
c) The age of childhood is a golden opportunity for children to learn and gain experience, because the curiosity of children at this age are at the top and there is no age beyond which stores a curiosity than an early age. therefore this opportunity should be utilized as possible in the process of child development.
d) Judging from the aspect of development, the physical and mental development in childhood experience incredible speed.
Based on the above description, it can be said that since early childhood education has contributed greatly to the development of the child and determine the subsequent history of child development and can serve as a mirror to see how the child's success in the future as future generations. Therefore, childhood should not be left without an education.

How Should Children Educated
Early childhood is a golden opportunity for parents to guide and educate children, but to note is intended to educate rather than to pursue educational achievement but in terms of facilitating growth and development of children to be able to develop the potential of the optimally both mentally and physically.
As commonly understood, the child has a distinctive character. Therefore, the pattern of education which need to be tailored to the specific applied owned by the child's identity so as not remove the child. In addition, appropriate education and in accordance with the character of children will be able to facilitate the development of different potentials and abilities of children optimally.
Accordingly, the first should be a way to educate children, child-centered. That is, how to educate applied in the most need and the child's condition, rather than based on the wishes of parents. So the parents who must adjust to the needs of children, not the other way children adapt to the desires of parents. Thus, children have the opportunity to be actively involved both physically and mentally. Second, flexible. That is, how to educate the dynamic principles applied to unstructured and adapted to the conditions and learning that is unstructured because the child's condition is likely to change so that children will often switch from one activity to another activity. Therefore, let the children learn in a way that he likes, the task of directing and guiding the child's parents on the child's choice set.
Apart from the concept-oriented cultivation of science above, there is one simple concept that must be invested in educating children as human humanize the process so that children grow and develop like "nature" of man himself as the caliph of God is by planting the seeds of its glory and faith in the early days of child growth and development.
This last concept is a powerful wings that can fly humans summit of humanity. Where the science of human progress and move towards perfection, and with faith and noble qualities creates a good environment. In other words, the formation of faith and charity without coupled science will only alienate the child from the path of perfection and progress, knowledge of the truth will go away in such a child's body. And under such circumstances, the child will never work up the progress in science and technology. Similarly, if the science develops, but is not accompanied by an increase in the quality of faith and charity so that seems to surface is sheer selfishness and cruelty. Children will master this kind of greed and gluttony, as well as easy to fall in the seizure of the rights of others. In sum, if intelligence (science) is not accompanied by faith and charity, it will be very dangerous. Intelligence is not just dragging people towards materialism alone, but also toward the animalistic traits.
The concept of faith and charity can be instilled in children by making him feel the existence of a Creator, and have faith in Him through simple language and easy to digest. This is important because, in every human mind in its natural disposition there is a need for faith in God. Therefore, sensory reasoning when the child begins active work, and his curiosity began to squirm, the child will ask for the causes and sources of all things. His soul is pure and not contaminated it is ready to receive the faith (belief) against the creator of the universe.
Parents should take advantage of the potential of this nature and gives understanding to the child that the creator of all beings and giver of sustenance is God. Surely God watching our actions at all times, as well as rewards for good deeds and reward us with the punishment for our bad deeds. This was of course very easy to understand children. Yes, the child will have faith and believe God's existence for some time. Through this method, we can also foster a feeling of love to the rules and implement them in the child's self.

Who is Responsible for Child Education
In fact, the first school for the education of children is the family while the child's first educators are parents, for parents through the educational environment within the family is first received by the child, as well as a foundation for personal development of children, even parents are the key to success because of parents' first child times the children understand as someone who has the uncanny ability outside of himself and of the child first orangtuanyalah know the world. Through their children to develop all aspects of his personality.
Humans are happiest are the people who grow and thrive under the right education and noble qualities since childhood. While growing up, those traits would appear to him without coercion. Thus, parents play an important role and this task is a heavy responsibility that must be borne both.
Understanding the importance of the role and weight of responsibility that must be borne parents for their children's education, learning for parents is absolutely necessary. By continuing to learn the parents will be able to carry out their roles and responsibilities well and is able to portray themselves as a parent in the eyes of a child to emulate.

Children are the future of life. In an effort to prepare children to become future life, the parent plays a very decisive in forming the foundation of the child's personality. At that time, they have a golden opportunity to give their children the basic colors for undisturbed and influenced other factors. Parents have full power to provide the best for their children.

MONE. 2000. Childhood Education, Family Education Module Series. New York:. DG Diklusepora Affairs Ministry.
Elliot, Stephen N. et al. 2000. Educational Psychology: Effective Teaching, Effective Learning. Third Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Falsafi, Mohammad Taqi. 2002. Children, between Power Gen and Education. Bogor: Light.
Harefa, Andrias. 2000. Learner Human Being. Jakarta: PT. Kompas Media Nusantara.
Salkind, Neil J. 1987. Child Development. Fith Edition. New York: CBS College Publishing.

by : Suardi, S.Pd, M.Pd.
Forum administrators PAUD South Sulawesi

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