Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011



Efforts to improve education quality in Indonesia have long done, even in a government program that is Repelita. Quality education is essential to put in the agenda of the government curriculum, the government made every effort so that the quality of education in Indonesia is not inferior to other states and countries that do not get the nickname the quality of education is low, then the government perform a variety of educational programs and innovations, such as the procurement of books teaching and other reference books, improve the quality of teachers and other education personnel through various training and qualification improvement of education, improvement of education management and supporting facilities pengadakan always done. But until now the quality of education is still far from expectations.

Improving the quality of education is a human resource improvement. However, until now the quality of education in Indonesia is still very low compared with neighboring countries like Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam, thus the quality of human resources in Indonesia is still low. Therefore, Indonesia is now facing two problems in human resources, namely the challenges from within and from abroad. From within the country, the Indonesian economy is becoming increasingly concerned about the situation so much unemployment everywhere. This is one of them caused by many junior high school graduates not continuing into high school, so did not proceed from high school to university, while the stock of their skills are very minimal. While overseas, the challenges are very complex, including the agreement of the AFTA (Asean free Trade Area) and ALFA (Asean Free Labour Area), the consequence is a workforce Indonesia must have good human resources and compete with labor from outside countries in particular ASEAN.

Seeing these conditions, then the education must be able to play an active role to prepare the human resources capable of facing the challenges of life both locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. They do not just enough to master the theories, but also willing and able to apply it in social life and are able to solve various problems encountered in everyday life.

According to the writer's observation, education that is able to overcome the above is most appropriate is education-oriented entrepreneurial spirit, the soul is courageous and able to face the problems of life and living naturally, creative spirit to find solutions and solve the problem, independent spirit and does not depend on others. One of the entrepreneurial spirit that needs to be developed through education in early childhood is a life skills (life skills).

Entrepreneurial-minded education is education that apply the principles and methodology to the formation of life skills (life skills) to students via kurikululm yamg participants developed at the school.

Framework for developing entrepreneurship among educators felt very important, because educators are "Agents Of Change" which is expected to instill traits, the nature and character and spirit of entrepreneurship or the entrepreneurial spirit for the participant students. In addition, the entrepreneurial spirit is also very necessary for an educator, because through this soul, educators will have a more efficient work orientation, creative, innovative, productive and independent.

Regeneration MERCHANDISE

Entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship) can be instilled by parents when their children are still an early age. Entrepreneurship is more directed to mental changes. So, do not be disputed, whether the entrepreneurial skills thanks to the talents or educational outcomes. Mien Uno said that to become entrepreneurs need reliable superior character, which include:

1. The introduction of the self (Self Awareness)
2. Creative
3. Able to think critically
4. Able to solve problems (Problem Solving)
5. Can communicate
6. Able to carry themselves in different environments
7. Appreciate the time (Time Orientation)
8. Empathy
9. Want to share with others
10. Able to cope with stress
11. Able to control emotions
12. Able to make decisions

Character, still according to Mien Uno, will be formed through a long process. In this process, parents need to take the role. Parents need to supervise children with a good example and keep his words with action. In addition, parents participate motivate children, evaluate, and appreciate the achievements of children. Building the entrepreneurial spirit is very important, especially with the increasing number of educated unemployed.

Quoting sociologist, Davit Mc. Celland, a country can be prosperous if it has at least two percent of entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) of the population. Meanwhile, according to data statisk BPS (2007), Indonesia had 400,000 new entrepreneurs or 0.18 percent of the population. Therefore, Indonesia needs to seriously prepare for the birth of the generation of entrepreneurs to achieve rapid economic progress.

For some people, education can be a motivating factor for entrepreneurial success. A person does not need to be predicated of scholars to become entrepreneurs, but with a background of academic education, means it will open many opportunities, because broader wawasanya in looking at business opportunities that exist. Thus, the main problem in building the spirit of entrepreneurship is the lack of awareness of the importance and urgency to be independent and youth entrepreneurship.

Now there are many educated young people from youth organizations are more oriented to the political movers and power, because they tend to prefer instant way to become famous and powerful politicians, but from the economic aspect of them far behind. Thus, the initial stage should be done in empowering the youth is youth build independent lives and instill the spirit of entrepreneurship alive so easy to build self-reliance. In this context, education should not just to print the generation of high-skilled and competent, but must also be able to print entrepreneurial generation.

The icons that schools are just looking for knowledge, then look for a job, should be changed to seek knowledge and apply it in the field. Thus, national education should be able to bring a generation educated to create jobs. Entrepreneurship education is taught from primary school education can change the type of our national bureaucracy that had already become insecure due solely focused to print a new generation that just to fill the offices alone.

With the fact that the more educated unemployment rate jumped from year to year, is now the type of education bureaucracy is not worth educating allowed to continue. Now it's time since elementary school children are taught to recognize various types of entrepreneurship, as an alternative to face the future beyond the ideals of a civil office. Mental gentry as a consequence of bureaucratic self-conscious, which has been the type of education of our nation, must begin to be removed, because the facts show that job vacancies in the office is always limited, by contrast, employment opportunities outside the office is wide open for all generations.

If the national education bureaucracy left inferior type, it is feared will increase the number of educated unemployment from year to year. Still too many college graduates who minded gentry, so it is not willing to pioneer the small and select idle as he paced in and out of the office offers job application letter that accompanied an undergraduate degree. If the younger generation of left-minded gentry, ultimately many of them will just be a coolie in other countries, thus further strengthen the image of Indonesia as a nation of coolies. This can only be stopped by providing entrepreneurial education to children in elementary school.

Piece of stories / examples of entrepreneurship early on that mengkisahkan a successful entrepreneur in the city of Bandung, wrote his name called Asep Asep time sitting still in elementary school, a habit after every school he was always looking for cardboard boxes used and collected, after collected, the boxes was sold to the shanties. The results from the partial sale of cardboard and saved some for pocket money. After a teenager, it collected a lot of money and finally he decided to expand its waste business by opening up their own stalls, which takes waste cardboard and paper from the collectors. Of tenacity and hard work, finally grown Asep started to develop his new business with jaul buy fabric from the remnants of exports from several factories in the city of Bandung and Jakarta. Of waste paper and cloth business was finally Asep reached the peak of his success and became a businessman who is quite famous in the city and even businesses that now he struggled the more advanced and increasingly corpulent type of business.


In terms of behavior karakteritis, entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs) are those who establish, manage, develop, and institutionalize self-owned companies or businesses. Is their usual entrepreneurship to create jobs for others by empowering them. From the above definition, mengadung assumption that everyone is healthy and reasonable minds can learn about entrepreneurship and can become an entrepreneur.

In doing entrepreneurship, according to Mc. Clallend, there are several main characters that must be owned by an entrepreneur, among others:

1. Encouragement achievers

All successful entrepreneurs have a great activity to achieve a feat.

2. Working hard

Most entrepreneurs work drunk in order to achieve the target to be created.

3. Attention to the quality

Entrepreneurial handle and supervise their own business to get on my feet, before he started his new venture.

4. Very responsible

Entrepreneurship is responsible for their business either morally, legally and mentally.

5. Oriented reward

Entrepreneurial want to excel, hard work and responsibility, and they expect the rewards are worth the effort. Remuneration is not only a form of money, but also recognition and respect.

6. Optimistic

Entrepreneurs live by the doctrine that all the time for both business and everything it can.

7. Results-oriented work that well

Often entrepreneurs want to achieve outstanding success and demand all of the prime (first class).

8. Able to organize

Most entrepreneurs are able to combine parts of its business in an effort to achieve maximum results for their business, they are generally recognized as a successful commander.

9. Oriented on the money

Money being pursued by entrepreneurs is not merely to satisfy personal needs and business development, but also seen as a measure of work performance and success.

There are 10 key characteristics of the majority of successful entrepreneurs succeed in business, namely:

1. Think success

To get the desired success, you need to dream big, every success begins with big dreams. You need to have big dreams for yourself, you want to be rich, famous or wealthy. However, the dream is not enough. You should actively visualize success in your mind so you can feel. How does it feel double your income? And how will life change?

2. Having a passion in what you do

You start a business to change some or all of your life. To make changes, you need to develop or open a personal desire to make changes. The success will come if you love what you do.

3. Focus on your strengths

You will not be everything to everyone, we have advantages and disadvantages. To be effective, you must recognize the strengths and concentrate on it, you'll be successful if you are able to combine efforts with the area you know well.

4. Abstinence fails to consider the possibility

As an entrepreneur, you must fully believe in the goals for what you do. Think about what you do will make a positive contribution to your own environment? You must have strong beliefs on the ideas and abilities of yourself. You have to be sure, behind the shadow of a doubt, you have the ability to recognize and deal with it, the more you develop the confidence to achieve the target, the sooner you mendapatka your beliefs.

5. Plan well

You have a vision and are confident to achieve your vision. So to achieve it, you must have a concrete goal as a springboard for your vision. Do not do something to fantasize. You must plan your actions in order to contribute to achieve the vision. Your ability to set goals and make a plan is a necessary skill for success.

6. Toil

Every successful entrepreneur must work hard, there is no successful people just sit on my hands, like Brain Tracy says, "You work for eight hours a day to survive, after eight hours a day is for success," and a successful businessman bekerta more than sixty hours a week at the beginning of their business. Hard work will be easy if you have a vision, clear goals, and desires in something that you do.

7. Continuously expanding the network

In business, your company's value that you run from the management team, board of directors, and strategic partners. Businesses always need assistance, especially small businesses, it is very important to form alliances with people who can help you and you can help to succeed in business. You must have good networking skills and always keen to see the opportunities offered.

8. Willingness to learn

To successfully run a business, you have much to learn, willing to ask, curious, interested and open up new knowledge. Willingness to learn to be important along with the rapid development of technology and business.

9. Has the toughness and confidence

No one said the road to success is easy. In addition to the intensity and hard work, sometimes you fail. Some successful entrepreneurs suffered kemuduran and defeats, even bankruptcy. But they soon got up to make the calculations. Remember, if you have ketanguhan, nothing can stop you.

10. Personal Discipline

Thomas Huxley said, "Do what you must do, whether you like it or not." Self-discipline is the key to success, a strong will to push yourself to break through the price of success, doing what is not liked by other people, a long journey, fight and be a winner.


Entrepreneurial spirit of a person is not heredity alone, but can be studied scientifically and grown for anyone. What is important and the main thing is the spirit to keep trying and learning from experience, "it usually fails, try to continue it's incredible", maybe that's the picture that should be developed by humans, especially in Indonesia, so that still exist in the battle of the business transparent and open.


Character, Grace. 1997. "Myths and Theories in Entrepreneurship Development" (Paper in Entrepreneurship Workshop PT). New York: DP3M Higher Education.

RI Department of Manpower. 1999. Work and Employment Situation in Indonesia (A review conducted in 1998). Jakarta

Presidential Instruction No.4. 1995. About the National Movement Promoting Entrepreneurship. Jakarta

Martaja. 2009. Entrepreneurial Early regeneration. http / / www2.ilmci.com /. Access January 2010

Gymnastiar, Abdullah. Secrets of Being Successful Entrepreneurs. Access in January 2010.

written by: Sukristin, SE, MM (STKIP Melawi)

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