Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011


An interesting scene at the beginning of each school year, seen a lot of mothers or parents who come to early childhood institutions (kindergarten, preschool, Raudatul Atfal) with his son, they take well to wait until her son came home.
Most of the introduction, while waiting for his son home, they just chatted with a colleague (fellow watchman) on berbaai things that are sometimes less useful for them (just gosif). Approximately two hours, is quite long, and when used for things that are useful, and has a very good economic value. For the gatekeepers students who want to stay together or maintain relationships keakrabatan, in addition to utilizing their leisure time activity that is necessary to contain the value of benefits. One that can be done is for their learning program, which aims to broaden the horizon of science and technology.

Learning Programs
1.Materi learning
To give students a lesson watchman is required study of what is appropriate learning materials to suit their needs. Such as healthy living, guiding children, knowledge and processing of nutritious foods, family planning, the practical skills of homemaking and other productive economic skills.
2.Program Organizers
Organizers are practitioners and institutions / organizations with an interest towards the empowerment of the community or non-formal education
3.Learning Participants
Participants were penungggu learning students, they are the parents of early childhood learners.
4.Learning time
Learning time that is at waiting children (approximately two hours), which is the agreement between the organizers, the early childhood institutions and the gatekeepers protégé. Can take place every day, 2 or 3 a week, depending on the agreement.
5.Learning Place
Learning takes place around early childhood institutions, can occupy a space that is in early childhood institutions or choose a place that is in neighboring early childhood institutions
6.Learning Partnership
To realize the learning program required cooperation / partnership with various agencies / intansi related to both government and private sector and individuals, such as the National Family Planning Board, Department of Industry, PKK, Health Department / Community Health Center, the institute courses / skills, nutritional cadres, and individuals who have expertise / special skills other.
Collaboration or partnership that exists, embodied in a variety of duties and responsibilities as follows
a.early childhood institutions, to prepare a place / space around the institution that can accommodate the watchman students as a place of learning
b.organizer, compiled themes / appropriate learning materials for students gatekeepers. Also facilitate the implementation of learning, by contacting resource persons from institutions / agencies and competent individuals who deliver learning materials that have been established.
c.institutes / agencies and individuals related to his willingness to deliver instructional material requested as required participants.
7.learning costs
To obtain the operational costs of learning programs, taken the following ways
a.Pihak early childhood institutions through contributions / tuition payments are withdrawn from the protégé. Payment of fees includes the cost of learning for students gatekeepers.
b.organizers who set up the program, through perakarsa and fundraising carried out.
Funding is needed, to finance the equipment / materials and resource persons.

The idea of ​​this learning needs to be studied and tested in a limited scope, which allows these ideas can be held and further disseminated. Learning is believed to be able to expand services in non-formal education programs in the community, within the framework of the nation.

By : M. Latif Ali Amri
PLS faculty, Makassar State University

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