Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011


This study aims to try to raise the role of scholastic education in early childhood education, as well as obstacles encountered in the context of providing guidance and socialization of early childhood education in the community. And specifically the study aims to (1) Discussing issues regarding children is still a lack of early childhood education who obtain services, especially in formal education (TK / RA) so that the role of education outside school (PLS) is indispensable. Also reveal the purpose of writing papers, (2) Describe the theories that are relevant to the topic discussed in this paper a definition and history of PLS, the principle of lifelong education which is one of the principle of PLS, the notion of early childhood, understanding child growth and development, growth and development children, and developmental aspects of children's intelligence or potential, (3) explores the discussion concerning the importance of early childhood, learning to suit the ability of children is through play, and the role of PLS ​​in early childhood contained in the community.

Keywords: Non-formal Education, Early Childhood Education

Importance of early childhood education has become an international concern. In a meeting of the World Education Forum 2000 in Dakar, Senegal, has produced six educational action as a framework agreement for all (The Dakar Frame Work for Action Education for All) that one egg stated: "expand and improve the overall care and early childhood education (early childhood), especially for children who are particularly vulnerable and disadvantaged.
The notion that education can only begin after the primary school age is the age of seven years, it was not true. Even education that began at the age of kindergarten (4-6 years) was actually already too late. According to the results of research in neurology such as those conducted by Dr. Benjamin S. Bloom, an education expert from the University of Chicago, United States, suggests that the cell growth of brain tissue in children aged 0-4 years to reach 50% (Cropley, 94). That is when at the age of the child's brain is not getting the maximum stimulation of the brain then the child will not develop optimally.
Results of research at Baylor College of Medicine states that the environment provides a very large role in shaping attitudes, personality, and the child's optimal development capabilities. Children who do not get a good environment to stimulate brain growth, such as rarely touched, rarely played, is rarely invited to communicate, then it will be smaller brain development 20-30% of normal size age (Ministry of Education, 2003:1).
Overall up to the age of eight years, 80% capacity of the human intellect has been formed, meaning the capacity of the intelligence of children only increased 30% after four years of age until they reach the age of eight. Furthermore, the child's intelligence capacity will reach 100% after about 18 years (Abdiilhak, 2002). Therefore childhood from age 0-8 years is called the golden (Golden Age), which only occurs one time in the development of human life so it is important to stimulate brain growth of children through child health care, provision of adequate nutrition, and education services .
According to research based on developmental psychology and neurology of brain growth, early childhood includes children aged 0-8 years. In this case, early childhood education is the concept of early treatment of children who are in preschool or school age are in the early grades of elementary school (grades 1, 2 and 3) (Supriadi, Mind).
But in this case the discussion on early childhood from the age restricted 0-6 years as embodied in the Act of National Education System of 2003 article 1 paragraph 14 and Article 28 paragraph 1 that early childhood education, held prior to basic education.
Early childhood education services in Indonesia still has a very alarming. Based on the results of the 2000 population census, of the entire population of Indonesia, amounting to 203.09 million, 26.09 million of whom are young children (0-6 years). Of these those aged 0-3 years and there are 13.5 million children aged 4-6 years there were 12.6 million.
Of the 13.5 million children aged 0-3 years, which has received preschool education services through BKB and the like just about 2.5 million (18.74%). Meanwhile, from 12.6 million children aged 4-6 years, who already obtain educational services there are only 4.6 million (36.54%). It should be noted that the kindergarten and RA Raudhatul only serve about 2 (two) million from 12.6 million children aged 4-6 years there.
Noting the fact that it can be said that early childhood education services in line to get formal education was minimal so that still there are so many children of early preschool age today who has not been touched by early education, where the life of this nation's future course in the hands them later. Therefore the role of education outside school (PLS) in addressing these issues are very important and urgent.

STUDY theoretical
1. Out of School Education In Optimizing Growth
National Education Act of 2003 Article 28 states that early childhood education can be organized through formal education (kindergarten, Raudatul RA, or other equivalent form), non-formal education channels (Play Group, TPA, or other forms its equivalent), and / or pathways in the form of informal education or family education organized by environmental education.
In connection with the fact previously mentioned, the children who are touched, held early education through formal education is very limited in number. With regard to the above it is reasonable when the role of the Education Out of School - which includes non-formal education and informal - in providing early education services to children who do not receive education in formal education is very important and urgent.
Before discussing the role of scholastic education in early childhood education, it is necessary to discuss the theories that are relevant to the theme.
2. Education Out of School
2.1. Understanding Special Education School
National education, as one system of supra-national development system, has three subsystems of education - as listed in the National Education Act of 2003 - namely formal education, non-formal education and informal education. Formal education is also called non-formal education and informal education while covered in a special education school.
According to the understanding of the National Education Act of 2003 article 1, paragraph 12 "non-formal education is the path of education outside the formal education that can be implemented in a structured and tiered" while verse 13 states "Informal education is the path of family education and the environment".
As is known with that education outside the school includes a non-formal education and informal education so that it can be explained that outside of school education is education which was held outside the education track that can be implemented in a structured and hierarchical in both families, neighborhoods and communities.
Coombs (Trisnamansyah, 2003: 19) defines non-formal education (formal education or special education schools) as any organized educational activity outside the established school system either done separately or as part of a larger activity, done deliberately to serve certain learners to achieve learning goals.
2.2 History of Education Out of School
As noted Sudjana (2001: 63) out of school education has been present in the world is as old as the human presence that interact with the environment on earth where the situation arises in the life education and community groups. Educational activities in groups and communities have been carried out by mankind long before school was born in people's lives.
At the beginning of its presence, outside of school education is affected by informal education, ie activities that mainly take place in families where there is interaction in which the transmission of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and habits. Basically, the activity becomes the root for the growth of educating deeds known today.
In subsequent developments, the groups consisting of families to adopt the pattern of transmission into the lives of a group such as farming skills. Membelajarkan learning activities are undertaken to preserve and pass down from generation to generation cultures that fall into the category of traditional education which later becomes the root growth outside of school education.
Since the beginning of its presence in this world, outside of school education has been rooted in the traditions and customs embraced by the community that encourages residents to learn, try, and cooperate on the basis of cultural values ​​and morals held by the community. It is usually found in the proverbial and advise the parents that essentially encourages a person to engage in learning, trying, and working in the community.
The presence of religion in public life over again underlies the development of education outside the school. Learning to read the scriptures, the rules of religion, prayer is the procedure for teaching and learning activities that underlie educational situations outside of school. Religion provides the motivation to get people to learn it is the duty of every religion and learning activities carried on in his life and the environment.
2.3. Principle Education Throughout Life
Outside of school education based on four principles namely the principle of necessity, the principle of lifelong education, the principle of relevance to community development, and the principle of insight into the future. In this case more attention devoted to the principle of lifelong education that is relevant to the topic being discussed.
R.H. Dave (in Hawes, HWR in Trisnamansyah, 2003: 7) argued twenty characteristics of lifelong education, but here only discuss the characteristics that match the topics of writing:
a. Lifelong education is not just limited to adult education but includes as well as bringing together all levels of education - preschool, elementary, junior and so on. This is an overall view of education.
Based on the characteristics of preschool education has been recognized as part of lifelong education. The same is also expressed by Worth, W.H. (Cropley, AJ, 43) who argued that education should not be refused to children under six years old and encourage children's early education which he called "Early Ed". He put forward three main objectives "Early Ed", which includes stimulation equipment, help the understanding of identity, and creating the proper socialization experiences. Worth recommendation is the most important aspect of early childhood education as the first phase of the system of lifelong education. He suggested that the goal should include the development of skills to utilize information and symbols, increasing appreciation of the various modes of self-expression, nurturing the desire and ability to think, every child instill confidence about his ability to learn, help the feeling of self-esteem, and ultimately, improve the ability to live with others. Worth seeing early childhood education involves a complex variable in the field of cognitive, motivational and socio affektif which if developed correctly will be the basis for self-fulfillment in life. Thus, Worth recognizes the importance of education children preschool education as one phase of life.
b. The house holds the first role, a sharp and important in initiating the process of lifelong learning that continues throughout the lives of individuals through the process of family learning.
Children in the family first got together with the known learning experience that the family is a place to learn outside of school. In the life of this family interactions, in which the transmission of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and habits. Basically, the activity becomes the root for the growth of the act known educate today (Sudjana, 2001:63).
3. Early Childhood Education
3.1. Understanding Early Childhood Education
Understanding early childhood education as embodied in the National Education Act of 2003 article 1 paragraph 14 states that:
Early childhood education is a development effort aimed at children from birth to age six years through provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of physical and spiritual readiness in order to have a child entering further education.
Another limitation of the early age in children based on developmental psychology that is between the ages of 0-8 years.
Besides the term early childhood education, there is also the terminology of early childhood development is the efforts made by the public and or government to help young children develop their potential in a holistic manner in both aspects of education, nutrition and health (ECE Directorate, 2002:3).
3.2. Understanding Growth and Development of Children
The word growth is often associated with the development so that no term growth and development. There are opinions that say that growth is part of the development. But the actual growth and development are two different things.
Growth is change the size and shape of the body or limb, for example, gained weight, increased height, increased the circle of the head, increased arm circumference, grow milk teeth, and changes in the body that other so-called physical growth.
Growth can be easily observed through the weighing or measuring height. Child growth monitoring is done continuously and regularly.
The development is the mental change that took place gradually and in a certain time, from the simple ability to be a more difficult skills, such as intelligence, attitude, behavior, and so on. This mental process of change as well through the first stages of maturation. When the moment has not arrived then the child's maturity should not be forced to rise to the next stage such as the ability to sit or stand.
Growth and development of each child is different, there is rapid and there is a slow, depending on the talent factor (genetic), environmental (nutrition and health care the way), and convergence (the combination of talent and the environment). Therefore the treatment of the child can not be generalized, preferably taking into account the level of growth and development of children (Diktentis Diklusepa, 2003:8).
3.3. Growth
Developmental psychology is a theory which studies human development from birth to adulthood or old. Developmental psychology is also a systematic change in a person starting from conception (egg cell with sperm meeting) until death. While the psychology of child development (Early Childhood Development) only study human development from birth until the age of eight years (Diktentis Diklusepa, 2003: 9).
According to various studies in neurology proven that 50% of the capacity of the intelligence of children formed on the first four years since his birth. By the time the child reaches the age of eight years of the child's brain development has reached 80% until the age of 18 to 100%. Ages 0-8 years is a golden period for 80% of child development brain development is at that age range.
By the time the child was born he was god given with a complete brain structure, but only reached maturity at once outside the womb. Newborn baby has 100 billion neurons and trillions of connections between neurons. Through natural competition finally the connections that do not or rarely used will atrophy.
Strengthening the connection occurs when neurons get information that could produce a burst of power-pop. The burst of stimulating increased production of myelin produced by glial adhesive substance. Increasing number of substances produced myelin, the more dendrites that grow, so will the more Synapse, which means more neurons are fused to form units. The quality of the brain's ability to absorb and process information depending on the number of neurons that make up the units.
The human brain is a hologram that can be recorded, to absorb, store, reproduce and reconstruct the information. The ability of the brain that are affected by neuronal activity is not spontaneous, but is influenced by the quality and frequency of stimulation received by the senses. Stimulation in the first years of a child's life greatly affect the physical structure of the child's brain, and it is difficult to repair in times of later life. The implication is that children who do not get such psychosocial stimulation rarely touched or rarely played will experience a variety of behavioral aberrations. Such deviations in the form of loss of self-image resulting in low self-esteem, very timid, and not independent, or otherwise become children who do not have a sense of shame and too aggressive.
Psychosocial stimulation to stimulate the growth of children will not give meaning to children's future if the degree of health and nutrition are not profitable. Child's brain growth is determined by how the care and feeding as well as the stimulation of children at an early age is often referred to this critical period. Nutritional imbalance and malnutrition and low health status of children will inhibit the growth of the brain, and in turn will reduce the ability of the brain in the notes, absorb, reproduce and reconstruct the information. In addition, the low level of health and nutrition will hamper the child's physical growth and motor that also took place very rapidly in the first years of life of children. Disorders that occur in physical growth and motor skills of children, difficult to repair in the next period, it can even lead to permanent disability (DG Diklusepa, Ministry of Education: 2002).
Above concept requires the integration of aspects psiko-sosial/pendidikan, nutrition and health in the process of development of the child or in other words, children get basic services in a holistic manner.
In child development, at certain moments can occur stagnation developmental tasks (discontinuity), for example because of illness, but after this period there passed the task of development that could be pursued, and some are not pursued at all.
3.4. Aspects Developments
Broadly speaking, the aspects of child development can be grouped into two namely:
a. The formation behaviors include aspects: moral, faith, and piety (intellingence spiritual), social and emotional (interpersonal and intra-personal intellingence intellingence).
b. The development of basic skills include aspects: the development of language (linguistic intellingence), the power of thought (Logico-mathematical intellingence), skills and arts (visual-spatial intellingence, intellingence naturalist, and musical / rythmic intellingence), as well as physical health (bodily / kinesthetic intellingence) (DG Diktentis Diklusepa, 2003:11).
3.5. Children's intelligence or potential
Further present a new theory of Multiple Intelligence which states that every child has some potential intelligence. Early childhood education activities shall observe the 9 kinds of intelligence or potential in the child when the child is learning about their world. Each intelligence can be stimulated in different ways (Directorate of ECE, 2002; Diktentis, 2003). The nine intelligences are:
a. Verbal intelligence (linguistic intelligence) is the ability to effectively manipulate language to express yourself rhetorical or poetic. Language is also used as a means to remember information. This ability can be stimulated through listening, speaking, reading, writing, discussion, and storytelling.
b. Logical-mathematical intelligence (Logico-mathematical intelligence) is the ability to detect patterns, reasoned deduction, and logical thinking. This intelligence is generally associated with scientific and mathematical thinking. This ability can be stimulated through activity count, distinguish shapes, analyze data, and playing with objects.
c. Visual-spatial intelligence (visual-spatial intelligence) is the ability to resolve the problem by manipulating and creating through mental imagery. This ability can be stimulated through play of colorful paper, blocks, geometric forms, puzzles, draw, paint, and imagination.
d. Musical intelligence (musical / rhytmic intelligence) is the ability to recognize and compose umtuk rhythm, time signatures, and rhythm of music. This ability can be stimulated through rhythm, tone, time signatures various sounds, and clapping.
e. Kinesthetic intelligence (bodily / kinesthetic intelligence) is the ability to use one of the mental ability to coordinate body movements. This ability can be stimulated through body movement, dance, and sports.
f. Intelligence loves the beauty of nature (naturalist intelligence) is the ability to capture the information through the beauty of nature. This ability can be stimulated through the observation of the environment, farming, animal care, including observing natural phenomena such as rain, wind, flood, rainbow, night and day, hot-cold, moon-stars, and sun.
g. Befriended intelligence (interpersonal intelligence) is the ability to conduct human relationships (making friends) that can be stimulated by playing with friends, work, role playing, problem solving, and resolve conflicts.
h. Intelligence to know oneself (intrapersonal intelligence) is the ability to understand oneself that can be stimulated through the development of self concept, self-esteem, self-knowledge, confidence, including self-control, and discipline.
i. Spiritual intelligence (spiritual intelligence) is the ability to know and love God's creation. This ability can be stimulated through the cultivation of moral values ​​and religion.

It is a fact that all this attention to early childhood education is still very low when compared with other countries, especially developed countries. And learn from the experience of developed countries, the concept of human resource development (HRD) actually started since early childhood. Early childhood development that includes aspects of nutrition, health, and education carried out intensively and intact since the child was born.
In Singapore and Korea for example, almost all early childhood early childhood have been underserved. In Malaysia, early childhood services covering 70% of children. Even in Singapore the problem completing two languages, namely Chinese and English, have been resolved at the kindergarten level. This is evident by the third ranked country in terms of human resource quality is much better than our country is ranked 110 (Singapore, South Korea and Malaysia respectively ranked at 25, 27 and 59).
1. The importance of early childhood
Various studies suggest that early childhood is a golden period for development of the child's development of intelligence which 50% occurred at age 0-4 years, 30% next year until the age of eight. This golden period at the same time is a critical period for children where development gained in this period is very influential on subsequent developments in the period up to adulthood. This period comes only once and can not be postponed presence, so that when missed chances means finished. It seems that this is still a lot of wasted by most people. Consequently, the impact on the readiness of children entering school level.
At this critical period of children require different intake mainly covering aspects of nutrition, health, and education are the main pillars of early childhood development, considering these three aspects are very large influence on the quality of children in the future.
Public awareness of the importance of nutrition and health for children is higher than the awareness of the importance of education. And handling the problem of nutrition and health are not enough, but must also be equipped with the handling of education as a unified whole and integrated. For example, malnutrition prevention programs and basic health care is very necessary for survival, but at what is the meaning of survival when basic intellectual skills and low psychosocial, of the future will only be a burden others not?
Therefore it was time to incorporate aspects of education in early childhood programs so that all three into one unified whole intervention, although not yet able to reach all children. For example, the program's success in service improvement posyandu nutrition and basic health care, will more fully when added to the stimulation of education services for the toddler. As for a more intensive package, nutrition and health care programs can be integrated with the program Play Group, TPA, or TK / RA. It is expected all activities that involve young children need to touch all three aspects.
2. Learning Through Play
Early age children can be given subject matter, taught reading, writing, and arithmetic. In fact not only that, they could be taught about the history, geography, and others. Jerome Bruner states, any material can be taught to every age group in a manner appropriate to its development (Supriadi, 2002: 40). The key is in the game or play. Game or play is the key word in early childhood education. He as well as the substance of media education itself. Child's world is a world of play, and learn to be done with or while playing that involves all the senses of children.
Bruner and Donalson of his study found that the most important lesson in life from childhood the earliest, and learning is largely derived from the play. Unfortunately, according to Samples play as the idea that learning was associated with less appreciated in different cultural environments (Supriadi, 2002: 40).
Playing for children is a serious but fun activities. According to Conny R. Semiawan (Jalal, 2002: 16) play is an activity chosen by children for fun, not for reward or praise. Through play, all aspects of child development can be improved. With the children can play freely express and explore to strengthen the things that are already known and find new things. Through play, children can also develop all the potential optimally, both physically and mentally potential intellectually and spiritually. Therefore, playground for young children is a bridge for the development of all aspects.
Criticism directed toward a number of kindergartens is not because they teach math, reading, and writing it the wrong way as if to make kindergarten as a miniature SD. Whereas early childhood was something else with the psychological and pedagogical foundation is different. Quantum Learning from De Porter & Hernacki and learning revolution brought by Dryden & Vos (Supriadi, 2002: 41) put the emphasis on "pendinian" learning in children by choosing an appropriate way, not pengakademikan learn at an early age - two things a very big difference.
Learning in early childhood can be implemented using several methods (ECE Directorate, 2001; MOEC, 1998), among which:
a. Tell
Storytelling is told or read stories that contain the values ​​of education. Through the story of a child's imagination can be improved. Storytelling can be accompanied by drawings or in other forms such as puppet shows. The story should be given in an interesting and open up opportunities for children to ask questions and provide feedback after the completion of the story. The story would be more beneficial if implemented in accordance with their interests, abilities and needs of children.
b. Sing
Singing is an activity in singing the messages that contain elements of education. With the singing children can carry over to emotional situations such as sadness and joy. Singing can also foster a sense of aesthetics.
c. Trip
Excursion is a visit directly to the objects that correspond to the material activities that are being discussed within the child's life. These activities are conducted outdoors, especially to see, hear, feel, experience first-hand a variety of circumstances or events in their environment. This can be achieved among others through the excursion to the market, rice fields, beaches, gardens, and others.
d. Playing the role
Role playing game is made to portray the characters, objects, and the particular roles around the child. Playing the role of an activity mimicked acts of others around him. By playing roles, habits and preferences of children to imitate will be channeled and can develop the imagination (imagination) and the appreciation of the material activities that are carried out.
e. Demonstration / Demonstration
Demonstration / demonstration is an activity in which educators / tutors give an example first, and then imitated the children. Demonstration / demonstration is suitable for practicing the skills and methods that require the correct example.
f. Giving Task
Giving the task is a method that provides opportunities for children to carry out duties under the direct guidance that has been prepared so that children can experience a real and thoroughly implement the tasks. Tasks can be given in groups or individually.
g. Exercise
Exercise is an activity to train children to master the psychomotor skills that demands especially coordination between the muscles of the eyes and brain. Exercise given in accordance with the steps in sequence.
3. Role of Education Out of School
Based on the 2000 population census data shows that of the total 26.09 million children aged 0-6 years, most (approximately 17, 99 million children or 68.9%) have not served in preschool education. Kindergarten and Raudhatul RA only serve about 2 (two) million from 12.6 million children aged 4-6 years there.
With regard to the above it is reasonable when the role of the Education Out of School - which includes non-formal education and informal - in providing early education services to children who do not receive education in formal education is very important and urgent.
Early Childhood Education (early childhood) held outside of school education in the form of play groups, park child care and early childhood education units are similar.
Playgroups are one form of early childhood services for children ages three - six years, which serves to lay the foundations to the development of attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary for young children in adjusting to their environment and for growth and further development, so it is ready to enter elementary education.
TPA is a vehicle for fostering education and welfare of children who serve as surrogate families for a period of time for parents unable or do not have enough time in menagsuh child because of work or other reasons.
Early childhood is a similar unit forms of other early childhood services that are not organized in the form of garden or nursery play group. The unit can form a kind of early childhood: early childhood in the family and various other educational services, both specific and general organized for early childhood.
ECE Integrated IHC or Pospadu is the development of similar units of ECE, which is an effort for early childhood education is implemented by integrating education with posyandu program, so that children acquire basic services in a holistic / comprehensive services that include nutrition, health, and education.
3.1. Role and Empowerment
The fact that many early childhood education service that has not received can not be denied, especially for lower-class society which is most of the population residing in rural Indonesia. This was caused partly public awareness of the importance of education for early childhood is still very low.
Public awareness of the importance of nutrition and health to improve the quality of children, it seems far better than the awareness of the importance of education. State Minister of Women Empowerment results in 2001 in Jakarta and surrounding areas as reported by Kita and Fruit Heart Foundation (Jalal, 2002: 13) mentions that in general people do not need to look at education given to young children. It is quite reasonable considering that people's understanding of the importance of early childhood is still very low and generally they are of the view that education is identical with the school, so for early childhood education is deemed not necessary.
Furthermore Hadith (2002: 25) suggests there are several factors that made the cause of the low public awareness in the field of early childhood education, such as ignorance, poverty, less educated, the idea of ​​parents about child development are still very traditional, less willing to change, is still very concrete in their thinking, motivation is low because that is still very basic needs (for survival), and is still heavily influenced by local culture is narrow.
The low participation rate of children following the preschool education can also be influenced by a few other things such as: (1) is still limited and unequal institutions that exist in early childhood services, especially in rural communities. For example the growth of TK, KB / RA, and TPA is more rapid in urban than in rural areas, (2) Low government support in the organization of early childhood education. The evidence suggests (Rosadi, 2002) of 41 317 pieces kindergarten throughout Indonesia, 41,092 units (99.46%) was established by private parties while the government has only set up 225 pieces (0.54%). The number of kindergarten is not balanced by the number of children who should have followed the early education.
Indeed the success of early childhood is the responsibility of government and society, especially family, which is a major responsibility in the optimization of the development of the child. The role of government is to facilitate communities to enable them to optimize the development of the child.
Government efforts to facilitate community, among others, through standardized curriculum to help the community control of education in order not to harm the students or the community, professional and academic capacity building for staff, improved functioning of the family as the basis for children's education, learning and management development which includes the development of learning methodologies , development of facilities and learning materials including reading children, game development and games as well as the development of evaluation tools development of the child.
In order to give special attention to early childhood that are not served at a formal institution (TK / RA) will be established within the Ministry of Education ECE Directorate. The presence of the directorate is mainly to provide services, guidance and technical assistance educative or appropriate for all early childhood services (outside of TK and RA) that exist in society.
Community itself also needs to increase active participation in the implementation, development, and institutionalization of child development. For that the government needs to empower the participation of society as an effort to foster and develop community capacity, by developing the potential of all communities possess their own capabilities in determining the choices and decisions. In these circumstances, the synergy between government and society is needed. It should also be remembered that most early childhood programs are still running on their own, there is no synergy between the programs that exist in society.
Synergy of various elements with an interest in coaching the child is the key to the success of coaching children. The government should expand the partnership network. Network partnership is the key to efficiency and effectiveness of education programs, during which these overlapping programs include built it, was a mistake as a result of the passage is not a partnership network including coordination as one of its components. Besides the existence of an extensive network of partnerships at all levels of public institutions, ranging from central to grass-root, is the answer to the sustainability of a program in the community.
Program that has a partnership network has characteristics such as the high commitment of all the elements involved and the high sense of community ownership of an existing program. Both of these traits is an important component to ensure the sustainability of a program which in turn leads to the institutionalization of programs in the community. Expansion of network partnerships to be effective should be directed at creating a situation conducive to cultivate commitment and ownership by all elements of society against a program.
3.2. Role of the Family and the Environment
For early childhood, parents are the most important teacher and the household is the primary learning environment. It must be remembered that the function of early childhood is not just to provide a range of knowledge to children but is no less important is to invite children to think, explore, socialize, expression, imagination about the various things that can stimulate the growth of new synapses and strengthening existing as well as balance the functioning of both hemispheres brain (Jalal, 2002: 15). Therefore, a good environment for early childhood is an environment that supports the child do the activity. During this time it was thought that a good environment is a white-walled room, clean, and quiet. A mistaken assumption that because the room without such stimulation, which inhibits the development of children.
It is true that innate factors also affect a person's intellect but also the environmental impact is no less important factor. If a congenital factor is exemplified as the basis for the environmental factor is the development. Without enriched by the environment, capital requirement will not develop even be shrinking.
If the parents for one reason or another did not perform its function as an educator, this function can be transferred (in part) to the caregiver, educational institutions / child care, the environment or anyone who is able to act as a substitute. The role of this replacement can be done either within the family (caretakers) or outside the family (family planning, early childhood Landfill & similar institutions).
Creating an environment conducive to the development of children is very important. Setting an environment that makes children can move freely and safely to explore the excellent conditions for child development, children can increase the power of imagination and creativity as well as obtaining new experiences.
Early Childhood Education (early childhood) is very important and fundamental because it is upstream in the development of human resources. Period of gold (Golden Period) in the development of the child occurs only once in human life which begins from birth to age eight years. Research in the field of neurology intelligence reveals that the development of the child 50% occurred in the first four years and then reached 80% until the age of eight years and finally 100% at age 18.
Children who are at an early age range who obtain education intake is still very minimal. Children aged 0-6 years will amount to 26.09 million in early childhood but who served in the formal education (TK / RA) had approximately two million children out of school so that education's role in helping to resolve the issue is very important and urgent.
Lack of early childhood education who get the service due to several factors, including: (1) lack of public awareness of the importance of education in early childhood, (2) is still limited and unequal institutions that exist in early childhood services, especially in rural communities. For example the growth of TK, KB / RA, and TPA is more rapid in urban than in rural areas, (3) lack of government support in the organization of early childhood education. There are 41,317 pieces kindergartens throughout Indonesia, only 225 pieces (0.54%) kindergarten set up by the government, the rest was built by the private sector.


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Writer: Rusdiana (Functional at BPPNFI regional V Makassar

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